That's not to say there weren't a few bumps on the road, and a lot of other famous names
(Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier... Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber comes in for an interesting cameo)
will make appearances. Look for Marlon Brando. You certainly won't be bored. (She wasn't!)
Minor quibbles -- no index. Whenever you've got a book you may want to refer to later for a
quote about the production of a show, etc., you must have an index, Diahann! (Make a note!!)
Also, I wanted to hear about the stock production of No Strings you did with Harold Lang,
but as I'm his biographer I'm probably the only one to say that.
All in all, an extremely interesting book from the first black actress ever to have her own TV
show (Julia) and a take-no-prisoners advocate for civil rights in a very tough time.
I found myself wondering if I could have held up as well as she did, even with beauty and talent.