Bijou Theatre

( AKA: Brighton Theatre, Thomas' Opera House, St. James Opera House, Broadway Theatre,
Wood's Broadway Theatre, Wood's Opera House, Broadway Opera House, and Bijou Theatre)

- 1239 Broadway / New York -

Programs available from this theatre:

The Nominee (1891)

The Merchant of Venice (1908)

New York (1910)

The Havoc (1911)

From a 1881 fire inspection report - the earliest description of the original theatre I could find:

"The theatre was entered by the stage door, which is in Sixth-ave, under an oyster place.
A long passageway leads to the cellar of the house, which is fitted up as dressing rooms.
The cellar was formerly used as a bowling alley. The part under the auditorium is divided
into a number of small rooms for the players, and under the stage is a vacant space.

Chief Gicquel asked the manager, John A. McCaull, if he thought the props that held up the
stage were sufficient to support a very great weight. McCaull said that there was never a
very great weight on the stage, and he thought the beams were amply sufficient for the purpose.
The timbers supporting the stage, the manager said, ran from wall to wall, and were propped up
in many places between the walls by posts. The same was true of the floor of the auditorium.

When the stage was examined it was found to be one of the smallest in the city, and every inch of
ground has to be used to advantage. There are no rigging lofts, as the top of the theatre is
directly under the roof of the building. The building is done on the right-hand side of the stage,
where a number of ropes are used to adjust the curtains and scenery. The proscenium frame is twenty
feet high and twenty-four feet wide, and on each side of it is a space about five feet in width.
Above the stage is a covered well-hole, 15 feet by 12 feet, which can be opened by ropes on each
side of the stage. The manager explained that if a fire should occur at any time on the stage the hole
could be opened and the flames would be carried away from the auditorium by the draft. There are two
similar openings in the ceiling of the auditorium which measure 18 feet by 22 feet. There is no space
between the stage and the roof through which fire could be conducted to the auditorium, as there is in
most theatres. Chief Gicquel watched closely the scene shifters after the curtain fell on the first act.
They appeared to work cautiously around the lights and received no reproof from the chief. On the stage
are several fire-extinguishers, axes and hooks to be used in case of an emergency.

There are really no workshops connected with the theatre, as there is no room for them. When the carpenter
has any work to do he does it on the stage, and the same is true of the painters.

The arrangement for dismissing the people received no criticism from the chief, although he suggested some
improvements which he will recommend in his report. From the top gallery, which seats 211 persons, there
are four exits. Two stairways lead to the lobby of the theatre, and a third from reception room adjoining
the balcony leads to Broadway. There is also a window at the back of the balcony which is about five feet
bove the roof of the extension. There is also another window in the reception room adjoining the balcony
which could be ussed for the same purpose. In the parquette are seats for 402 persons. There are three aisles
which to two exits. Mr. McCaull declared that his theatre was the safest in the city because it was so small.
He said there was not accomodation for a large audience, and hence even in the case of a great panic the
theatre could easily be emptied in a few minutes."

This book excerpt is taken from Our Theatres To-day and Yesterday
the following clippings are from my own research:

"The Brighton Theatre, which opened August 26, 1878, was located at 1239 Broadway, in a building formerly known as John Morrisey's saloon.
At first it was devoted to varied shows under the management of J.W. Warren and John Farrington. The house was closed in a few weeks and opened again
December 31 as the Thomas Opera House In January, 1879, its name was changed to the St. James Opera House. It was next called the Wood's Broadway Theatre,
George Woods manager (September 1879). November 10, it was rechristened the Broadway Opera House. March 31, 1889, the house opened with John A. McCaull and
Charles E. Ford as managers after it had been remodeled and renemed the Bijou Opera House. Owing to its smallness it was never very popular and in the
summer of 1883 it was torn down. In December of the same year a modern house was erected on the property, which was christened the Bijou Theatre, a name it
bears to-day. The opening performance was an adaption by Max Freeman of "Orpheus and Eyrydice," R.E.J. Miles and W.B. Barton managers. In 1887 Henry E. Dixey
became half partner with Miles and Barton. June 11, 1888, J.W. Rosenquest took a hand in its management. December 1, 1894, Rosenquest turned his lease over to
Lederer and Canary. The househas known many managers and many changes of policy in its time and some of the most prominent actors of the present day have appeared
on its boards, among them Julia Marlowe, Nat Goodwin, Lillian Russell, Annie Yeamans, Lew Dockstader, and Thomas Q. Seabrook. It was here that Amelia Bingham appeared
in "The Climbers," opening December 17, 1900, with a company under her own management. The cast offering the Fitch play was unusally strong, including Frank Worthing,
Robert Edeson, John Flood, George C. Boniface, Jr., Ferdinand Gottschalk, J.B. Sterling, Harry Warwick, Edward Mooreland, H. Stokes, Fredrick Wallace, Harry Wallace,
Made Carr Cooke, Maud Monroe, Minnie Dupree, Amelia Irish, Florence Lloyd, Lillian Eldridge, Ysolbel Haskins and Ameelia Bingham.

The present manager of the Bijou is L.S. Sire, who has been in charge of the house some ten years. It has threatened of late to become a permenent shelter for
motion pictures, a form of entertainment that has several times been under its roof." - Ruth Crosby Dimmick (1911)

- New York Daily Herald / December 31, 1878 (Image 1) -                 - Bijou Opera House opening / March 31, 1880 -                - New York Daily Herald / December 10, 1879 (pg.2) -

- New York Daily Herald / August 25, 1878 (pg.13) -

For: History of the New York Stage: THE BRIGHTON THEATRE (pg.273)

Harvard College Library; from the fund of Charles Minot, class of 1828

by T. Allston Brown / in Three Volumes (Vol. Ill) / New York / Dodd, Mead and Company / 1903)
go to


Clippings: 1878-1915

- New York Daily Herald / August 29, 1878 (pg.1) - "Bring the children..."

Vaudeville: Brighton Theatre / 1878

- New York Daily Herald / September 1, 1878 (pg.6) -                                - New York Daily Herald / September 1, 1878 (pg.13) -                                - New York Daily Herald / September 23, 1878 (pg.3) -

- New York Daily Herald / September 5, 1878 (pg.1) -                      - New York Daily Herald / September 23, 1878 (pg.4) -                      - New York Daily Herald / September 25, 1878 (pg.1) -

Mrs. McGinnis's Boarding House and Prince Affa / Brighton Theatre / New York Daily Herald / October 1, 1878 (pg.9)

Shay-Le / Brighton Theatre / November 13, 1878

(Note: Shay-Le (or By Proxy) a melodrama in 4 acts, and prologue, taken from an incident in a novel by James Payn entitled "By Proxy", by F. Hatrison.)


- New York Daily Herald / November 10, 1878 (pg.12) -                           - New York Daily Herald / November 13, 1878 (pg.6) -                            - New York Daily Herald / November 14, 1878 (pg.2) -


- Theatre Brighton For Rent.... - New York Daily Herald / December 13, 1878 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / December 30, 1878 (pg.5) -               - New York Daily Herald / December 27, 1878 (pg.3) -              - New York Daily Herald / December 31, 1878 (pg.1) -

- Bijou Opera House / 1879 -

- from Brighton Theatre,

          to     Thomas' Opera House,

                to     Broadway Opera House,

                      to     St. James Opera House,

                               to     New Broadway Theatre,

                                               to     Wood's Broadway Theatre,

                                                              to     Wood's Opera House,

                                                                                 to     Broadway Opera House -

                                                                                                                                                     ALL IN 1879 -

(If you care to scroll ahead to 1883... it had the final change to Bijou Theatre, which it carried to the end.
There was, however, there was another announced change in January 1895 - thankfully never carried out - to America's Gaiety Theatre.)

Thomas' Opera House / January 1879

- Re-opening; New York Daily Herald / January 1, 1879 (pg.3) - - Notice: "Thomas' Opera House" in headline but "Brighton" in text -

- New York Daily Herald / January 2, 1879 (pg.2) -              - New York Daily Herald / January 12, 1879 (pg.5) -              - New York Daily Herald / January 14, 1879 (pg.1) -

- New York Daily Herald / January 4, 1879 (pg.1) -        - New York Daily Herald / January 5, 1879 (pg.5) -         - New York Daily Herald / January 8, 1879 (pg.10) -         - New York Daily Herald / January 10, 1879 (pg.7) -

- The InterOcean News (Chicago) - - January 6, 1879 (pg.5) -              - New York Daily Herald - - January 15, 1879 (pg.6) -

The Count (or: Our American Cousin) / St. James Opera House / March 25 - 29, 1879

- New York Daily Herald / March 24, 1879 (pg.1) -                  - New York Daily Herald / March 25, 1879 (pg.9)-

- NY Daily Herald; March 25, 1879 (pg.10) -

- New York Daily Herald / March 26, 1879 (pg.6) - ("Dundready" is the name of a charcter in this comedy.)

- New York Daily Herald / March 30, 1879 (pg.8) -          - New York Daily Herald / March 31, 1879 (pg.2) -           - New York Daily Herald / March 31, 1879 (pg.6) -          

Richard III [benefit performance] ("Thomas' Opera House" now St. James Opera House) / March 31, 1879

- New York Daily Herald / March 31, 1879 (pg.6) -                  - New York Daily Herald / March 31, 1879 (pg.6) -

Bric-a-Brac / Woods' Broadway Theatre / September 29 - October 18, 1879

- New York Times / September 26, 1879 (pg.5) -                  - New York Daily Herald / October 1, 1879 (pg.14) -                  - New York Daily Herald / October 10, 1879 (pg.10) -

- New York Times / September 30, 1879 (pg.5) -                  - New York Times / September 30, 1879 (pg.5) -                   - New York Daily Herald / September 30, 1879 (pg.9) -

Pinafore / Wood's Broadway Opera House / October 20 - November 29, 1879

- New York Daily Herald / October 19, 1879 (pg.10) -                        - New York Daily Herald / October 23, 1879 (pg.12) -                   - New York Daily Herald / November 8, 1879 (pg.10) -

- "A "Grand ReOpening" is held for Pinafore on November 10, 1879 (although there is no mention of the house closing beforehand.) -

Pinafore (Re-Opening) Broadway Opera House / November 10 - 29, 1879 -

- New York Times / November 2, 1879 (pg.11) -                   - New York Daily Herald / November 5, 1879 (pg.12) -                   - New York Daily Herald / November 6, 1879 (pg.2) -

- New York Times / November 9, 1879 (pg.7) -                - New York Times / November 18, 1879 (pg.7) -                - New York Times / November 23, 1879 (pg.7) -                - New York Daily Herald / November 29, 1879 (pg.7) -

- December 1st: Theater is reopened as Broadway Opera House. -

Strategists / Broadway Opera House / December 1 - 31, 1879

- New York Daily Herald / December 1, 1879 (pg.1) -                        - New York Times / December 7, 1879 (pg.7) -                   - New York Daily Herald / December 9, 1879 (pg.10) -

- New York Times / December 2, 1879 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / December 11, 1879 (pg.5) -                        - New York Daily Herald / December 16, 1879 (pg.2) -                   - New York Daily Herald / December 31, 1879 (pg.1) -


- New York World / January 2, 1879 (pg.1) -

- A Great Wrestling Match - - New York Times / August 3, 1879 (pg.12) -

- now the NEW BROADWAY - - New York Daily Herald / September 12, 1879 (pg.2) -

- Bijou Opera House / 1880 -

First Life Guards / Broadway Opera House / January 5 - 17, 1880

- New York Times / January 3, 1879 (pg.4) -              - New York Daily Sun / January 4, 1879 (pg.10) -               - New York Daily Times / January 11, 1879 (pg.7) - New York Tribune / January 18, 1880 (pg.7) -

Mme. Angot's Daughter / Broadway Opera House / January 19 - 23, 1880

- New York Times / January 21, 1880 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / January 23, 1880 (pg.3) -                       - New York Tribune / January 25, 1880 (pg.7) -

Princess Carpillona / Broadway Opera House / February 2-6, 1880

- New York Tribune / February 3, 1880 (pg.5) -                   - New York Sun / February 3, 1880 (pg.2) -

[This is one of the most difficult entries I've ever researched. Outside of the two newspaper clippings above,
I could find NO advertisements or listings in the "Amusements" columns for the dates of the Princess Carpillona run.]

from American Musical Theatre: A Chronicle by Gerald Bordman:

"...Broadway watched Caverly's English Folly Company begin a month-long run with the burlesque Princess Carpillona."

But according to A History of the New York Stage, it lasted only four nights.

The following Tribune article explains why...

