Captain Molly

Pre-Broadway run / Teck Theatre / Buffalo, NY / September 1, 1902

(starring Elizabeth Tyree / 21 performances)

Captain Molly had a pre-Broadway run at the Teck Theatre before opening
on Broadway at the Manhattan Theatre, where it ran Sept. 8, 1902 - Sept. (?) 1902.

New York Times article; Sept. 2, 1902
pg. 9, original review 173 words (first paragraph no longer available):

28 September 1902, New York (NY) , "In New Plays: Where the Laughs Come," pg. 27:
These lines are saved from "Captain Molly," in which Elizabeth Tyree appeared at the Manhattan:

Bunner—"If I were your husband I’d give you poison."
Molly—"If I were your wife I’d take it."

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