Make Believe:
The Magic of International Theatre

Richard Collier / 1986

Dodd, Mead & Co. /ISBN 0396086454

This would be a fast immersion book for someone just beginning an interest in
theatre history. It's a fun and easy read, has good background material on all
the "greats" of the Golden Age (Irving, Wilde, Duse, Shaw, etc.) and at 223 of
reading material (it's also well researched and indexed) is small enough not to
frighten off a newbie. Also a fair number of good photos. Since it's an old book
you can probably get it used for a low price and the information is always valid.

Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.1 x 1.1 inches / 258 pages / ISBN-10: 0396086454 / 1.3 pounds

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