- New York Tribune / February 8, 1880 (Image1) -

Ages Ago & Charity Begins At Home (Opera di Camera company) / Bijou Opera House / March 29 -May 9, 1880

- New York Tribune / March 16, 1880 (pg.5) -              - New York Tribune / March 22, 1880 (pg.3) -              - New York Tribune / March 27, 1880 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / April 2, 1880 (pg.7) -                    - New York Times / April 3, 1880 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / April 4, 1880 (pg.7) -                                - New York Tribune / April 9, 1880 (pg.3) -                                - New York Tribune / April 11, 1880 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / April 20, 1880 (pg.7) -                                - New York Tribune / May 5, 1880 (pg.3) -


The Spectre Knight / Bijou Opera House / May 11 - 22, 1880

- New York Tribune / May 11, 1880 (pg.4) -                      - New York Times / May 13, 1880 (pg.7) -                      - New York Tribune / May 16, 1880 (pg.4) -

- New York Tribune / May 20, 1880 (pg.4) -             - New York Tribune / May 20, 1880 (pg.4-b) -           - New York Tribune / May 21, 1880 (pg.3) -            - New York Tribune / May 24, 1880 (pg.4) -

Sparks & Dreams / Bijou Opera House / August 30 - October 9, 1880

- New York Times / July 18, 1880 (pg.7) -                               - New York Times / August 26, 1880 (pg.5) -                                - New York Sun / August 29, 1880 (pg.8) -

- New York Sun / September 12, 1880 (pg.5) -                                - New York Sun / September 12, 1880 (pg.8) -                                - New York Sun / September 25, 1880 (pg.4) -


- New York Sun / October 2, 1880 (pg.4) -           - New York Times / October 5, 1880 (pg.9) -

The Snow Flower / Bijou Opera House / October 13 - November 20, 1880

- New York Times / October 3, 1880 (pg.7) -                                - New York Times / October 10, 1880 (pg.7) -                                - New York Times / October 12, 1880 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / October 15, 1880 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / October 13, 1880 (pg.9) -                                - New York Times / October 21, 1880 (pg.9) -                                - New York Sun / October 31, 1880 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / November 7, 1880 (pg.7) -                                - New York Times / November 12, 1880 (pg.5) -                                - New York Times / November 13, 1880 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / November 15, 1880 (pg.7) -

Lawn Tennis / Bijou Opera House / November 22 - December 22, 1880

- New York Daily Eagle / September 5, 1880 (pg.3) -                  - New York Times / November 14, 1880 (pg.7) -                  - New York Sun / November 22, 1880 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / November 28, 1880 (pg.7) -                  - New York Times / November 29, 1880 (pg.7) -

- Rochester (NY) Democrat-Chronicle / December 11, 1880 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / December 11, 1880 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / December 19, 1880 (pg.11) -

Last performance of "Lawn Tennis" - - New York Times / December 22, 1880 (pg.7) -

Sheet music cover image of the song Lawn Tennis Waltzes: - (original authorship notes reading 'By Harry N Sawyer', United States, 1881)

The publisher is listed as 's.T. Gordon and Son, No. 13 East 14th St., Near 5th Avenue', the form of composition is 'three sectional waltzes, No. 1 preceded by introduction', the instrumentation is 'piano',
the first line reads 'None', and the illustration artist is listed as 'Lith. by R. Teller, 136 E. 13 St. N.Y.'. (Photo by Sheridan Libraries/Levy/Gado/Getty Images)

Olivette / Bijou Opera House / December 25, 1880 - January 28, 1881

- New York Times / December 18, 1880 (pg.5) -             - New York Sun / December 19, 1880 (pg.11) - - New York Sun / December 19, 1880 (pg.5) -                    - New York Times / December 23, 1880 (pg.7) -                    

- New York Times / December 26, 1880 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / December 29, 1880 (pg.7) -                   - New York Times / December 30, 1880 (pg.5) -                   - New York Times / January 6, 1881 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / January 4, 1881 (pg.8) -                    - New York Tribune / January 4, 1881 (pg.8) -                    - New York Tribune / January 17, 1881 (pg.4) -                    - New York Tribune / January 22, 1881 (pg.3) -

- - New York Times / January 8, 1881 (pg.5) -                 New York Times / January 9, 1881 (pg.11) -                  - New York Times / January 16, 1881 (pg.7) -

- - New York Tribune / January 17, 1881 (pg.4) -                 New York Tribune / January 23, 1881 (pg.7) -                  - New York Tribune / January 29, 1881 (pg.3) -


The "New Bijou" / Broadway Opera House becomes "Bijou Opera House" - New York Tribune / March 18, 1880 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / March 22, 1880 (pg.3)

- New York Tribune / May 21, 1880 (pg.4) -

- Summer Closings - - New York Tribune / June 27, 1880 (pg.7) -

- Bijou Opera House / 1881 -

Our Boarding House / Bijou Opera House / January 31 - February 12, 1881

- New York Times / January 27, 1881 (pg.5) -                   - New York Times / January 29, 1881 (pg.7) -                   - New York Tribune / February 1, 1881 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / February 2, 1881 (pg.7) -                   - New York Tribune / February 6, 1881 (pg.11) -                   - New York Times / February 6, 1881 (pg.7) -

Widow Bedott / Bijou Opera House / February 14 - 26, 1881

- New York Tribune / February 13, 1881 (pg.11) -                     - New York Times / February 19, 1881 (pg.7) -                      - New York Times / February 20, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / February 24, 1881 (pg.7) -                      - New York Times / February 26, 1881 (pg.5) -                      - New York Times / February 26, 1881 (pg.7) -

- Neil Burgess as the Widow Bedott.

Sixes and Sevens / Bijou Opera House / March 1 - 12, 1881

- New York Daily Eagle / February 27, 1881 (pg.3) -                      - New York Times / February 27, 1881 (pg.7) -                      - New York Times / March 11, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / March 2, 1881 (pg.3) -                         - New York Times / March 6, 1881 (pg.7) -                      - New York Times / March 6, 1881 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / March 10, 1881 (pg.7) -                         - New York Times / March 14, 1881 (pg.7) -

Olivette (revival) / Bijou Opera House / March 19 - April 16, 1881

- New York Times / March 16, 1881 (pg.7) -               - New York Times / March 17, 1881 (pg.5) -                - New York Sun / March 19, 1881 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / March 27, 1881 (pg.7) -               - New York Times / April 14, 1881 (pg.5) -                - New York Times / April 15, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / March 20, 1881 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / March 20, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / March 13, 1881 (pg.7) -               - New York Times / March 20, 1881 (pg.7) -                - New York Times / March 20, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / April 1, 1881 (pg.7) -              - New York Times / April 12, 1881 (pg.7) -             

Won At Last / Bijou Opera House / April 18 - May 4, 1881

- New York Times / March 27, 1881 (pg.7) -                         - New York Times / April 19, 1881 (pg.5) -                      - New York Times / April 24, 1881 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / April 27, 1881 (pg.7) -                      - New York Times / May 5, 1881 (pg.5) -

Mascotte / Bijou Opera House / May 5 - August 12, 1881

- New York Times / May 6, 1881 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / April 17, 1881 (pg.8) -          - New York Times / May 22, 1881 (pg.6) -           - New York Times / June 5, 1881 (pg.7) -           - New York Times / July 4, 1881 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / July 31, 1881 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / August 12, 1881 (pg.3) -

- from the London publication, Puck / July 13, 1881 (pg.326):
"The Bilou Opera House continues to advertise 'The Mascotte' and 'The Mascotte' retorts by advertising the Bijou Opera House.
Both are eminently suited to each other, and so is the Wilbur Opera Company to them both."

Rooms For Rent / Bijou Opera House / August 15 -September 3, 1881

- New York Times / August 16, 1881 (pg.5) -

-Richmond (VA) Daily Dispatch / August 17, 1881 (Image4) -                     - New York Tribune / August 21, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / August 23, 1881 (pg.7) -             - New York Times / August 28, 1881 (pg.7) -             - New York Times / September 2, 1881 (pg.5) -

...but the Washington (DC) Evening Star for September 10, 1881 (pg.4) says....

Mascotte / Bijou Opera House / September 5 - October 28, 1881

- New York Times / September 4, 1881 (pg.11) -          - New York Times / September 11, 1881 (pg.7) -         - New York Times / September 14, 1881 (pg.4) -         - New York Times / September 15, 1881 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / September 4, 1881 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / September 18, 1881 (pg.7) -              - New York Times / September 25, 1881 (pg.7) -               - New York Tribune / September 29, 1881 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / October 2, 1881 (pg.11) - - New York Times / October 8, 1881 (pg.7) - - New York Times / October 9, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / October 16, 1881 (pg.8) -      - New York Times / October 19, 1881 (pg.7) -       - New York Times / October 22, 1881 (pg.4) -      - New York Tribune / October 28, 1881 (pg.4) -

Snake Charmer / Bijou Opera House / October 29 - December 17, 1881

- New York Times / October 28, 1881 (pg.7) -                    - New York Tribune / October 30, 1881 (pg.7) -           - New York Tribune / October 30, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / October 30, 1881 (pg.8) -       - New York Times / October 30, 1881 (pg.8) -           - New York Times / November 2, 1881 (pg.5) -          - New York Times / November 13, 1881 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / November 24, 1881 (pg.5) -          - New York Times / November 26, 1881 (pg.7) -            - New York Times / December 9, 1881 (pg.7) -             - New York Times / December 17, 1881 (pg.4) -

- Lillian Russell as The Snake Charmer


Olivette (revival) / Bijou Opera House / December 19 - 28, 1881

- New York Times / December 20, 1881 (pg.4) -     New York Times / December 20, 1881 (pg.4) -              - New York Times / December 21, 1881 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / December 25, 1881 (pg.9) -              - New York Tribune / December 28, 1881 (pg.7) -              - New York Tribune / December 28, 1881 (pg.7) -

Note: The last mention of Olivette was in the ad for Selina Dolaro's benefit on December 28th, which only included the 2nd and 3rd acts.
I'm using that for the closing date because the only other mention of the Bijou for the rest of 1881 was the following article:


- New York Tribune / May 5, 1882 (pg.8) -

Fire Inspection Report of Bijou Theatre

- New York Tribune / December 18, 1881 (pg.5) -

- Bijou Opera House / 1882 -

Strategists (revival / matinees, Magic Slipper) / Broadway Opera House January 2 - 14, 1882

- New York Times / January 1, 1882 (pg.6) -                  - New York Times / January 3, 1882 (pg.8) -                  - New York Times / January 3, 1882 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / January 4, 1882 (pg.4) -                  - New York Times / January 8, 1882 (pg.6) -                  - New York Tribune / January 14, 1882 (pg.3) -

Sparks & Dreams / Bijou Opera House / January 16 - 28, 1882

- New York Times / January 15, 1882 (pg.11) -                  - New York Times / January 15, 1882 (pg.7) -                  - New York Times / January 17, 1882 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / January 28, 1882 (pg.5) -

L'Afrique / Bijou Opera House / January 30 - February 18, 1882

- New York Times / January 22, 1882 (pg.7) -                  - New York Times / January 27, 1882 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / February 5, 1882 (pg.7) -                  - New York Times / February 5, 1882 (pg.11) -                  - New York Times / February 17, 1882 (pg.7) -

(Note: I am having a problem verifying this production, unless there were two operetta of the same name during this time. According to all references I can find,
the first production of Le Voyage dans L'Afrique was in Vienna in March of 1883, but both the annual Clipper and these newspapers have it playing here a month earlier.)

The Middy / Bijou Opera House / February 20 - 24, 1882

- New York Times / February 16, 1882 (pg.7) -            - New York Times / February 21, 1882 (pg.7) -             - New York Times / February 22, 1882 (pg.5) -           - New York Times / February 24, 1882 (pg.7) -

Apajune / Bijou Opera House / February 25 - March 10, 1882

- New York Times / February 7, 1882 (pg.5) -          - New York Times / February 12, 1882 (pg.7) -          - New York Times / February 19, 1882 (pg.13) -          - New York Times / February 19, 1882 (pg.13) -

- New York Times / February 26, 1882 (pg.7) -         - New York Times - New York Times / February 26, 1882 (pg.7) -         - New York Times / March 9, 1882 (pg.7) -         -

Pirates of Penzance / Bijou Opera House / March 13 - April 1, 1882

- New York Times / March 12, 1882 (pg.15) -                     - New York Times / March 14, 1882 (pg.4) -                      - New York Sun / March 18, 1882 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / March 19, 1882 (pg.9) -                     - New York Times / March 25, 1882 (pg.5) -                      - New York Times / March 31, 1882 (pg.5) -

Photos / Bijou Opera House / April 17 - April 29, 1882

- New York Times / April 16, 1882 (pg.9) - - Detroit Free-Press / April 18, 1882 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / April 23, 1882 (pg.15) -                     

- New York Times / April 25, 1882 (pg.4) -                    - New York Times / April 29, 1882 (pg.7) -

Herrmann the Magician / Bijou Opera House / April 2 - 15, 1882

- New York Times / April 2, 1882 (pg.15) -                      - New York Times / April 18, 1882 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / April 4, 1882 (pg.5) -

                                  - New York Times / April 11, 1882 (pg.5) -                      - New York Times / April 15, 1882 (pg.7)

Widow Bedott / Bijou Opera House / May 1 - 6, 1882

- New York Times / April 30, 1882 (pg.9) -           - New York Times / May 3, 1882 (pg.4) -            - New York Times / May 4, 1882 (pg.5) -            - New York Times / May 6, 1882 (pg.7) -

Lesson of Love / Bijou Opera House / May 8 - June 3, 1882

- New York Times / April 23, 1882 (pg.15) -                     - New York Times / April 30, 1882 (pg.9) -                      - New York Times / April 30, 1882 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / May 4, 1882 (pg.5) -           - New York Times / May 8, 1882 (pg.4) -            - New York Times / May 9, 1882 (pg.5) -            - New York Times / May 9, 1882 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / May 14, 1882 (pg.5) -             - New York Times / May 17, 1882 (pg.7) -             - New York Times / May 25, 1882 (pg.5) -             - New York Times / June 3, 1882 (pg.7) -

Olivette (3rd revival) / Bijou Opera House / July 31 - August 10, 1882

- New York Times / July 30, 1882 (pg.6) -                      - New York Times / August 3, 1882 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / August 6, 1882 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / August 11, 1882 (pg.6) -

Billee Taylor / Bijou Opera House / August 26 - September 9 (matinee), 1882

- New York Times / August 27, 1882 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / August 28, 1882 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / September 1, 1882 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 3, 1882 (pg.6) -           - New York Times / September 4, 1882 (pg.4) -            - New York Times / September 6, 1882 (pg.7) -           - New York Times / September 8, 1882 (pg.7) -

La Jolie Parfumeuse and Les Cloches de Comeville / Bijou Opera House / October 9 and matinee of 14th, 1882

