No. 1 - Opening Chorus and Scenes - "If ninety-nine percent the papers print is so..."
No. 2 - Song - King Papagallo & Chorus - "Our customary attitude to strangers in this latitude..."
No. 3 - Duet - Minutezza & Papagallo - "Should you marry Ma, instead of me, your wedded life will happy be..."
No. 4 - Recit. & Song - La Pastorella - "Before the Moor was master of the hills of old Iberia..."
No. 5 - Recit. & Trio - La Pastorella, Gambo & Buscato - "To marry, or not to marry? That is the interrogation..."
No. 6 - Octet - La Pastorella, Gambo, Buscato & five girls - "In a matter of such grave import..."
No. 7 - Finale Act I - "Oh, stars that form the milky way, if you to earth should ever stray..."
No. 8 - Introduction & Romance - Guido - "The rose tint leaves the sky, the shadows multiply..."
No. 9 - Song - La Pastorella - "Here's a pack of red and black, spots and faces, deuces, aces..."
No. 10 - Trio - La Pastorella, Papagallo & Buscato - "He's here! I'm here! ..."
No. 11 - Duet - Minutezza & Guido - "Love, light of my heart, the day of our joy is near..."
No. 12 - Chorus, Tarantella, Invocation and Solos - "We cannot see the reason why the Fates did not name us..."
No. 13 - Song - Minutezza, with Guido & Papagallo - "The snow in the fields is lying deep..."
No. 14 - Finale Act II - "An awkward complication this, for one and all have sworn, he shall not live in single bliss..."
No. 15a - Introduction, Male Chorus & Song - Guido, Papagallo, Buscato & Gambo - "These are our sentiments..."
No. 15b - Solo and Chorus - La Pastorella & Girls - "Cuckoo, cuckoo, a little bird sings..."
No. 15c - Reprise of No. 11 - La Pastorella, Gambo & Buscato, with Chorus - "Love, light of my heart..."
No. 16 - Song - Papagallo, with Chorus - "I know a goat, a little goat who loves to cut a dash..."
No. 17 - Finale Act III - La Pastorella & Chorus - "The God of Love presides, so ring the wedding bells in joyful measure..."