Margaret Young

singer / 1920s

(from Wikipedia)

Margaret Youngblood (born February 23, 1891 - May 3, 1969) better known by her stage name
Margaret Young, was an American singer and comedienne who was popular in the 1920s. Young is
best known for her songs "Hard Hearted Hannah", "Lovin' Sam The Sheik Of Alabam'", and
"Way Down Yonder In New Orleans".

Margaret as Hard-Hearted Hannah

Young began her professional career in Detroit, Michigan. She sang at theaters, dinner clubs,
and on Vaudeville. Young first recorded commercially for the Victor Talking Machine Company in
1920. She recorded a series of records for Brunswick from 1922 through 1925 which sold well.
She continued as a popular entertainer until the end of the decade.

Young came out of retirement to record for Capitol Records in 1949.

My Life in Vaudeville: The Autobiography of Ed Lowry

"It's a sad commentary, but it took a second world war to bring back vaudeville. One day
Margaret Young, former headliner, approached me with the suggestion that we organize a vounteer
troupe to play the army camps and naval bases. Two days later, we were entertaining twelve hundred
uniformed kids who for an hour and a half acted as if they were happy to be in the service."


Keith's Theatre / Washington, DC / Vaudeville Program / March 15, 1920

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