- New York Times / October 8, 1882 (pg.4) -

The Mascot (one night only) / Bijou Opera House / October 11, 1882

- New York Times / October 12, 1882 (pg.4) -

La Timbale d'Argent / Bijou Opera House / October 11 - 14, 1882

- New York Times / October 11, 1882 (pg.7) -                    - New York Times / October 13, 1882 (pg.7) -

Patience / Bijou Opera House / September 9 - October 14, 1882

- New York Times / September 11, 1882 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / September 24, 1882 (pg.8) -                     - New York Times / September 24, 1882 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / October 4, 1882 (pg.7) -

The Sorcerer / Bijou Opera House / October 16, 1882 - January 6, 1883

- New York Times / October 12, 1882 (pg.4) -             - New York Times / October 25, 1882 (pg.4) -          - New York Times / October 31, 1882 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / November 4, 1882 (pg.5) -             - New York Times / November 14, 1882 (pg.5) -          - New York Times / November 24, 1882 (pg.7) -

- - New York Times / December 31, 1882 (pg.7) -          New York Times / January 3, 1883 (pg.5) -            - New York Times / January 6, 1883 (pg.4) -


- New York Times / January 2, 1882 (pg.8) -              - New York Times / January 13, 1882 (pg.5) -              - New York Times / May 28, 1882 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / June 1, 1882 (pg.4) -           - New York Times / August 13, 1882 (pg.6) -            - New York Times / December 28, 1882 (pg.5) -

- Bijou Opera House / 1883 -

Virginia / Bijou Opera House (January 9 - 19, 1883)


- New York Tribune / January 8, 1883 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / January 10, 1883 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / January 16, 1883 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / February 5, 1883 (pg.4) -                     - New York Sun / February 7, 1883 (pg.4) -                     - New York Sun / February 12, 1883 (pg.4) -

Heart and Hand / Bijou Opera House (February 15 - March 3, 1883)


- New York Tribune / February 15, 1883 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / February 16, 1883 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / February 17, 1883 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / February 21, 1883 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / February 27, 1883 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / February 28, 1883 (pg.x7) -

- New York Sun / March 2, 1883 (pg.4) -                     - New York Tribune March 2, 1883 (pg.4) -                     - New York Sun March 3, 1883 (pg.4) -

The Dime Novel / Bijou Opera House (March 5 - 10, 1883)

- New York Times / March 1, 1883 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / March 3, 1883 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / March 4, 1883 (pg.15) -

- New York Tribune / March 7, 1883 (pg.7) -           - Cincinnati Enquirer / March 11, 1883 (pg.9) -      - Cincinnati Enquirer / March 11, 1883 (pg.9) -      - New York San Francisco Examiner / March 18, 1883 (pg.3) -

Vim / Bijou Opera House (March 26 - April 15, 1883)

- New York Tribune / March 27, 1883 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / March 28, 1883 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / March 29, 1883 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / April 1, 1883 (pg.9) -                     - New York Tribune / April 1, 1883 (pg.11) -                     - New York Sun / April 8, 1883 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / April 8, 1883 (pg.15) -                     - New York Tribune / April 11, 1883 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / April 23, 1883 (pg.9) -

Caste / Bijou Opera House (April 17 - May 5, 1883)

- New York Tribune / April 18, 1883 (pg.4) -                                                                                   - New York Sun / April 18, 1883 (pg.3) -

- New York Times/ April 11, 1883 (pg.4) -                - New York Tribune / April 22, 1883 (pg.11) -               - New York Times/ May 5, 1883 (pg.7) -

Of Two Roses / Bijou Opera House (May 7 - 15, 1883)

- New York Times / May 3, 1883 (pg.5) -                     - New York Tribune / May 10, 1883 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / May 14, 1883 (pg.14) -

- New York Tribune / May 14, 1883 (pg.5) -                              - New York Times / May 13, 1883 (pg.15) -

Forgiven / Bijou Opera House (May 16-19, 1883)

- New York Tribune / May 15, 1883 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / May 15, 1883 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / May 16, 1883 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / May 17, 1883 (pg.7) -                      - New York Times / May 17, 1883 (pg.7) -                        - New York Times / May 17, 1883 (pg.7) -

Pop & Rice's Surprise Party / Bijou Opera House / May 21 - July 7, 1883

- New York Times / May 22, 1883 (pg.5) -                    - New York Tribune / May 27, 1883 (pg.11) -                      - New York Sun / June 6, 1883 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / June 3, 1883 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / June 10, 1883 (pg.7) -                                - New York Times / June 26, 1883 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / July 5, 1883 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / July 9, 1883 (pg.4) -                                - New York Tribune / July 9, 1883 (pg.4) -

-----------------------------------------------------JULY 8 - NOVEMBER 30th 1883: HOUSE CLOSED FOR RENOVATION -----------------------------------------

Orpheus and Eurydice / Bijou Opera House (December 1, 1883 - March 7, 1884)

- New York Times / December 1, 1884 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / December 1, 1884 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / December 10, 1884 (pg.11) -

- New York Times/ December 16, 1884 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / December 16, 1884 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / December 23, 1884 (pg.11) -

- New York Sun / January 2, 1884 (pg.4) -                            - New York Times / January 6, 1884 (pg.6) -                            - New York Times / January 27, 1884 (pg.3) -

          - New York Times / February 8, 1884 (pg.7) -                                   - New York Times / March 15, 1884 (pg.7) -      



- New York Sun / March 13, 1883 (pg.1) -                     - New York Times / April 6, 1883 (pg.2) -                     - New York Tribune / April 10, 1883 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / April 23, 1883 (pg.9) -           - New York Times / April 29, 1883 (pg.9) -           - New York Tribune / July 9, 1883 (pg.4) -           - New York Tribune / July 9, 1883 (pg.4) -

- New York Tribune / July 18, 1883 (pg.4) -              - New York Times / August 19, 1883 (pg.10) -             - New York Times / August 19, 1883 (pg.10) -

- New York Times / November 24, 1883 (pg.7) -                            - New York Times / November 25, 1883 (pg.8) -                            - New York Times / November 28, 1883 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / December 2, 1883 (pg.8) -                        - New York Times / December 2, 1883 (pg.8) -                        - New York Tribune / December 3, 1883 (pg.3) -

- New York Tribune / December 6, 1883 (pg.5) -                        - New York Tribune / December 6, 1883 (pg.5) -                        - New York Times / December 23, 1883 (pg.11) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1884 -

La Vie / Bijou Theatre (March 18 - May 3rd 1884)

- New York Tribune / March 27, 1884 (pg.7) -                   - New York Times / April 6, 1884 (pg.14) -                  - New York Times / April 6, 1884 (pg.14) -

Bluebeard / Bijou Theatre (May 6 - June 15th 1884)

- New York Times / April 27, 1884 (pg.14) -                     - New York Sun / May 4, 1884 (pg.10) -                     - New York Times / May 4, 1884 (pg.8) -

- New York Sun / May 7, 1884 (pg.10) -                              - New York Tribune / May 4, 1884 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / May 12, 1884 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / June 8, 1884 (pg.8) -                     - New York Times / June 14, 1884 (pg.7) -

-----------------------------------------------------JUNE 5 - JULY 20th 1884: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER -----------------------------------------

The Chimes of Normandy / Bijou Theatre (July 21-26th, 1884)

- New York Times / July 18, 1884 (pg.4) -                     - New York Sun / July 22, 1884 pg.3) -                     - New York Times / July 25, 1884 (pg.7) -

The Bohemian Girl / Bijou Theatre (July 28 - August 9, 1884)

- New York Times / July 27, 1884 (pg.6) -                     - New York Tribune / August 7, 1884 (pg.7) -                     - New York Sun / August 8, 1884 (pg.4) -

Fra Diavolo / Bijou Theatre (August 11 - 16, 1884)

- New York Times / August 10, 1884 (pg.11) -                     - New York Times / August 10, 1884 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / August 11, 1884 (pg.4) -

- New York Sun / August 12, 1884 (pg.x3) -

- New York Times / August 12, 1884 (pg.4) -

- New York Tribune / August 16, 1884 (pg.5) -                  - New York Tribune / August 16, 1884 (pg.5) -                  - New York Times / August 16, 1884 (pg.7) -

Maritana / Bijou Theatre (August 19 - 23, 1884)

- New York Sun / August 17, 1884 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / August 18, 1884 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / August 19, 1884 (pg.4) -

The Bohemian Girl (revival) / Bijou Theatre (August 25-26-27, 1884)

- New York Times / August 26, 1884 (pg.7) -

The Chimes of Normandy (revival) / Bijou Theatre (August 28-29-30, 1884)

- New York Tribune / August 29, 1884 (pg.7) -

- HOUSE CLOSED SEPTEMBER 1st - 3rd 1884 FOR "ADONIS" REHEARSALS ---------------

Adonis / Bijou Theatre (1884-86; 603 perf.)

- New York Times / August 31, 1884 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / September 3, 1884 (pg.4) -                     - New York Tribune / September 5, 1884 (pg.4) -                    - New York Times / October 2, 1884 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / October 5, 1884 (pg.8) -                    - New York Times / November 10, 1884 (pg.7) -                     - New York Tribune / December 5, 1884 (pg.8) -                    - New York Times / December 18, 1884 (pg.3) -


- New York Times / January 5, 1884 (pg.8) -                 - New York Times / January 6, 1884 (pg.2) -       - New York Times / January 6, 1884 (pg.2) -

- New York Times / February 6, 1884 (pg.2) -                 - New York Tribune /February 10, 1884 (pg.4) -                 - New York Times / May 4, 1884 (pg.14) - -

- New York Tribune / April 14, 1884 (pg.5) -                 - New York Times / April 16, 1884 (pg.7) -                 - New York Times / May 25, 1884 (pg.14) - -

- New York Times / May 18, 1884 (pg.14) -                 - New York Times /May 25, 1884 (pg.14) -                 - New York Times / May 25, 1884 (pg.14) - -

- New York Times / August 7, 1884 (pg.1) -

- New York Sun / August 7, 1884 (pg.1) -

- New York Times / August 22, 1884 (pg.5) -         - New York Times / August 24, 1884 (pg.3) -         - New York Times / August 24, 1884 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / August 24, 1884 (pg.3) -         - New York Times / August 24, 1884 (pg.3) -                 - New York Times / December 29, 1884 (pg.8) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1885 -

Adonis continues;

- New York Times / January 25, 1885 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / February 1, 1885 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / February 22, 1885 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / April 17, 1885 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / April 19, 1885 (pg.14) -

- New York Sun / May 29, 1885 (pg.1) -                                     - New York Times / June 6, 1885 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / June 14, 1885 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / June 18, 1885 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / June 28, 1885 (pg.6) -                     - New York Tribune / July 1, 1885 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / August 10, 1885 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / August 27, 1885 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / August 8, 1885 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / August 30, 1885 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / August 30, 1885 (pg.4) -                     - New York Sun / September 20, 1885 (pg.10) -

- New York Times / October 2, 1885 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / October 5, 1885 (pg.14) -                     - New York Times / October 25, 1885 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / November 3, 1885 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / November 3, 1885 (pg.3) -                     - New York Sun / November 3, 1885 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / November 4, 1885 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / November 4, 1885 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / November 15, 1885 (pg.14) -                    - New York Times / November 19, 1885 (pg.5) -                    - New York Sun / November 19, 1885 (pg.1) -                   

- New York Times / November 20, 1885 (pg.8) -                     - New York Sun / November 22, 1885 (pg.3) -                     - New York Sun / November 22, 1885 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / December 6, 1885 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / December 20, 1885 (pg.14) -                    - - New York Tribune / December 25, 1885 (pg.5) -                    - - New York Times / December 27, 1885 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / December 27, 1885 (pg.12) - -                    - - New York Tribune / March 13, 1886 (pg.8) -                    - - New York Times / March 15, 1886 (pg.14) -                     - New York Sun / March 20, 1886 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / March 28, 1886 (pg.7) -                     - New York Sun / April 17, 1886 (pg.4) -

(Adonis tells the story of a gorgeous male statue that comes to life and finds human ways so unpleasant that he chooses to turn back into stone - after spoofing several famous personalities.)



