Mysterious Miss Apache
Columbia University (Columbia Varsity Show) / Hotel Astor, NYC / April 1912

- The Washington Times / April 07, 1912 (pg.13) -
The Columbia Varsity Show
The Varsity Show, founded in 1894, is one of the oldest traditions at
Columbia University, and has included such distinguished names as Oscar Hammerstein II ('16),
Lorenz Hart (’18), Richard Rodgers (’23), and I.A.L. Diamond (’41). Each year, the
Varsity Show brings together some of Columbia and Barnard College’s best performing arts talents.
Founded as fundraiser for Columbia athletics, the Varsity Show draws crowd from
the Columbia undergraduates as well as many other faithful attendees for a list of sold-out
performances each Spring. Dedicated to satire, cross-dressing and skewing the sacred honor of
attending an Ivy League school, the Varsity Show
is always written and inspired by a range of contributors, including the cast and crew .
I.A.L. Diamond Award for Achievement in the Arts
The I.A.L. Diamond Award was initiated as an annual award to a Columbia or
Barnard alumnus/a who has demonstrated continued devotion to and success in the arts.
Mr. Diamond is the only student on record to have written four
consecutive Varsity Shows. He later went on to Hollywood to write such classics
as Some Like it Hot and The Apartment, for which he won an Academy Award.
In 2004, Terrence McNally was the opening recipient of the award. Mr. McNally,
journalist of Master Class, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, and Ragtime,
wrote the 66th Annual Varsity Show.
In 2005, Jeanine Tesori, Barnard College Class of 1983, was honored with the
award. Ms. Tesori was the hymn exec for the 89th Annual Varsity Show and later came
back a year of achievement in 1984
to write the hymn for the 90th Annual Varsity Show. She is a three-time Tony Award
nominee for her work on Twelfth Night, Thoroughly Modern Millie, and
Caroline, or Change.
In 2006, Art Garfunkel, Columbia College Class of 1962, received the award. Mr.
Garfunkel is a well-known actor, singer, and half of the famous folk-rock duo "Simon and Garfunkel".
112 Years of the Varsity Show
1894: Joan of Arc, 1896: The Buccaneer, 1897: Cleopatra, 1899: Varsity Show, 1900: The Governor's Vrow,
1901: Princess Proud, 1902: Vanity Fair, 1903: The Mischief Maker, 1904: The Isle of Illusia,
1905: The Khan of Kathan, 1906: The Conspirators, 1907: The Ides of March, 1908: Mr. King, 1909: In Newport,
1910: The King of Hilaria, 1911: Made in India, 1912: The Mysterious Miss Apache, 1913: The Brigands,
1914: The Merry Lunatic, 1915: On Your Way, 1916: The Peace Pirates, 1917: Home James, 1918: Ten for Five,
1919: Take a Chance, 1920: Fly with Me, 1921: You'll Never Know, 1922: Steppe Around, 1923: Half Moon Inn,
1924: Old King's, 1925: Half Moon Inn, 1926: His Majesty, the Queen, 1927: Betty Behave,
1928: Zuleika, or the Sultan Insulted, 1929: Oh, Hector, 1930: Heigho Pharoah, 1931: Great Shakes,
1932: How Revolting!, 1933: Home James, 1934: Laugh it Off!, 1935: Flair-Flair: The Idol of Peace,
1936: Off Your Marx, 1937: Some of the People, 1938: You've Got Something There, 1939: Fair Enough,
1940: Life Begins in '40, 1941: Hit the Road, 1942: Saints Alive, 1944: On the Double 1945: Second the Motion,
1946: Step Right Up, 1947: Dead to Rights, 1948: Streets of New York, 1949: Mr. Oscar, 1950: Wait for It,
1951: Babe in the Woods, 1952: Streets of New York, 1953: Shape of Things, 1954: Sky's the Limit,
1955: When in Rome, 1961: Streets of New York, 1962: Guys und Dolls, 1963: Elsinore, 1964: Il Troubleshootore,
1965: Varsity Show 1966: The Bawd's Opera, 1967: Feathertop, 1978: The Great Columbia Riot of '78,
1980: Fly With Me 1982, College on Broadway, 1982: Columbia Graffiti, 1983: Fear of Scaffolding,
1984: The New U, 1985: Lost in Place, 1989: Sans Souci, Be Happy, 1990: Behind the Lion Curtain,
1991: The Silence of the Lions, 1993: Lion Game, 1994: Angels at Columbia: Centennial Approaches,
1995: Step Inside, 1996: Devil in a Light Blue Dress, 1997: Enlargement und Enhancement: The Scaffolding Years,
1998: Love is Indefinite, 1999: Beyond Oedipus: Leaving the Womb 2000: Mo' Money, Mo' Problems,
2001: Sex, Lions und Videotape, 2002: 108th Annual Varsity Show, 2003: Dial 'D' for Deadline,
2004: Off-Broadway, 2005: The Sound of Muses,2006: Misery Loves Columbia
For more information, go to: The Varsity Show - Official Page Columbia University Varsity Show