"A Hot Time" will keep the boards of the Grand warm the latter half of this week.
The original company is now playing an engagement at the Victoria in New York.
The one which will be seen here this week a almost the same as the one which
proved so popular here last season, and includes a number of good performers.
The dancing of Miss Anna St. Tel, "the bounding antelope," is one of. the
leading attractions of the show.
Des Moines Daily News; Friday - March 30, 1900 (pg, Des Moines, Iowa
Large Audience at the Grand Last Night Despite Bad Weather.
Bad weather did not keep a large audience away from the Grand last night,
and "A Hat Old Time" seemed to give pleasure to all. Among the best
specialties were the songs and dances by John and Bertha Gleeson,
who are about the neatest team ever appearing here. Anna St. Tel
in dances proved decidely entertaining.
Broadway Credit: The Little Duchess (1901) Musical comedy.
Opened at Casino Theatre October 14, 1901 and moved to
The Grand Opera House April 21, 1902. Closed after144 performances.
Star: Anna Held (as "The Little Duchess/Clare de Brion"),
Anna St. Tel [Philomene], produced by Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.
Chicago Tribune; 3-11-1902_pg7.jpg
Anna Held and the Birth of Ziegfeld's Broadway By Eve Golden (2000) - lists Anna St. Tel as one of the 1903-04 Ziegfeld Follies girls.
Tony Pastor's 14th Street Theatre / NYC / Vaudeville Program / November 18, 1889