- New York Times / February 1, 1885 (pg.3) -

Lillian Russell

- New York Times / February 9, 1885 (pg.2) -                     - New York Times / February 11, 1885 (pg.4) -                        - New York Tribune / February 15, 1885 (pg.7) -                 - New York Times / February 23, 1885 (pg.4) -

Spring Opera 1885

- New York Times / February 22, 1885 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / March 8, 1885 (pg.3) -                - New York Times / March 8, 1885 (pg.3) -                - New York Sun / March 9, 1885 (pg.1) -                 - New York Times / March 18, 1885 (pg.18) -

- New York Times / March 22, 1885 (pg.7) -                              - New York Times / March 23, 1885 (pg.8) -                              - New York Times / March 26, 1885 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / April 2, 1885 (pg.3) -                  - New York Tribune / April 4, 1885 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / April 6, 1885 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / April 19, 1885 (pg.5) -                   - New York Times / May 25, 1885 (pg.4) -                   - New York Times / May 31, 1885 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / July 3, 1885 (pg.4) -                 - New York Times / July 12, 1885 (pg.3) -                 - New York Times / October 2, 1885 (pg.3) -                 - New York Times / October 2, 1885 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / August 2, 1885 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / December 22, 1885 (pg.5) -                     - New York Tribune / December 22, 1885 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / December 16, 1885 (pg.3) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1886 -

Arcadia (April 26 - May 15th 1886)

- New York Times / April 15, 1886 (pg.4) -               - New York Times / April 21, 1886 (pg.7) -               - New York Times / April 25, 1886 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / April 27, 1886 (pg.5) -                - New York Times / April 27, 1886 (pg.5) -                - New York Sun / May 2, 1886 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / May 4, 1886 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / May 5, 1886 (pg.9) -                     - New York Sun / May 14, 1886 (pg.4) -

Thatcher, Primrose & West's Minstrel Show / Bijou Theatre (May 17-29th 1886)

- New York Times / May 13, 1886 (pg.4) -                                        - New York Times / May 16, 1886 (pg.9) -                                        - New York Times / May 18, 1886 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / May 22, 1886 (pg.4) -                                        - New York Times / May 28, 1886 (pg.4) -

Bridal Trap / Bijou Theatre / May 31 - June 26th 1886

- New York Times / May 16, 1886 (pg.9) -                     - New York Times / June 4, 1886 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / June 4, 1886 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / June 6, 1886 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / June 16, 1886 (pg.4) -                       - New York Sun / June 20, 1886 (pg.2) -

- New York Times / June 24, 1886 (pg.4) -                       - New York Times / June 26, 1886 (pg.4) -

Humbug / Bijou Theatre / June 30 - August 14th 1886

- New York Times / June 27, 1886 (pg.9) -               - New York Times / August 1, 1886 (pg.6) -               - New York Times / August 8, 1886 (pg.6) -

Soldiers and Sweethearts / Bijou Theatre (August 16 - September 4th 1886)

- New York Tribune / August 15, 1886 (pg.7) -                    - - New York Tribune / August 15, 1886 (pg.7) -                    - - New York Tribune / August 17, 1886 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / August 17, 1886 (pg.5) -

-----------------------------------------------------SEPTEMBER 4 - 12th 1886: HOUSE CLOSED FOR RENOVATION --------------------------------------------

Little Jack Sheppard / Bijou Theatre (September 13 - December 10, 1886)

- New York Sun / September 14, 1886 (pg.3) -                               - New York Tribune / September 14, 1886 (pg.4) -                               - New York Times / September 16, 1886 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / October 3, 1886 (pg.2) -                     - New York Tribune / October 8, 1886 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / October 10, 1886 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / October 12, 1886 (pg.5) -                        - New York Times / November 1, 1886 (pg.5) -             - New York Times / November 1, 1886 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / November 21, 1886 (pg.2) -                     - New York Tribune / December 5, 1886 (pg.2) -                     - New York Times / December 10, 1886 (pg.4) -

Turned Up / Bijou Theatre (December 11, 1886 - January 22, 1887)

- New York Tribune / December 26, 1886 (pg.4) -                     - New York Sun / December 12, 1886 (pg.11) -                     - New York Tribune / December 21, 1886 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / December 26, 1886 (pg.9) -                     - New York Tribune / January 2, 1887 (pg.7) -                     - New York Sun / January 16, 1887 (pg.15) -

Nat Goodwin - in.. ... Turned Up


- New York Times / February 1, 1886 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / March 7, 1886 (pg.2) -                     - New York Times / March 19, 1886 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / May 9, 1886 (pg.9) -                                        - New York Times / May 16, 1886 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / June 19, 1886 (pg.1) -

- New York Times / June 27, 1886 (pg.9) -                                        - New York Times / July 9, 1886 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / July 11, 1886 (pg.7) -                 - New York Times / October 3, 1886 (pg.2) -                        - New York Times / December 20, 1886 (pg.3) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1887 -

The Mascot (revival) (January 24 - February 26, 1887)

- New York Sun / January 16, 1887 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / January 23, 1887 (pg.15) -                     - New York Sun / January 25, 1887 (pg.2) -

- New York Tribune / January 30, 1887 (pg.11) -                     - New York Times / February 7, 1887 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / February 10, 1887 (pg.4) -

- New York Tribune / February 14, 1887 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / February 30, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Sun / February 26, 1887 (pg.4) -

The Skating Rink (revival) / Bijou Theatre (February 28 - March 28, 1887)

- New York Times / February 19, 1887 (pg.4) -          - New York Sun / February 20, 1887 (pg.4) -            - New York Times / February 27, 1887 (pg.2) -            - New York Times / March 3, 1887 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / March 13, 1887 (pg.2) -             - New York Sun / March 13, 1887 (pg.7) -      

- New York Sun / March 25, 1887 (pg.1) -

- New York Times / March 26, 1887 (pg.2) -             - New York Evening World / March 29, 1887 (pg.6) -             - New York Times / March 29, 1887 (pg.5) -

Big Pony (or The Gentlemanly Savage) / Bijou Theatre (March 31 - April 23, 1887)

- from Bohemians and Critics (1981/pg.134):

With comedian Nat Goodwin in the leading role of Big Pony, Chief of the Umbilicas,
the extravagavza opened at the Bijou Opera House on March 31, 1887.

Possessing little literary merit, Big Pony, as one critic pointed out, served as a vehicle for
"a shower of puns, quips, topical songs and allusions, all passible and many of them very apt, funny and telling."
Goodwin appeared onstage in a full dress shirt, black wig, gold earrings, a row of diamonds in his shirt front,
moccasins, pocket-tomahawk, and eagle's feather. The Mirror reported that he "intervenes in the marriage
of a Mexican hidalgo, fascinates the bride, abducts the feminine half of the wedding party -- all too willing
to be abducted -- marries the fair one to her U.S. Lieutenant lover, saddles himself with the duenna, and in
general conducts himself like a beneficent copper-colored deux ex-machina, in a manner to warm the heart of the
Indian Educational Bureau of a Boston Philanthropist. The first and third acts of this foolishness were well-
received but a poor second act ruined the production. Goodwin made disparaging comments about the play which
delighted the audience and angered Wheeler." (Andrew C. Wheeler, librettist and theater critic)

Big Pony was not well received by the critics. A reviewer for the morning Herald found it rather ordinary.
"To be entirely candid, Mr. Wheeler's lyrics and dialogue and Mr. Darling's music are all of the most common-
place quality. There are no tuneful numbers, no bright lines, and the topical verses are entirely devoid of wit
or sparkle. Not a laugh greeted any of the efforts to be funny and if it had not been for the fun and frolic
introduced by Mr. Goodwin and members of the company, the 'Big Pony' would have been a flat failure."
Wheeler never forgave Goodwin's impromptu remarks, which he blamed for the play's failure.

- New York Times / March 29, 1887 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / March 30, 1887 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / March 31, 1887 (pg.4) -

- New York Sun / April 1, 1887 (pg.3) -             - New York Sun / April 10, 1887 (pg.11) -             - New York Sun / April 23, 1887 (pg.7) -

Little Jack Sheppard (revival) / Bijou Theatre (April 25 - 30, 1887)

- New York Times / April 23, 1887 (pg.7) -           - New York Tribune / April 25, 1887 (pg.5) -            - New York Tribune / April 23, 1887 (pg.7) -            - New York Tribune / April 30, 1887 (pg.7) -

Adonis (revival) / Bijou Theatre (May 2 - June 4, 1887)

- New York Times / May 2, 1887 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / May 3, 1887 (pg.5) -                     - New York Tribune / May 3, 1887 (pg.4) - - New York Sun / May 3, 1887 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / May 8, 1887 (pg.2) -          - New York Times / May 22, 1887 (pg.2) -                                - New York Sun / June 1, 1887 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / June 3, 1887 (pg.4) -            - New York Times / June 4, 1887 (pg.12) -            - New York Tribune / June 5, 1887 (pg.12) -           - New York Tribune / June 5, 1887 (pg.12) -

Herrmann the Great / Bijou Theatre (June 6 - 1887)

- New York Times / June 5, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Tribune / June 5, 1887 (pg.12) -                     - New York Times / June 6, 1887 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / June 7, 1887 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / June 8, 1887 (pg.4) -                     - New York Sun / June 12, 1887 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / June 14, 1887 (pg.3) -                     - New York Sun / June 18, 1887 (pg.4) -                                        - New York Tribune / June 19, 1887 (pg.12) -

Caprice / Bijou Theatre (June 21 - July 9th 1887)

- New York Times / June 21, 1887 (pg.6) -            - New York Tribune / June 21, 1887 (pg.4) -            - New York Times / June 22, 1887 (pg.4) -           - New York Times / June 22, 1887 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / June 27, 1887 (pg.4) -           - New York Sun / July 3, 1887 (pg.5) -            - New York Times / July 3, 1887 (pg.2) -            - New York Tribune / July 9, 1887 (pg.7) -

-----------------------------------------------------JULY 10 - SEPTEMBER 11th 1887: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER --------------------------------------

A Circus in Town / Bijou Theatre (September 12 - 22, 1887)

- New York Times / September 11, 1887 (pg.7) -              - New York Sun / September 18, 1887 (pg.9) -             - New York Times / September 19, 1887 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 13, 1887 (pg.4) -                 - New York Sun / September 13, 1887 (pg.3) -

The Humming Bird / Bijou Theatre (September 23 - October 16 1887)

- New York Times / September 22, 1887 (pg.4) -                     - New York Tribune / October 1, 1887 (pg.9) -                     - New York Sun / October 9, 1887 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / September 24, 1887 (pg.5) -                     - New York Times / September 25, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Times / September 26, 1887 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 28, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Times / October 1, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Sun / October 14, 1887 (pg.6) -

The Corsair / Bijou Theatre (October 18, 1887 - March 17, 1888)

- New York Times / October 7, 1887 (pg.4) -                       - New York Sun / October 10, 1887 (pg.4) -                       - New York Evening World / October 12, 1887 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / October 16, 1887 (pg.2) -                       - New York Sun / October 16, 1887 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / October 16, 1887 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / October 16, 1887 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / October 16, 1887 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / October 17, 1887 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / October 19, 1887 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / October 19, 1887 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / October 19, 1887 (pg.2) -                       - New York Times / October 19, 1887 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / October 23, 1887 (pg.9) -                       - New York Evening World / October 27, 1887 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / October 30, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Evening World / October 31, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Tribune / March 4, 1888 (pg.2) -

Ingomar / Bijou Theatre (October 20, 1887 / Julia Marlowe debut / matinee performance)

- New York Evening World / October 11, 1887 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / October 16, 1887 (pg.2) -                     - New York Evening World / October 21, 1887 (pg.2) -


- New York Tribune / January 18, 1887 (pg.8) -                     - New York Sun / January 22, 1887 (pg.8) -                     - New York Times / February 2, 1887 (pg.3) -                     - New York Times / March 4, 1887 (pg.2)-

- New York Times March 24, 1887 (pg.1) -                     - New York Times / April 4, 1887 (pg.6) -                     - New York Times / April 6, 1887 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / April 7, 1887 (pg.5) -           - New York Times / April 24, 1887 (pg.15) -           - New York Sun / April 26, 1887 (pg.1) -           - New York Tribune / April 26, 1887 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / May 12, 1887 (pg.4) -           - New York Times / May 13, 1887 (pg.4) -            - New York Tribune / May 13, 1887 (pg.8) -

- New York Sun / July 10, 1887 (pg.5) -             - New York Sun / October 7, 1887 (pg.1) -             - New York Evening World / October 19, 1887 (pg.2) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1888 -

The Pearl of Pekin / Bijou Theatre (March 19 - May 28, 1888)

- New York Sun / March 11, 1888 (pg.7) -            - New York Sun / March 15, 1888 (pg.1) -            - New York Times / March 18, 1888 (pg.16) -          - New York Tribune / March 20, 1888 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / March 20, 1888 (pg.4) -             - New York Tribune / March 22, 1888 (pg.4) -

- New York Sun / May 26, 1888 (pg.6) -            - New York Sun / May 29, 1888 (pg.2) -

Town Lots (or A Paper City) / Bijou Theatre (May 28 - June 1, 1888)

- New York Evening World / May 29, 1888 (pg.3) -         - New York Tribune / May 29, 1888 (pg.7) -         - New York Tribune / May 29, 1888 (pg.8) -         - New York Evening World / May 30, 1888 (pg.2) -

Lost In New York / Bijou Theatre (June 4 - 9, 1888)

- New York Tribune / June 3, 1888 (pg.7) -         - New York Times / June 3, 1888 (pg.2) -            - New York Evening World / June 4, 1888 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / June 5, 1888 (pg.3) -                   - New York Times / June 12, 1888 (pg.2) -                     - New York Evening World / June 9, 1888 (pg.3) -

-----------------------------------------------------JUNE 9 - SEPTEMBER 2nd 1888: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER --------------------------------------

The Woman Hater / Bijou Theatre (September 3 - 30, 1888)

- New York Times / September 4, 1888 (pg.5) -                     - New York Evening World / September 4, 1888 (pg.3) - - New York Evening World / September 5, 1888 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / September 7, 1888 (pg.8) -                     - New York Sun / September 9, 1888 (pg.6) -                    - New York Times / September 10, 1888 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / September 10, 1888 (pg.3) -                     - New York Tribune / September 10, 1888 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / September 14, 1888 (pg.5) /
- Notice about this article: the theatre is still often being called the "Bijou Opera House",
and McKenna's Flirtation is never mentioned again after this month.

