Lost Empires:
The Phenomenon of Theatres Past, Present & Future

Nigel Fountain / 2005

Octopus Publishing Group, Ltd. /ISBN 1844033457

As much as I'd like to give this a great review, I can't.
I ordered and received it with high expectations from the
title, but then realized that "Lost Empires" did not refer
to razed theatres as a whole, but only to those named either
"Empire" or "Imperial." And they might still exist or not.
And they might have once been real theatres or merely
modern movie houses. It didn't seem to matter. Often I
even lost track of where we were. Once I came to, flipped
the pages back and realized we were in Australia...

dimensions: 9.8 x 8 x 0.9 inches Weight: 1.9 pounds 144 pages

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