An Angel With Muddy Feet

Maggy Conn ("Bobby Adams")
- to Shirley Smith / 1993

Quadran Publishing, Inc / B000AMHTKC

Vaudeville star "Bobby Adams" (Lela Margaret Adams) had an exciting life as a young woman. Born with psychic abilities that often
kept her safe in the deadly, gangster-controlled world of 1920s performing venues, she would try to warn other young girls backstage
from getting involved with the danger. She'd say that's how she stayed alive when friends were found dead in alleys.

As "Personality Plus, Miss Bobbie Adams" she would have a successful career singing on the Orpheum and Keith Albee circuits, sharing bills
with the Marx Brothers and Harry Houdini. A first, brief marriage didn't conflict with her career, but a second marriage to DuPont executive
Sid Conn involved adopting a daughter and making an ultimate choice. "Bobby Adams" finally became "Bobby Conn," an upper-middle class wife
and mother who still kept enough of the down-to-earth vaudeville mannerisms to make less her than welcome at PTA meetings.

After a second divorce "Maggy Conn" began a whole new life, becoming involved with city politics first in Pacifica, Ca, then going on to fame as the
"Pistol Packing Mayor of Herrick, Illinois," interviewed by Charles Kuralt and headlined in stories around the world for cleaning up her old hometown.

The final third of the book deals with the co-author, Shirley Smith, and her meeting with "Bobby/Maggy" in Herrick. Quickly becoming friends,
the relationship eventually develops into a teacher/acolyte one, where the shy Shirley becomes fascinated by Maggy's spiritual insights and
psychic abilities. If you are a non-believer, I'd advise you skip the last 80 or so pages -- dealing with Ouiji boards, etc. -- altogether,
even though much of it has information that ties up ends of the story. I personally enjoyed most of it, only skimming the overly-extended
metaphysical passages that were too much like every other lecture you've ever heard on Everlasting Love and True Faith.

dimensions: 9 x 5.9 x 0.9 in / 1 lb. / 180 pages

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