- New York Sun / September 16, 1888 (pg.9) -                     - New York Evening World / September 17, 1888 (pg.3) -                    - New York Evening World / September 19, 1888 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / September 23, 1888 (pg.9) -                     - New York Evening World / September 23, 1888 (pg.3) -                    - New York Evening World / September 24, 1888 (pg.3) -

Katti, the Family Help / Bijou Theatre / October 8-13 1888

- New York Times / September 22, 1888 (pg.3) -              - New York Times / September 30, 1888 (pg.7) -              - New York Evening World / October 1, 1888 (pg.3) -            - New York Evening World / October 1, 1888 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / October 2, 1888 (pg.5) -      - New York Evening World / October 8, 1888 (pg.3) -      - New York Evening World / October 11, 1888 (pg.3) -      - New York Evening World / October 12, 1888 (pg.5) -

A Brass Monkey / Bijou Theatre / October 15, 1888 - January 5, 1889

- New York Tribune / October 13, 1888 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / October 14, 1888 (pg.15) -                       - New York Times / October 14, 1888 (pg.2) -

- New York Evening World / October 15, 1888 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / October 16, 1888 (pg.3) -                       - New York Tribune / October 16, 1888 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / October 16, 1888 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / October 16, 1888 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / October 17, 1888 (pg.2) -

- New York World / October 28, 2888 (pg.13) -                       - New York Evening World / December 29, 1888 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / January 4, 1889 (pg.3) -


- New York Times / March 10, 1888 (pg.9) -        - New York Times / March 10, 1888 (pg.9) -       

- New York Sun / March 15, 1888 (pg.1) -

- New York Evening World / May 25, 1888 (pg.3) -                       - New York Tribune / May 26, 1888 (pg.3) -                       - New York Tribune / May 28, 1888 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / May 30, 1888 (pg.3) -                       - New York Times / June 10, 1888 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / June 12, 1888 (pg.1) -

- New York Times / June 12, 1888 (pg.4) -                       - New York Sun / June 12, 1888 (pg.1) -

- New York Tribune / September 13, 1888 (pg.10) -                       - New York Evening World / September 20, 1888 (pg.3) -                       - New York Tribune / September 19, 1888 (pg.7) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1889 -

Pearl of Pekin (revival) / Bijou Theatre (January 7 -26, 1889)

- New York Sun / January 6, 1889 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / January 8, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / January 12, 1889 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / January 19, 1889 (pg.3) -            - New York Tribune / January 20, 1889 (pg.7) -            - New York Tribune / January 23, 1889 (pg.7) -            - New York Evening World / January 26, 1889 (pg.3) -

Natural Gas / Bijou Theatre (January 28 - February 17, 1889)

- New York Evening World / January 26, 1889 (pg.6) -                       - New York Sun / January 27, 1889 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / January 28, 1889 (pg.6) -

- New York Evening World / January 29, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / February 1, 1889 (pg.6) -

- New York Evening World / February 2, 1889 (pg.3) -            - New York Times / February 2, 1889 (pg.2) -                     - New York Sun / February 9, 1889 (pg.6) -

- New York Sun / February 10, 1889 (pg.9) -                     - New York Evening World / February 11, 1889 (pg.3) -                     - New York Sun / February 16, 1889 (pg.6) -

- Historic American Sheet Music / cover sheet and "The Rogue's Revenge" / from Donnelly and Girard's Natural Gas

Zig-Zag / Bijou Theatre (February 18th - March 3th 1889)

- New York World / February 16, 1889 (pg.5) -                                                                                                                                                                                 - New York World / February 21, 1889 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / March 1, 1889 (pg.3) -                     - New York Evening World / March 2, 1889 (pg.3) -                     - New York Evening World / March 2, 1889 (pg.3) -


A Midnight Bell / Bijou Opera House (March 6 - Jun 29th 1889)

- New York Evening World / March 2, 1889 (pg.3) -                     - New York Evening World / March 7, 1889 (pg.3) -                    - New York Sun / March 17, 1889 (pg.18) -

- New York Evening World / March 23, 1889 (pg.3) -                     - New York Evening World / April 13, 1889 (pg.3) -                    - New York Evening World / May 11, 1889 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / May 12, 1889 (pg.9) -                     - New York Evening World / May 27, 1889 (pg.3) -                    - New York Evening World / June 8, 1889 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / June 10, 1889 (pg.5) -                     - New York Evening World / July 23, 1889 (pg.3) -                    - New York Evening World / July 23, 1889 (pg.3) -

                                                                                                                                       - New York Evening World / June 8, 1889 (pg.3) -

The White Elephant / Bijou Theatre / July 15 - 27, 1889

- New York Times / July 4, 1889 (pg.8) -            - New York Evening World / July 4, 1889 (pg.3) -           - New York Evening World / July 12, 1889 (pg.2) -          - New York Evening World / July 16, 1889 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / July 16, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Times / July 18, 1889 (pg.8) -                       - New York x / July 28, 1889 (pg.3) -


- New York Evening World / July 23, 1889 (pg.3) -         - New York Times / July 27, 1889 (pg.2) -          - New York Tribune / July 28, 1889 (pg5) -          - New York Tribune / July 28, 1889 (pg.5) -

The Lion and the Lamb / Bijou Theatre / August 5 - 17, 1889

- New York Times / July 28, 1898 (pg.16) -          - New York Evening World / August 3, 1898 (pg.3) -         - New York Tribune / August 4, 1898 (pg.12) -          - New York Times / August 4, 1898 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / August 6, 1898 (pg.3) -            - New York Evening World / August 7, 1898 (pg.3) -            - New York Evening World / August 7, 1898 (pg.3) -            - New York Evening World / August 8, 1898 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / August 11, 1898 (pg.3) -                      - New York Tribune / August 12, 1898 (pg.3) -                      - New York Times / August 17, 1898 (pg.3) -

Herrmann's Transatlantic Vaudeville Co. / Bijou Theatre / August 19 - September 7, 1889

- New York Evening World / August 30, 1898 (pg.x3) -           - New York Evening World / September 5, 1889 (pg.3) -           - New York Evening World / September 9, 1889 (pg.3) -           - New York Evening World / September 9, 1889 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / August 18, 1889 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / August 23, 1889 (pg.4) -                       - New York Times / August 6, 1889 (pg.7) -


- New York Evening World / August 24, 1889 (pg.1) -


- New York Evening World / August 24, 1889 (pg.3) -

Natural Gas (revival) / Bijou Theatre / September 9 - 21, 1889

- New York Evening World / September 5, 1889 (pg.x) -                       - New York Tribune / September 9, 1889 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / September 10, 1889 (pg.6) -

A Hole in the Ground / Bijou Theatre / September 23 - October 4, 1889

- New York Evening World / September 23, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Times / September 24, 1889 (pg.4) -                       - New York Evening World / September 28, 1889 (pg.2) -


- New York Tribune / September 29, 1889 (pg.20) -                       - New York Evening World / October 3, 1889 (pg.2) -                       - (Lobby Card) -

Boston Howard Athenaeum / Bijou Theatre / October 7 - 26, 1889

- New York Evening World / October 5, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - Buffalo Evening News / October 5, 1889 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / October 8, 1889 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / October 15, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / October 18, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / October 19, 1889 (pg.3) -

Later On / Bijou Theatre / October 28 - November 16, 1889

- New York Evening World / October 15, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Times / October 28, 1889 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / November 10, 1889 (pg.15) -                       - New York Sun / November 3, 1889 (pg.21) -

Note: It was strange; other than the one "coming soon" announcement and the Sun article - and ads - there was NO mention of
this production ever being in New York, although the same show would appear again (to less-than-pleasing notices) in 1894.
Was it a coincidence that the afternoon lectures by Professor Cromwell - in the same house - on such topics as
"Italy, the Art Land" were being were being faithfully reported on by the newspapers?

The Tourists in a Pullman Car / Bijou Theatre / November 18 - 20, 1889

- New York Evening World / November 16, 1889 (pg.3) -            - New York Evening World / November 19, 1889 (pg.2) -            - New York Sun / November 16, 1889 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / November 16, 1889 (pg.3) -

(Although there was no closing notice, the fact the company had reopened at the Theatre Comique
on November 21st, leads me to mark their last performance at the Bijoue as November 20th.)

- The Tourists In A Pullman Car -

Sheet music cover image of the song 'the Tourists in a Pullman Car Song and Chorus', with original authorship notes reading 'Words and Music by Geo Bowron', United States, 1880.
The publisher is listed as 'spear and Dehnhoff, 717 Broadway', the form of composition is 'strophic with chorus', the instrumentation is 'piano and voice', the first line reads
'Over the grassy plains we swiftly whirl a long', and the illustration artist is listed as 'Lith. by R. Teller, 136 E. 13 St. N.Y.'.
(Photo by Sheridan Libraries/Levy/Gado/Getty Images)

-Will H Bray's Admired Songs -

Sheet music cover image of the song 'Will H Bray's Admired Songs No2 Pretty Charming Lillian Song and Dance', with original authorship notes reading
'Words by Mrs Dell Benedict Melody by Will H Bray, Esq Arranged by FA Muller', United States, 1880. The publisher is listed as
's.T. Gordon and Son, No.13 East 14th St., Near 5th Avenue', the form of composition is 'strophic with chorus (with dance interludes)',
the instrumentation is 'piano and voice', the first line reads 'I've lately met the sweetest pet Who wears the latest fashion',
and the illustration artist is listed as 'Lith. By R. Teller 136 E. 13 St. N.Y.'. (Photo by Sheridan Libraries/Levy/Gado/Getty Images)

The Woman Hater (revival) / Bijou Theatre (November 25 - 30, 1889)

- New York Times / November 18, 1889 (pg.8) -                       - New York Evening World / November 23, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / November 24, 1889 (pg.24) -

- New York Evening World / November 26, 1889 (pg.3) -                       - New York Tribune / November 27, 1889 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / November 30, 1889 (pg.9) -

A Brass Monkey (revival) / Bijou Theatre (December 2, 1889 - January 4th 1890)

- New York World / October 28, 1888 (pg.13) -                      - New York Sun / December 1, 1889 (pg.9) -                      - New York Evening World / December 3, 1889 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / December 1, 1889 (pg.3) -                                 - New York Evening World / December 7, 1889 (pg.3) -                                  - New York Sun / December 8, 1889 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / December 14, 1889 (pg.3) -                                  - New York Sun / December 15, 1889 (pg.18) -                                  - New York Times / December 26, 1889 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / December 19, 1889 (pg.3) -                                 - New York Tribune / December 19, 1889 (pg.11) -                                 - New York Evening World / December 21, 1889 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / December 22, 1889 (pg.22) -                                 - New York Evening World / December 27, 1889 (pg.1) -

- New York Evening World / December 28, 1889 (pg.1) -                                  - New York Times / December 29, 1889 (pg.13) -                                 - New York Evening World / January 4, 1890 (pg.1) -


- New York Evening World / January 23, 1889 (pg.1) -        - New York Tribune / January 24, 1889 (pg.10) -       

- New York Sun / January 12, 1889 (pg.4) -            - New York Sun / January 22, 1889 (pg.2) -            - New York Sun / February 1, 1889 (pg.6) -

Short, unnamed comedy with "musical and dramatic entertainment" (possibly by performers for their own entertainment) / Bijou Theatre (May 22nd 1889)

- New York Sun / July 28, 1889 (pg.9) -            - New York Times / August 10, 1889 (pg.8) -            - New York Times / August 15, 1889 (pg.8) -            - New York Evening World / September 10, 1889 (pg.3) -

October 8, 1889: The New York City Board of Aldermen voted to allow J.W. Rosenquest to place three ornamental lamp-posts and lamps in front of the Bijou.

         (See: Proceedings of the Board of Aldermen, Volume 196)

- New York Evening World / October 12, 1889 (pg.3) -          - New York Times / October 29, 1889 (pg.8) -           - New York Sun / November 23, 1889 (pg.9) -           - New York Times / November 7, 1889 (pg.8) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1890 -

A Tin Soldier / Bijou Theatre (January 6 - 11, 1890)

- New York Sun / January 6, 1890 (pg.10) - (The Tin Soldier was an annual, one week event.)

A Midnight Bell (revival) / Bijou Theatre (January 13 - February 8, 1890)

- New York x / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York x / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York x / xx (pg.x) -

- New York x / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York x / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York x / xx (pg.x) -

City Directory / Bijou Theatre (February 10 - June 21, 1890)

- New York Evening World / February 8, 1890 (pg.3) -           - New York Times / February 11, 1890 (pg.4) -           - New York Times / February 11, 1890 (pg.4) -

- New York Sun / February 3, 1890 (pg.8) -           - New York Tribune / February 11, 1890 (pg.6) -           - New York Tribune / February 11, 1890 (pg.6) -

- New York Evening World / February 14, 1890 (pg.3) -          - New York Evening World / February 20, 1890 (pg.3) -          - New York Evening World / February 20, 1890 (pg.3) -           

- New York Times / February 20, 1890 (pg.8) -                       - New York Evening World / February 23, 1890 (pg.3) -            - New York Sun / February 23, 1890 (pg.8) -

- New York Sun / April 27, 1890 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / May 1, 1890 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / May 10, 1890 (pg.x) -

- New York Evening World / May 24, 1890 (pg.x) -                       - New York Sun / May 25, 1890 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / May 31, 1890 (pg.x) -

- New York Times / June 22, 1890 (pg.13) - (The City Directory closes.)

