
Kitty Carlisle Hart / 1988

St Martins Press /ISBN 0312033737 (1988)

"Act One" by playwright Moss Hart is one of the best books on theatre... no,
make that best BOOKS... ever written. Here his wife, Kitty Carlisle (remembered
mainly for her participation in early TV game shows) proves herself to be a
worthy mate. She can tell a light-hearted story nearly as well as Moss, but
what sets her apart is her ability to tell us about the Moss Hart we never knew.

The Moss Hart very few people ever knew. The man with such horrifying bouts of
depression he'd feel that he was "walking in some dark, stormy region with leafless
trees and scorched earth.There was nothing to do but suggest he go back to the analyst."

dimensions: 9 x 6.1 x 0.8 inches / weight: 14.4 ounces / volume 263 pages

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