A Knight For A Day

Mason Opera House / Los Angeles / November 1908

(Actual program measures 5"x 6 1/2")

clipping from Los Angeles Herald (pg. 2) / November 7, 1908

A Knight For A Day / sheet music

November 1, 1908: Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California / Page 18

Miss Elsie Herbert, comedienne of "A Knight for a Day," is said by the company's press agent to be the possessor of a dog of surprisingly esthetio tastes.
Doubtless the yarn Is as true as many another bit of press agentlng that has found its way into print. The dog, "Knight" ,by name, is reported to share his
mistress'love for flowers. "Whenever I receive flowers," Miss Herbert is made to say, "Knight immediately proceeds to investigate. He will jump up on the
table or try to Jump upon the mantel, or wherever the flowers happen to be, and sniff them critically. Apparently the odor pleases him. His tall wags with
every appearance of delight.

He's discriminating, too. Roses, especially American Beauties, and violets appeal to him and at the sniff of fragrant carnations he will bark with evident Joy.
Mere dahlias, cornflowers and daisies with little fragrance have Ho Interest for Knight." If you don't believe it you might send Hlbs Herbert a boutiuet and ask
her to "try It on the dog." Doubtless she, at any rate, will prove appreciative.

November 3, 1908
Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California (pg.18)

November 6, 1908
Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California (pg.2)

MASON OPERA HOUSE Tonight and entire week, with Saturday matinee only, H. H. Frazee presents th. astonishing successful musical comedy sensation,
A KNIGHT FOR A DAY Exactly as presented for one solid year In Chicago, five months In New York and five months In Boston. Superior cast of principals,
including Bobby Barry and Elsie Herbert, and a stunning company of 60. Bents soiling. Prices 50c, 76c, 11.00, $1.60.

On Broadway, A Knight For A Day, a musical farce in two acts,
ran from December 16, 1907 to May 16, 1908
at Wallack's Theatre for a total of 176 performances.

-Set at Mme. Woodbury's Seminary for Young Ladies at Evanston on the Island of Corsica-

Review from Theatre Magazine / February 1908:

"We are not disposed to repress the enthusiasm of anyone who wishes to loudly express his approbation of the feat of a clown who finally succeeds in leaping over eight elephants or who becomes violent in his demonstations at witnessing an unusual performance at the theatre. It is part of the show. Still, we prefer not to sit in the immediate propensity to some of the more active of these excited citizens. The degree of enthusiasm and amount of multitudinous hand-clapping bestowed on a comic opera of the present day would carry any righteous cause of high moral purpose to success. Mass meetings in the favor of repealing corn laws or in the opposition to slavery or in furtherance of the single tax have never called forth more expressions of approval than the dancing of seven Madcaps in a ballet as we have in
A Knight For A Day.

There are some unusual reasons for the approbation of certain minds at A Knight For A Day. Comic opera has enlarged its field. The scene of the first act is laid at a female seminary. Our daughters and sisters in their teens are enlisted for the entertainment of the Rounder and are highly delectable in tthe free display of their modest person.

It is a new filip to the jaded. It is a noteworthy idea from Chicago. Tam O'Shanter was never pursued by a madder, although less comely, rout than thes madcaps, who dance with legs and arms and heads with shouts of Bacchanalian joy, coming together in pairs at times with bodies interlaced and turning double somersaults together. Again we have a floral see-saw with bulbs od electric light, the eccompanying song assuring us that Life Is A See-Saw.

There is no need for a plot when we have such a full measure of delight. The piece is absolutely free of any consistancy or intelligence or idea. It has farce in it, but it is misnamed as a musical farce. It is simply a vaudeville entertainment. One of the episodic parts of it, complete in itself, is an elopement of the cook, May Vokes, with a professional waiter, John Slavin. He attempts tocarry her and her trunk down a ladder, a most diverting scene of struggle. Miss Vokes has made the success of her mant drollities which are the same always but always witnessed with laughter. She cannot sing and her contributions in this direcion are depressing. Still, she is that rare thing, a female comedian.

Mr. John Slavin is one of the most diverting fun makers to be seen. Somewhat dry in his humor, he pays his way. Miss Sally Fisher is the one who leads in song and comeliness. The piece is invigorating for the nervously exhausted to the song mad, color mad and dance mad multitude.

Information About The City of New York: 1908
A Record of New Plays and Revivals: December 1907 - November 1908
John Slavin: "A Knight For A Day" Wallack's Theatre - 93 weeks

A Knight For A Day actually began in Chicago:


- The Times; Munster, Indiana / October 28 1907 (pg.2) - "A Knight For A Day" - Lake Co. Times / November 1, 1907 (pg.2)

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