I Bow To The Stones
Jimmy Savo
(as told to Nina Savo) / 1963
Howard Frish / B0007E5R7K
This is a small book about a little remembered vaudevillian, Jimmy Savo.
You could readi it in an afternoon. Do yourself a favor a do just that.
Beginning as a child juggler, he went on to starring comedic roles in
shows like Boys From Syracuse and performed with stars like Fred Allen
and Jack Benny. Perhaps one of the reason he never became better known was that
his one big Hollywood break, "Once In A Blue Moon," (1935) written by Ben Hecht
and Charles MacArthur, was a flop and cost Paramount pictures $350,000.
(Although Savo's performance was praised.)
His memories of traveling the early vaudeville circuit and watching the acts of
headliners like Mlle. Polaire, Wilkie Bard , Bedini and Arthur (who had a young
man helping with their props named Eddie Cantor) were like eating salted peanuts...
I just kept wanting more.
dimensions: 8.4 x 5.8 x 0.8 inches / weight: 11.2 ounces / volume: 144 pages