Folk Dances For All

Michael Herman / 1947

Barnes & Noble / ASIN: B003VBIURU

This is an amazingly small book to be so jam-packed with information.

Not only does it give you easy-to-follow instructions for:

Bulgarian, Russian, Jewish, Mexican, Danish, Norwegian,
Swedish, Bavarian, Sicilian, Swiss, American, Ukrainian,
Italian, Polish, Estonian, German and Finnish

dances (yes, really!), it gives you a short history of each,
illustrations and photos of appropriate costumes,
and samples of piano score for accompaniment.

Anything else you need?

And mind you, the author squeezes all this into just about 100 pages.

I had to include the photo of American music, stage and film star Burl Ives:

and the authors quote:

"...if you still have any doubts about your ability to go folk-dancing, take a look at page 30,
where you will see a photograph of rotund, famed ballad-singer Burl Ives, weight 300 pounds,
who can and does go folk-dancing for three hours at a stretch without any qualms.

What's to keep you from trying it?"

What, indeed!

99 pages

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