Adelaide Neilson; A Souvenir

Laura C. Holloway / 1885

Funk & Wagnalls / LC# N4-L278

This is one of the "Scholar Select" books in public domain, reprinted by the University of California because it is of great
cultural value. I am forever grateful that so many of the universities have taken to doing this. Often they may hold one of the few
remaining copies of a valuable book and those few are deteriorating quickly.

This slim book is the only biography of a once-internationally famous dramatic actress who died much too soon at thirty-two.
My curiosity had been aroused because I'd read many other biographies of actors who had performed with her and they all admired
her greatly and lamented her early (and somewhat mysterious) passing in Paris.
Her historian's tales of trying to research Adelaide's life and early career only add to the mystery.

( 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 " / 58 pages )

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