Broadway Answers Selma flier
Found in March 1965 program of Tiny Alice
(from Barbra Streisand's website)
Responding to the racial injustices in Selma, Alabama, the Broadway community banded together at the Majestic Theater
for a fundraiser. Barbra Streisand sang Harold Arlen's “That's A Fine Kind of Freedom” close to the end of the second act.
...The poster described the evening as “A thundering never-to-be forgotten performance for the benefit of the late
Reverand James Reeb's family, Voters Education Program of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Scholarship,
Education and Defense Fund of Congress of Racial Equality, The L. & M. Rabinowitz Fund of the Student Non-violent
Coordinating Committee.”
(from Martin Sheen's website)
“In 1965, I was on Broadway at that time doing a play and Selma, Alabama erupted, and we wanted so desperately to answer that,
and so we created a show on Broadway,that is all the people on Broadway called Broadway Answers Selma. And it was a huge
benefit on one of our dark nights and it was hosted by Sammy Davis Jr., who was on Broadway at that time during Golden Boy.
I was doing a drama, you know most of the people in the show were singers and dancers, and comics and so forth. So I was just
asked to be backstage, be present to people, make sure they got a chair to sit in during the show, and so forth. And I was happy
as Larry to do that. And early in the first act, Sammy Davis asked Rev. King to stand up, I didn’t know he was in the house. And
Rev. King is there in the back. Oh my god, there he is, and they wouldn’t let him sit down, I mean the ovation was just literally
endless. I’m watching this. And okay finally, we let him go and as actress have a want to do this show went over, windbag, you
have to get a hook to get him off the stage, you know everybody wanted to do their bits and pieces; and so the show was dragging
on and on and on, and I was in backstage, and I have just gotten and really dropped some names!
“There was Barbara Streisand, I’m standing there, and Sammy Davis was on stage doing a number, and the light came backstage
and flowed to this area here just from here that console, and I just casually say, oh my god I looked back and Rev. King was
standing there alone, no bodyguard, nobody around him, nothing. And I looked at him and I thought, oh my god, it’s himself,
and my heart started pounding, and I thought, I can’t believe his stature, I was embarrassed because I was taller than he, I though
Rev. King had to be 8 feet tall, but no he was small, and very shy. And I thought, I must get the blessing, oh you mustn’t bother
him, don’t, yeah, I just shake his hand, just thank him for being who he is, for doing what he is doing, how much he meant, these
thoughts went through for full 2 minutes, and I didn’t have the courage to just reach out and shake his hand, just to thank him, just
to touch him. I didn’t do it and regretted it all my life."
(Actual size of flier: 6" x 9")