-----------------------------------------------------JUNE 22 – JULY 27th 1894: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER ---------------------------------------------------------------------

- Canuck / Bijou Theatre / July 28, 1890 -

- New York Evening World / July 8, 1890 (pg.3) -                 - New York Sun / July 13, 1890 (pg.24) -                       - New York Evening World / July 25, 1890 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / July 29, 1890 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / August 1, 1890 (pg.3) -                       - New York World / August 7, 1890 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / August 31, 1890 (pg.15) -                       - New York Evening World / August 13, 1890 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / September 6, 1890 (pg.3) -

My Aunt Bridget / Bijou Theatre / September 8 - 20th 1890

                                           - New York Evening World / September 6, 1890 (pg.3) -                                                                                          - New York Sun / September 9, 1890 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / September 9, 1890 (pg.3) -                         - New York World / September12, 1890 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / September 13, 1890 (pg3) -                - New York Evening World / September 13, 1890 (pg3) -                - New York Evening World / September 20, 1890 (pg3) -

- George W. Monroe as Aunt Bridget -

Boston Howard Athenaeum / Bijou Theatre / September 22 - October 3rd 1890

- New York Evening World / September 20, 1890 (pg.3) -                 - New York Evening World / September 22, 1890 (pg.3) -                  - New York Evening World / September 23, 1890 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / September 23, 1890 (pg.3) -                 - New York Sun / September 28, 1890 (pg.17) -                  - New York Sun / October 3, 1890 (pg.10) -

City Directory (revival) / Bijou Theatre / October 6 - November 1, 1890

- New York Sun / October 5, 1890 (pg.15) -                       - New York Evening World / October 8, 1890 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / October 25, 1890 (pg.5) -           

- New York Times / October 26, 1890 (pg.13) -             - New York Evening World / October 31, 1890 (pg.5) -

George Thatcher's Minstrels / Bijou Theatre (November 3 - 8, 1890)

- New York Tribune / November 4, 1890 (pg.7) -           - New York Sun / November 4, 1890 (pg.7) -            - New York World / November 4, 1890 (pg.6) -            - New York Sun / November 4, 1890 (pg.10) -

A Texas Steer / Bijou Theatre (November 10, 1890 - January 24, 1891)


- New York World / November 11, 1890 (pg.5) -                       - New York World / November 11, 1890 (pg.5) -                       - New York World / November 11, 1890 (pg.5) -


- New York Times / November 16, 1890 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / November 16, 1890 (pg.13) -                       - New York Evening World / December 6, 1890 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / December 27, 1890 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / January 8, 1890 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / January 20, 1890 (pg.8) -


- New York Sun / January 16, 1890 (pg.3) -          - New York Times / March 18, 1890 (pg.13) -         - New York Times / December 21, 1890 (pg.13) -         - New York Sun / December 28, 1890 (pg.10) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1891 -

The Nominee / Bijou Theatre (January 27-May 2nd 1891)

- New York Evening World / January 31, 1891 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / January 31, 1891 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / February 1, 1891 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / December 16, 1890 (pg.8) -              - New York Evening World / December 18, 1890 (pg.3) -              - New York Evening World / January 23, 1891 (pg.2) -

- New York Evening World / January 27, 1890 (pg.2) -

- New York Sun / March 15, 1891 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / January 24, 1891 (pg.3) -              - New York Evening World / January 27, 1891 (pg.3) -              - New York Times / March 15, 1891 (pg.13) -

- New York Evening World / March 21, 1891 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / March 28, 1891 (pg.2) -                       - New York Times / April 19, 1891 (pg.14) -

Image 4 of The New York herald (New York [N.Y.]), January 26, 1891
BIJOU THEATRE: The Nominee, 8:15 P. M

O'Dowd's Neighbors / Bijou Theatre (May 4-16, 1891)

- New York Sun / May 5, 1891 (pg.2) -                       - New York Evening World / May 5, 1891 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / May 9, 1891 (pg.3) -

Aunt Bridget's Baby / Bijou Theatre (May 18-June 12, 1891)

- New York Evening World / May 18, 1891 (pg.3) -                - New York Sun / May 24, 1891 (pg.9) -                  - New York Evening World / June 6, 1891 (pg.3) -

- New York Timesd / June 9, 1891 (pg.13) -                - New York Sun / June 12, 1891 (pg.10) -                  - New York Tribune / June 13, 1891 (pg.6) -

-----------------------------------------------------JUNE 13 - AUGUST 2nd 1891: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER -------------------------------------------------

A High Roller / Bijou Theatre (August 3 - 29, 1891)

- New York Times / July 12, 1891 (pg.13) -              - New York Tribune / July 28, 1891 (pg.5) -              - New York Tribune / July 30, 1891 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / August 4, 1891 (pg.3) -              - New York Times / August 4, 1891 (pg.5) -              - New York Evening World / August 8, 1891 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / August 5, 1891 (pg.2) -

- New York Times / August 23, 1891 (pg.13) -                                      - New York Tribune / August 16, 1891 (pg.12) -

Niobe / Bijou Theatre (August 31 - November 21st 1891)

- New York Evening World / August 29, 1881 (pg.2) -              - New York Evening World / August 29, 1881 (pg.3) -              - New York Sun / August 30, 1881 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / September 1, 1891 (pg.2a) -              - New York Times / September 1, 1891 (pg.2b) -              - New York Times / September 13, 1891 (pg.13) -

- New York Sun / September 27, 1891 (pg.15) -             - New York Sun / October 4, 1891 (pg.15) -             - New York Tribune / October 4, 1891 (pg.24) -

- New York Sun / October 8, 1891 (pg.13) -              - New York Sun / October 18, 1891 (pg.15) -              - New York Sun / October 25, 1891 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / October 25, 1891 (pg.13) -              - New York Sun / November 1, 1891 (pg.15) -              - New York Sun / November 15, 1891 (pg.8) -

The Hustler / Bijou Theatre (November 23 - December 5, 1891)

- New York Evening World / November 21, 1891 (pg.2) -                       - New York Sun / November 22, 1891 (pg.15) -                       - New York Sun / November 22, 1891 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / December 4, 1891 (pg.5) -

The New City Directory / Bijou Theatre (December 7, 1891 - February 20, 1892)

- New York Sun / December 6, 1891 (pg.x) -                       - New York Sun / December 6, 1891 (pg.x) -                       - New York Times / December 8, 1891 (pg.x) -

- New York Sun / December 8, 1891 (pg.x) -                       - New York Tribune / December 19, 1891 (pg.x) -                       - New York Sun / December 27, 1891 (pg.x) -

- New York Times / January 19, 1892 (pg.8) -        - New York Evening World / January 19, 1892 (pg.3) -       - New York Evening World / January 30, 1892 (pg.3) -       - New York Sun / January 30, 1892 (pg.15) -

- New York Evening World / February 1, 1892 (pg.3) -        - New York Sun / February 2, 1892 (pg.15) -        - New York Evening World / February 13, 1892 (pg.3) -        - New York Sun / February 20, 1892 (pg.10) -


- New York Tribune / October 14, 1891 (pg.22) -              - New York Tribune / October 18, 1891 (pg.5) -              - New York Times / October 24, 1891 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / December 14, 1891 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / December 30, 1891 (pg.9) -

- Bijou Opera House / 1892 -

Incog (with "Saltcellar" as opening) / Bijou Theatre (February 22 - March 19, 1892)

- New York Evening World / February 20, 1892 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / February 21, 1892 (pg.15) -                       - New York Sun / February 21, 1892 (pg.7) -


- New York Times / February 23, 1892 (pg.4) -                       - New York Sun / February 23, 1892 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / March 5, 1892 (pg.x) -                       - New York Sun / March 6, 1892 (pg.x) -                       - New York Times / March 10, 1892 (pg.x) -

- New York Evening World / March 11, 1892 (pg.x) -                       - New York Sun / March 13, 1892 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / March 16, 1892 (pg.x) -

- New York Evening World / March 18, 1892 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / March 18, 1892 (pg.x) -

A Night At the Circus / Bijou Theatre (March 21 - April 16, 1892)

- New York Evening World / March 22, 1892 (pg.3) -                       - New York Times / March 27, 1892 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / March 20, 1892 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / March 22, 1892 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / March 22, 1892 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / April 4, 1892 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / April 3, 1892 (pg.13) -                       - New York Sun / April 7, 1892 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / April 9, 1892 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / April 10, 1892 (pg.15) -                       - New York Evening World / April 15, 1892 (pg.5) -

A Jolly Surprise / Bijou Theatre (April 18 - May 14, 1892)

- New York Times / April 17, 1892 (pg.13) -                       - New York World / April 17, 1892 (pg.22) -                       - New York Sun / April 17, 1892 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / April 17, 1892 (pg.22) -                       - New York World / April 17, 1892 (pg.2) -                       - New York Times / April 21, 1892 (pg.2) -

- New York Evening World / April 23, 1892 (pg.5) -                       - New York World / April 24, 1892 (pg.22) -                       - New York Sun / May 1, 1892 (pg.8) -

- New York World / May 8, 1892 (pg.24) -                       - New York World / May 13, 1892 (pg.5) -

Sport McAllister / Bijou Theatre (May 16 - June 11, 1892)

- New York World / May 15, 1892 (pg.24) -                       - New York Evening World / May 17, 1892 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / May 15, 1892 (pg.8) -


- New York Sun / May 17, 1892 (pg.3) -

- New York World / May 22, 1892 (pg.22) -                       - New York World / May 22, 1892 (pg.22) -                       - New York Sun / May 26, 1892 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / May 29, 1892 (pg.13) -                       - New York Evening World / June 6, 1892 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / June 11, 1892 (pg.5) -

-----------------------------------------------------JUNE 12 - SEPTEMBER 4th, 1892: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER ----------------------------------------

12 PM / Bijou Theatre (September 5 - 17, 1892)

- New York Sun / September 4, 1892 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / September 15, 1892 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / September 17, 1892 (pg.5) -


- New York World / September 6, 1892 (pg.4) -


- New York Evening World / September 6, 1892 (pg.4) -

- New York Evening Sun / September 6, 1892 (pg.4) -

A Parlor Match / Bijou Theatre (September 19 - October 29, 1892)

- New York Times / September 12, 1892 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / September 25, 1892 (pg.5) -

- New York World / September 29, 1892 (pg.11) -

- New York World / September 25, 1892 (pg.15) -                       - New York Evening World / October 1, 1892 (pg.2) -                       - New York Evening World / October 15, 1892 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / October 18, 1892 (pg.8) -                       - New York Times / October 22, 1892 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / October 29, 1892 (pg.5) -

Mrs. O'Brien, Esq. / Bijou Theatre (October 31 - November 12, 1892)

- New York Tribune / November 3, 1892 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / November 1, 1892 (pg.2) -                       - New York World / November 6, 1892 (pg.5) -


- New York Times / November 1, 1892 (pg.4) -


- New York Evening World / November 2, 1892 (pg.4) -

Fun on the Bristol / Bijou Theatre (November 14 - December 3, 1892)

- New York Evening World / November 12, 1892 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / November 15, 1892 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / November 26, 1892 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / November 27, 1892 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / December 2, 1892 (pg.7) -

A Society Fad / Bijou Theatre (December 5, 1892 - January 21, 1893)

- New York Evening World / November 23, 1892 (pg.5) -       - New York Evening World / December 6, 1892 (pg.5) -        - New York Sun / December 6, 1892 (pg.3) -          - New York Evening World / December 12, 1892 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / December 25, 1892 (pg.13) -                       - New York Evening World / December 31, 1892 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / December 31, 1892 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / January 8, 1893 (pg.15) -                       - New York World / January 21, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / January 22, 1893 (pg.23) -

- New York World / January 26, 1893 (pg.8) -            - New York Tribune / January 29, 1893 (pg.5) -            - New York Evening World / February 11, 1893 (pg.5) -            - New York Evening World / February 18, 1893 (pg.5) -


- New York x / January 8, 1893 (pg.2) -                       - New York Times / March 28, 1893 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / April 14, 1893 (pg.4) -            - New York Evening World / April 29, 1893 (pg.5) -            - New York Evening World / May 4, 1893 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / June 27, 1893 (pg.3) -          - New York Evening World / August 24, 1893 (pg.5) -          - New York Times / August 28, 1893 (pg.13) -

- New York Evening World / October 10, 1893 (pg.6) -          - New York Evening World / October 10, 1893 (pg.7) -          - New York Times / October 10, 1893 (pg.8) -          - New York Evening World / October 21, 1893 (pg.5) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1893 -

A Mad Bargain / Bijou Theatre (February 27 - March 11, 1893)

- New York Evening World / February 25, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / February 28, 1893 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / March 4, 1893 (pg.13) -


- New York Evening World / March 2, 1893 (pg.4) -


- New York Sun / February 26, 1893 (pg.20) -


- New York Sun / February 28, 1893 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / March 5, 1893 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / March 12, 1893 (pg.19) - -

Hoss and Hoss / Bijou Theatre (March 13 - April 8, 1893)

- New York Evening World / March 14, 1893 (pg.3) -                       - New York x / March 14, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / March 15, 1893 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / March 25, 1893 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / April 1, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / April 8, 1893 (pg.11) -

A Texas Steer (revival) / Bijou Theatre (April 10 - June 3, 1893)

- New York Times / March 26, 1893 (pg.13) -                       - New York x / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York x / xx (pg.x) -

- New York Evening World / March 22, 1893 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York Sun / xx (pg.x) -

-----------------------------------------------------JUNE 4 - SEPTEMBER 1st 1893: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER ------------------------------------------

Worlds Fair City Directory / Bijou Theatre (September 2 - , 1893)

- New York Tribune / September 3, 1893 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / August 30, 1893 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / September 9, 1893 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / September 9, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / September 10, 1893 (pg.12) -                       - New York Times / September 10, 1893 (pg.16) -

- New York Sun / September 15, 1893 (pg.3) -                       - New York Evening World / September 16, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / September 21, 1893 (pg.4) -

- New York x / September24, 1893 (pg.x) -                       - New York x / September 24, 1893 (pg.x) -                       - New York x / September 30, 1893 (pg.x) -


- New York Evening World / September 4, 1893 (pg.4) -

Golden Wedding / Bijou Theatre (October 2 - 14, 1893)

