Jazz Dance &
Jazz Gymnastics
Uta Fischen-Munstermann / 1979
Sterling Publishing Co. / ISBN 0806946180
A real "this-is-how-we-did-it" book of jazz instruction
straight from the 1970s. Everything in this book was
exactly what was being taught in all the classes at
San Francisco and Berkeley, at all the Dance Masters
workshops... you name it. (And dig the bell-bottomed
unitards! I must have had one in every color.)
If you ever want to play any of that funky stuff from
back in the day, dude, you're going to want the right
moves to match the music. (Do you still remember how to
do the Chicken Walk and the Skate?) You need this book.
dimensions: 9.1 x 6.6 x 1.1 inches / weight: 1.6 lb.s / volume: 128 pages