Elyphe Snowden

dancer / 1910s

The Daily Long Island Farmer
JAMAICA, NEW YORK CITY, October 15, 1908.
(front page)

"Little Nemo."

Klaw & Erlangor's "Little Nemo," which comes to the New Amsterdam theatre Tuesday evening, October 20,
is considered a dazzling, triumphant success. The theatre will be closed Monday evening in order to
properly house and stage the big production.

"Little Nemo" represents the best and most triumphant achievement in all details of its construction
and productive management that the stage has ever known. The music by Victor Herbert is the best in
melody and the richest in orchestration that he has ever given to musical comedy; and in book and lyrics,
Harry B. Smith has undoubtedly shown his cleverest work in his story and stanzas based on the famous
cartoons of Winsor McCay.

The performance could not well be better excelled and with an unusually efficient cast and chorus and ballet,
the company numbering 208 people, the stage is filled with scenes of wondrous color and animation in the big ensembles.
Comedy abounds in "Little Nemo" and it is refreshing, clean and wholesome fun throughout and with such a trio of comedians
as Joseph Cawthorn, Billy and Harrv Kellv, there is a riot of laughter at the succession of comic incidents.Master Gabriel,
a consummate little artist, is quite ideal in the title role, and W. W. Black, Louis F. Barnes, Dave Abrams as Gladys, the cat
and other animals; Misses Albertine Benson, Florence Tempest, Aimee Ehrlich, Elphye Snowden, Rose Beaumont, Madeleine Marshall,
Mildred Manning and Sunshine James have also clever successes in the piece. The burlesque wrestling match of Louis Hart and Sim Collins
is one of the screaming features of the jungle amusement park scene.

(Little Nemo had a run of 111 shows.)

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