- New York x / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York x / xx (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / xx (pg.x) -


Howard Athenaeum / Bijou Theatre (October 16 - 28, 1893)

- New York Evening World / October 10, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / October 17, 1893 (pg.2) -                       - New York Sun / October 9, 1893 (pg.3) - - New York Tribune / October 17, 1893 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / October 18, 1893 (pg.10) -


- New York Sun / October 15, 1893 (pg.15) -

The Nominee (revival) / Bijou Theatre (October 30 - November 4, 1893)

- New York World / October 29, 1893 (pg.20) -                       - New York World / October 31, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / November 4, 1893 (pg.7) -

Delmonico's At 6 / Bijou Theatre (November 6 - 18, 1893)

- New York Tribune / November 5, 1893 (pg.19) -                       - New York Tribune / November 19, 1893 (pg.19) -                       - New York Tribune / November 17, 1893 (pg.11) -


- New York Tribune / November 7, 1893 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / November 7, 1893 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / November 12, 1893 (pg.10) -

Parlor Match (return engagement) / Bijou Theatre (November 20 - December 16, 1893)

- New York World / November 5, 1893 (pg.20) -           - New York Sun / November 19, 1893 (pg.15) -           - New York Evening World / November 21, 1893 (pg.6) -           - New York Evening World / November 20, 1893 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / November 25, 1893 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / November 26, 1893 (pg.19) -                       - New York Tribune / November 26, 1893 (pg.22) -


- New York World / November 30, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / November 22, 1893 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / November 22, 1893 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / December 2, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / December 10, 1893 (pg.10) -

Jane / Bijou Theatre (December 18, 1893)

- New York Evening World / December 16, 1893 (pg.6) -                       - New York Evening World / December 18, 1893 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / December 19, 1893 (pg.3) -

- New York Tribune / December 19, 1893 (pg.7) -                       - New York World / December 19, 1893 (pg.3) -

A Country Sport / Bijou Theatre (December 26, 1893 - March 23, 1894)

- New York World / December 23, 1893 (pg.5) -               - New York Sun / December 24, 1893 (pg.5) - December 23, 1893             - New York World / December 24, 1893 (pg.20) - December 23, 1893

- New York Times / December 24, 1893 (pg.19) -                       - New York Tribune / December 24, 1893 (pg.22) -

- New York Evening World / December 26, 1893 (pg.5) -            - New York Times / March 20, 1894 (pg.8) -             - New York Times / March 24, 1894 (pg.7) -



- New York Times / May 6, 1893 (pg.8) -

- New York World / March 3, 1893 (pg.8) -                  - New York Evening World / xx (pg.13) -                - New York World / May 28, 1893 (pg.6) -

- New York Evening World / June 24, 1893 (pg.5) -                  - New York Tribune / July 18, 1893 (pg.10) -                - New York Sun / July 19, 1893 (pg.6) -

- New York World / xx (pg.20) -                  - New York World / xx (pg.7) -                - New York Evening World / xx (pg.5) -

- New York World / December 7, 1893 (pg.2) -                  - New York World / December 11, 1893 (pg.4) -                - New York Times / December 26, 1893 (pg.5) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1894 -

Delmonicos at 6 / Bijou Theatre (March 26 - April 7, 1894)

- New York Times / March 23, 1894 (pg.8) -                   - New York Evening World / March 24, 1894 (pg.5) -                  - New York Sun / March 25, 1894 (pg.10) -

- New York Evening World / March 27, 1894 (pg.5) -              - New York Times / April 4, 1894 (pg.2) -              - New York Evening World / April 6, 1894 (pg.5) -

The Sleep-walker / Bijou Theatre (April 9 - 21, 1894)

- New York Evening World / April 7, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / April 8, 1894 (pg.12) -                       - New York Evening World / April 9, 1894 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / April 9, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / April 10, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / April 10, 1894 (pg.5) -


- New York Evening World / April 11, 1894 (pg.4) -

- New York Evening World / April 14, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / April 15, 1894 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / April 15, 1894 (pg.10) -


Willie / Bijou Theatre (April 23 - May 5, 1894)

- New York Times / April 9, 1894 (pg.10) -                       - New York Evening World / April 13, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / April 13, 1894 (pg.7) -


- New York Evening World / April 24, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Evening World / April 24, 1894 (pg.6) -                       - New York Evening World / April 25, 1894 (pg.5) -


- New York Evening World / April 25, 1894 (pg.4) -

Charley's Uncle / Bijou Theatre (May 7 - 19, 1894)

- New York Times / May 6, 1894 (pg.12) -                       - New York Evening World / May 7, 1894 (pg.4) -                       - New York Evening World / May 7, 1894 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / May 8, 1894 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / May 19, 1894 (pg.7) -

The Skating Rink (revival) / Bijou Theatre (May 21 - June 8, 1894)


- New York Sun / May 20, 1894 (pg.23) -                       - New York Tribune / May 20, 1894 (pg.21a) -                       - New York Tribune / May 20, 1894 (pg.21b) -

- New York Times / May 21, 1894 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / May 22, 1894 (pg.4) -                       - New York Evening World / May 26, 1894 (pg.5) -

       - New York Evening World / May 29, 1894 (pg.6) -                  - New York Times / May 31, 1894 (pg.8) -                   - New York Evening World / June 1, 1894 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / June 2, 1894 (pg.6) -                       - New York Tribune / June 3, 1894 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / June 3, 1894 (pg.20) -

- New York Sun / June 4, 1894 (pg.10) -                       - New York Evening World / June 5, 1894 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / June 6, 1894 (pg.8) -

-----------------------------------------------------JUNE 9 - AUGUST 24th 1894: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER ------------------------------------------

Miss Innocence Abroad / Bijou Theatre (August 25 - September 22, 1894)

- New York Times / May 24, 1894 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / August 20, 1894 (pg.8) -                       - New York Times / August 21, 1894 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / August 24, 1894 (pg.8) -                       - New York Evening World / August 25, 1894 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / August 26, 1894 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / August 27, 1894 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / September 2, 1894 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / September 2, 1894 (pg.21) -                       - New York Evening World / September 8, 1894 (pg.6) -

- New York Tribune / September 9, 1894 (pg.24) -                       - New York Evening World / September 15, 1894 (pg.x) -                       - New York Evening World / September 22, 1894 (pg.5) -

Lem Kettle / Bijou Theatre (September 24 - October 6, 1894)

- New York Sun / September 23, 1894 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / September 24, 1894 (pg.19) -                       - New York Evening World / September 25, 1894 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / September 27, 1894 (pg.5) - - New York Evening World / September 29, 1894 (pg.3) - - New York Evening World / September 30, 1894 (pg.3) - - New York Evening World / October 5, 1894 (pg.5) -

Later On (revival/final production of Hallen & Hart's partnership) / Bijou Theatre (October 8 - 20, 1894)

- New York Evening World / October 6, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / October 7, 1894 (pg.10) -                       - New York Sun / October 7, 1894 (pg.29) -

- New York Evening World / October 9, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / October 9, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / October 9, 1894 (pg.4) -

- New York Evening World / October 12, 1894 (pg.8) -                       - New York Sun / October 13, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / October 7, 1894 pg.7) -

Lou Dockstader Minstrels / Bijou Theatre (October 22 - 28, 1894)

- New York Evening World / October 20, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / October 21, 1894 (pg.10) -                       - New York x / October 7, 1894 (pg.29) -

- New York x / October 23, 1894 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / October 23, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / October 25, 1894 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / October 27, 1894 (pg.3) -                       - New York Times / October 28, 1894 (pg.13) -                       - New York Sun / October 28, 1894 pg.5) -

----------------------------------------------------- OCTOBER 29 - NOVEMBER 4th 1894: HOUSE CLOSED --------------------------------------

Miss Dynamite / Bijou Theatre (November 5-17, 1894)

- New York Tribune / October 31, 1894 (pg.6) -                       - New York Evening World / November 1, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / November 5, 1894 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / November 6, 1894 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / November 11, 1894 (pg.28) -                             - New York Evening World / November 17, 1894 (pg.5) -

The South Before the War / Bijou Theatre (November 19-24, 1894)

- New York Tribune / November 18, 1884 (pg.28) -                       - New York Sun / November 18, 1884 (pg.10) -                       - New York Sun / November 18, 1884 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / November 20, 1884 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / November 20, 1884 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / November 24, 1884 (pg.7) -

Flams / Bijou Theatre (November 26, 1894)

- New York Sun / November 25, 1894 (pg.10) -                    - New York Times / November 25, 1894 (pg.10) -               

New York Evening World / November 29, 1895 (pg.4) -

- New York Sun / December 16, 1894 (pg.15) -                    - New York Evening World / December 22, 1894 (pg.2) -

A County Sport (return) / Bijou Theatre (December 24, 1894 - January 26, 1895)

- New York Eve-World / December 19, 1894 (pg.6) -                                  - New York Sun / December 19, 1894 (pg.8) -

- New York Eve-World / December 19, 1894 (pg.3) -                                  - New York Times / December 19, 1894 (pg.5) -                     - New York Eve-World / December 23, 1894 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / December 19, 1894 (pg.11) -                                  - New York Eve-World / January 19, 1895 (pg.7) -                     - New York Times / January 23, 1895 (pg.7) -


- New York Tribune / April 8, 1894 (pg.5) -                    - New York Times / April 13, 1894 (pg.6) -                     - New York Evening World / April 14, 1894 (pg.5) -


- New York Evening World / April 12, 1894 (pg.5) -                    - New York Tribune / April 8, 1894 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / October 8, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / October 8, 1894 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / October 8, 1894 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / October 29, 1894 (pg.8) -                       - New York Evening World / November 3, 1894 (pg.6) -                      - New York Times / November 15, 1894 (pg.13) -

- New York Times / November 21, 1894 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / November 24, 1894 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / November 24, 1894 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / November 24, 1894 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / December 16, 1894 (pg.7) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1895 -

A Run on the Bank (limited run) / Bijou Theatre (January 12-19, 1895)

- New York Times / January 14, 1895 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / January 17, 1895 (pg.16) -                       - New York Times / January 16, 1895 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / January 15, 1895 (pg.5) -

The New Twentieth Century Girl / Bijou Theatre (January 25, 1895)

- New York Times / November 21, 1894 (pg.8) -         - New York Times / December 27, 1894 (pg.2) -          - New York Times / January 9, 1895 (pg.6) -

- New York Evening World / January 9, 1895 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / January 20, 1895 (pg.13) -               - New York Sun / January 20, 1895 (pg.11) -                - New York Times / January 23, 1895 (pg.16) -

- New York Times / May 5, 1895 (pg.12) -                 - New York Times / May 7, 1895 (pg.4) -                  - New York Times / May 9, 1895 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / May 5, 1895 (pg.12) -                       - New York Times / May 14, 1895 (pg.10) -

Madeline ( or The Magic Kiss ) / Bijou Theatre (February 25 - May 5, 1895)

- New York World / February 20, 1895 (pg.9) -                - New York Times / February 24, 1895 (pg.13) -                - New York Times / February 24, 1895 (pg.13) -                - New York World / February 25, 1895 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / February 26, 1895 (pg.3) -

- New York Evening World / March 2, 1895 (pg.4) -

- New York Evening World / March 6, 1895 (pg.4) -                - New York Times / March 8, 1895 (pg.2) -                - New York Sun / March 23, 1895 (pg.1) -                - New York Sun / March 24, 1895 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / March 27, 1895 (pg.13) -                - New York Times / April 3, 1895 (pg.12) -                - New York Times / April 3, 1895 (pg.13) -

- New York Times / April 26, 1895 (pg.10) -                - New York Times / April 30, 1895 (pg.9) -                - New York Sun / April 30, 1895 (pg.10) -

The Passport / Bijou Theatre (May 13-22, 1895)

- New York Times / May 9, 1895 (pg.7) -                     - New York Sun / May 12, 1895 (pg.11) -                     - New York Sun / May 12, 1895 (pg.23) -                     - New York Sun / May 19, 1895 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / May 19, 1895 (pg.12) -                                  - New York Sun / May 19, 1895 (pg.11) -                     - New York Times / May 23, 1895 (pg.1) -

- New York Evening World / May 20, 1895 (pg.3) -

Miss Gertrude Kingston and Mr. Yorke Stephens in "The Passport."

