The Days We Danced
The Story Of My Theatrical Family

Doris Eaton Travis / 2003

University of Oklahoma Press / ISBN 0806199504

There are some books that leave you with a heavy heart when it comes
to a life in show business, and I feel the need to warn you that this is one
of them. Although the author herself emerges --- not as a star, but as a
successful businesswoman with a good life and a happy marriage --
living well into old age, her siblings have tragic ends. Be prepared.

But there is valuable background information here by someone who
knew Oscar Levant at nineteen, the Warner brothers, George Gershwin,
the list goes on and on. The performers of that day worked and lived
together truly as an extended family, and the author's mother could cook!

One other invaluable reason for reading the book is her explanation of how
the early Arthur Murray Dance Studio programs began so well and then
became sleazy money-making scam agencies. She was one of the first
franchise owners, proud of her studios and instructors, then bewildered
by the policy shifts that left the business up for national disclosure and shame.

dimensions: 8 x 1 x 9.8 in / 1.8 lb / volume: 264 pages

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