Diary of Lillie Langtry

Donna Lee Harper / 2010

Amazon Digital Services, Inc. / B004EEONWY

Born on the English Channel Island of Jersery, as a young woman in London society proclaimed her
"the most beautiful woman in the world." Photographers wanted her picture for advertising cosmetics
and famous artists begged her time for a portrait sitting. Even Edward Albert, prince of Wales and
future king of England, wanted her "time". She, however, wanted fame on her own terms.

Not born with a natural gift for acting, she soon became an adept student, then a curiosity, finally a triumph.
Forming her own company and proving herself a good business woman the same way she'd conquered the stage,
by starting in at the bottom and working hard (and not being sfraid to ask for advice from wealthy friends)
she was able to tour both England and the United States for over thirty years, eventually retiring to Monaco.

During her travels Lillie Langtry came into contact with numerous men and women who are now legends
(Oscar Wilde, Sarah Berhardt, Calamity Jane, George Bernard Shaw, P.T. Barnum, U.S. Grant, Mark Twain).
It is unclear how much of the book is taken from Langtry's own diaries, letters, etc. (if any) but author
Donna Lee Harper has done a fascinating job of reconstructing the "Jersy Lily" and her travels through time.

volume: 189 pages

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