"I Used To Know That" - Shakespeare:
Stuff You Forgot From School
Liz Evers / 2011
Reader's Digest Association / 1606522469
It's been a long time since high school. (And let's face it, folks -- for most of us that was the ONLY time we ever read Hamlet.)
This book is a quick review of all things Shakespeare; his life, works and legacy... all in under 200 pages. What more could you want?
Did you just join the community playhouse and are they committed to putting on one production a year by the Bard? Better bone up.
Whether you carry a spear or find your name next to "Iago" on the cast list, you're going to need to know your Petruchios from your Pucks!
dimensions: 0.8 x 5.5 x 8.5 in / weight: 15.2 oz / volume: 176 pages