The Widow Jones / Bijou Theatre (September 16 - November 9, 1895)

- New York Sun / September 13, 1895 (pg.10) -                       - New York Times / September 15, 1895 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / September 17, 1895 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / September 22, 1895 (pg.11) -                                    - New York Times / September 22, 1895 (pg.11) -

- New York Evening World / September 27, 1895 (pg.4) -                 - New York Evening World / September 27, 1895 (pg.4) -                 - New York Times / October 1, 1895 (pg.14) -

- New York Tribune / October 6, 1895 (pg.22) -                 - New York Times / October 17, 1895 (pg.8) -                 - New York Tribune / October 20, 1895 (pg.24) -

- New York Sun / October 20, 1895 (pg.15) -                 - New York Times / October 21, 1895 (pg.2) -                 - New York Times / October 23, 1895 (pg.13) -

- New York Times / November 3, 1895 (pg.13) -                           - New York Times / november 8, 1895 (pg.7) -

The Night Clerk / Bijou Theatre (November 11, 1895)

- New York Times / November 10, 1895 (pg.12) -                       - New York Times / November 10, 1895 (pg.12) -                       - New York Sun / November 10, 1895 (pg.15) -

- New York Times / November 12, 1895 (pg.4) -

- New YorkTimes / November 24, 1895 (pg.12) -

- New York Times / December 22, 1895 (pg.12) -                    - New York Times / December 31, 1895 (pg.7) -                   

- from "Great Hebrew Fair" - - New York Times / December 21, 1895 (pg.7) -

The School Girl / Bijou Theatre (December 30, 1895 - January 4, 1896)

- New York Times / December 20, 1895 (pg.7) -                 - New York Sun / December 29, 1895 (pg.15) -                - New York Times / December 30, 1895 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / December 31, 1895 (pg.12) - - New York Journal / January 2, 1896 (pg.7) -                         - New York Times / January 5, 1896 (pg.12) -


- New York Times / January 1, 1895 (pg.16) -                       - New York Tribune / January 1, 1895 (pg.26) -                       - New York Times / January 12, 1895 (pg.2) -

- New York Times / January 20, 1895 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / May 12, 1895 (pg.11) -                       - New York Evening World / January 20, 1895 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / October 17, 1895 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / March 10, 1895 (pg.20) -                 - New York Times / March 21, 1895 (pg.1) -                  - New York Times / April 1, 1895 (pg.8) -                 - New York Times / April 28, 1895 (pg.12) -

- New York Tribune / April 11, 1895 (pg.13) -                                   - New York Times / April 17, 1895 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / May 2, 1895 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / May 2, 1895 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / December 30, 1895 (pg.1) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1896 -

Gentleman Joe, the Hansom Cabby / Bijou Theatre (January 30 - March 14th 1896)

- New York Times / December 25, 1895 (pg.14) -            - New York Times / December 27, 1895 (pg.10) -            - New York Times / January 7, 1896 (pg.3) -            - New York Times / January 7, 1896 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / January 4, 1896 (pg.9) -            - New York Times / January 19, 1896 (pg.7) -            - New York Times / January 30, 1896 (pg.7) -            - New York Times / January 31, 1896 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / February 20, 1895 (pg.8) -                       - New York Times / March 7, 1895 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / March 4, 1895 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / March 5, 1895 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / March 8, 1895 (pg.24) -

The Widow Jones (return engagement) / Bijou Theatre (March 16 - May 16th 1896)

- New York Times / March 15, 1906 (pg.10) -                       - New York Times / March 17, 1906 (pg.10) -                       - New York Times / March 17, 1906 (pg.10) -

- New York Tribune / March 18, 1906 (pg.10) -                       - New York Sun / March 22, 1906 (pg.15) -                       - New York Tribune / March 29, 1906 (pg.24) -

- New York Times / April 5, 1906 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / April 21, 1906 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / April 22, 1906 (pg.13) -

- New York Tribune / April 26, 1906 (pg.24 ) -                       - New York Times / May 13, 1906 (pg.7) -                      

- (Note: This clipping clearly shows the opening as being March 23th, although the History of the New York Stage has (on page 298) "The Widow Jones returned Feb. 16th.")

"The 'New Bully' was a knockout overnight. Coon-shouting, as translated into Caucasian,
was born and we were not to hear the end of it until a more slender age would introduce the jazz-baby.
Your coon-shouter was a lusty, rounded lady. She was all curves.
Her voice was a wild, raucous yell, and perfect intonation was her least concern."

- Issaac Goldberg, in: Tin Pan Alley, a Chronicle of the American Popular Music Racket, 1930

Note: There once was a link on the Internet that read -
"A clear and startlingly unexpurgated recording of ‘The New Bully’ by May Irwin can be heard HERE (Warning: not for the faint of heart)"
... but, unfortunately, it was decided most of us are too "Faint of Heart" and it was removed by the Powers That Be...

...and this was her fame - singing "Coon Songs" (See April 2, 1896 NY Sun article below)

Marty Malone / Bijou Theatre (August 31 - September 26th 1896)

- New York Journal / July 9, 1896 (Image9) -         - New York Times / July 22, 1896 (pg.2) -         - New York Journal / August 7, 1896 (Image9) -


New York World / September 1, 1896 (pg.4) -

- New York Journal / August 23, 1896 (Image10) -                          - New York Times / September 6, 1896 (pg.11) -

- New York Journal / September 6, 1896 (Image6) -

- New York Journal / September 26, 1896 (Image7) -                         - New York Sun / September 26, 1896 (pg.7) -

----------------------------------------------------- SEPTEMBER 27 - OCTOBER 5th 1896: HOUSE CLOSED --------------------------------------

My Friend from India / Bijou Theatre (October 6, 1896)

- New York Times / October 4, 1896 (pg.11) -                       - New York Times / November 3, 1896 (pg.7) -

The Chili Widow / Bijou Theatre (November 30 - December 12, 1896)

- New York Times / November 29, 1896 (pg.11) -                        - New York Sun / November 29, 1896 (pg.15) -                        - New York Sun / November 30, 1896 (pg.10) -

- New York Sun / December 6, 1896 (pg.28) -

The Queen's Proctor & Kitty Clive, Actress/ Bijou Theatre (December 7 - 11, 1896)

- New York Times / December 6, 1896 (pg.11) -                       - New York Times / December 9, 1896 (pg.2) -                       - New York Times / December 10, 1896 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / December 8, 1896 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / December 11, 1896 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / December 11, 1896 (pg.7) -

The Gay Mr. Lightfoot (earlier called When the Cat's Away) / Bijou Theatre (December 16, 1896)

- New York Tribune / December 4, 1896 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / December 15, 1896 (pg.15) -

- New York Sun / December 19, 1896 (pg.5) -                       - New York Journal / December 22, 1896 (pg.7) -

Courted Into Court / Bijou Theatre (December 29, 1896 - April 20, 1897)

- New York Journal / December 27, 1896 (pg.18) -           - New York Sun / December 27, 1896 (pg.11) -              - New York Times / December 28, 1896 (pg.7) -             - New York Tribune / December 29, 1896 (pg.6) -

- New York Sun / January 21, 1897 (pg.10) -                   - New York Times / December 28, 1896 (pg.7) -                   - New York Times / December 30, 1896 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / January 3, 1897 (pg.11) -             - New York Sun / January 3, 1897 (pg.15) -             - New York Times / January 21, 1897 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / February 3, 1897 (pg.7) -             - New York Tribune / February 7, 1897 (pg.29) -             - New York Times / February 10, 1897 (pg.7) -              - New York Times / February 10, 1897 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / March 18, 1897 (pg.7) -                - New York Times / April 6, 1897 (pg.9) -                   - New York Times / April 14, 1897 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / April 21, 1897 (pg.7) -             - New York Times / April 22, 1897 (pg.7) -            - New York Times / April 23, 1897 (pg.7) -

Note: Courted Into Court was closed early because of May Irwin's illness.



- New York Journal / May 24, 1906 (pg.26) -                       - New York Sun / December 11, 1896 (pg.) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1897 -

At A French Ball / Bijou Theatre (April 22 - May 13, 1897 )

- New York Sun / April 30, 1897 (pg.10) -                       - New York Times / May 2, 1897 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / May 2, 1897 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / May 4, 1897 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / May 4, 1897 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / May 9, 1897 (pg.35) -

Note: The production was closed early due to a suit brought by the playwright. (See 1897 notes)

Erminie / Bijou Theatre (May 24 - 30, 1897)

- New York Times / May 22, 1897 (pg.7) -         - New York Sun / May 24, 1897 (pg.10) -          - New York Tribune / May 25, 1897 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / May 25, 1897 (pg.6) -

- New York Sun / May 25, 1897 (pg.2) -         - New York Tribune / May 26, 1897 (pg.6) -          - New York Times / May 27, 1897 (pg.2) -

- New York Times / May 28, 1897 (pg.7) -         - New York Sun / May 30, 1897 (pg.15) -          - New York Times / May 30, 1897 (pg.2) -

----------------------------------------------------- JUNE 1 - SEPTEMBER 5th 1897: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER --------------------------------------

The Wrong Mr. Wright / Bijou Theatre (September 6 - October 2, 1897)

- New York Sun / September 5, 1897 (pg.13) -         - New York Times / September 6, 1897 (pg.10) -          - New York Tribune / September 7, 1897 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / September 7, 1897 (pg.6) -

- New York Sun / September 8, 1897 (pg.7) -         - New York Tribune / September 12, 1897 (pg.8) -          - New York Tribune / September 19, 1897 (pg.15) -

- New York Tribune / September 26, 1897 (pg.28) -         - New York Tribune / October 1, 1897 (pg.12) -          - New York Tribune / October 2, 1897 (pg.7) -

What Happened to Jones / Bijou Theatre (October 4 - November 13, 1897)

- New York Tribune / September 24, 1897 (pg.7) -         - New York Tribune / October 3, 1897 (pg.7) -          - New York Tribune / October 3, 1897 (pg.15) -

- New York Tribune / October 5, 1897 (pg.7) -         - New York Sun / October 5, 1897 (pg.1) -          - New York Sun / October 6, 1897 (pg.7) -          - New York Tribune / October 10, 1897 (pg.28) -

- New York Times / October 17, 1897 (pg.21) -         - New York Sun / October 19, 1897 (pg.7) -          - New York Sun / October 24, 1897 (pg.15) -          - New York Times / October 31, 1897 (pg.11) -

- New York Tribune / November 2, 1897 (pg.9) -         - New York Tribune / November 7, 1897 (pg.28) -          - New York Tribune / November 13, 1897 (pg.10) -

The Swell Miss Fitzwell / Bijou Theatre (November 15, 1897 - February 19, 1898)

- New York Times / November 14, 1897 (pg.11a) -         - New York Times / November 14, 1897 (pg.11b) -          - New York World / November 14, 1897 (pg.19a) -          - New York World / November 14, 1897 (pg.19b) -

- New York World / November 16, 1897 (pg.7a) -                   - New York World / November 16, 1897 (pg.7b) -                    - New York Times / November 21, 1897 (pg.11) -

- New York World / November 28, 1897 (pg.14) -                    - New York World / January 2, 1898 (pg.18) -                       - New York Times / January 11, 1898 (pg.12) -

- New York Sun / January 16, 1898 (pg.15) -                       - New York Sun / January 23, 1898 (pg.19) -                       - New York Times / January 30, 1898 (pg.16) -

- New York Times / February 6, 1898 (pg.17) -                       - New York Times / February 9, 1898 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / February 13, 1898 (pg.9) -             - New York Times / February 14, 1898 (pg.10) -            - New York Tribune / March 13, 1898 (pg.24) -


- New York Tribune / January 1, 1897 (pg.1) -                       - New York Tribune / January 13, 1897 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / February 13, 1897 (pg.15) -

- New York Tribune / January 1, 1897 (pg.1) -         - New York Sun / May 13, 1897 (pg.2) -         - New York Sun / May 13, 1897 (pg.7) -         - New York World / May 15, 1897 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / May 18, 1897 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / October 23, 1897 (pg.6) -

- Bijou Opera House / 1898 -

What Happened to Jones (revival) / Bijou Theatre (February 21, 1898)

- New York Times / February 13, 1898 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / February 13, 1898 (pg.14) -                       - New York World / February 17, 1898 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / February 20, 1898 (pg.11) -                       - New York Times / February 22, 1898 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / February 23, 1898 (pg.7) -


- New York Tribune / February 27, 1898 (pg.24) -                       - New York Times / March 6, 1898 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / March 15, 1898 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / March 17, 1898 (pg.7) -

The Man from Mexico / Bijou Theatre (March 21 - April 2, 1898)

- New York Times / March 20, 1898 (pg.9) -                       - New York World / March 20, 1898 (pg.18) -                       - New York Sun / March 20, 1898 (pg.12) -


- New York Times / March 22, 1898 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / March 27, 1898 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / March 31, 1898 (pg.9) -

-----------------------------------------------------MARCH 20 - APRIL 2nd 1898: HOUSE CLOSED -----------------------------------------------------

The Old Coat / Bijou Theatre (April 4 - 16, 1898)

- New York Sun / April 1, 1898 (pg.12) -                     - New York Times / April 3, 1898 (pg.9) -                     - New York Times / April 3, 1898 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / April 5, 1898 (pg.5) -                     - New York Tribune / April 14, 1898 (pg.14) -

My Friend from India / Bijou Theatre (April 18th - May 7th 1898)

- New York Sun / April 17, 1889 (pg.23) -                     - New York Times / April 23, 1889 (pg.12) -                    - New York Times / April 24, 1889 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / April 24, 1889 (pg.9) -                     - New York Times / April 26, 1889 (pg.7) -                    - New York Tribune / April 24, 1889 (pg.14) -

- New York Tribune / April 27, 1889 (pg.9) -                     - New York Times / May 1, 1889 (pg.9) -                    - New York Sun / May 1, 1889 (pg.23) -

The Tarrytown Widow / Bijou Theatre (May 9 - 21, 1898)

- New York Tribune / May 11, 1889 (pg.10) -              - New York Sun / May 1, 1889 (pg.23) -              - New York Tribune / May 8, 1889 (pg.43) -              - New York Times / May 8, 1889 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / May 8, 1889 (pg.27) -              - New York Times / May 10, 1889 (pg.6) -              - New York Times / May 10, 1889 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / May 15, 1889 (pg.9) -                     - New York Times / May 21, 1889 (pg.12) -

----------------------------------------------------- MAY 22 - SEPTEMBER 20th 1898: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER --------------------------------------

Marquis of Michigan / Bijou Theatre (October 1898)

- New York Times / April 7, 1898 (pg.7) -                  - New York Times / July 28, 1898 (pg.7) -                   - New York Times / August 6, 1898 (pg.7) -                   - New York Times / August 30, 1898 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / September 11, 1898 (pg.23) -                   - New York Tribune / September 11, 1898 (pg.46) -                   - New York Times / September 15, 1898 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 17, 1898 (pg.6a) -                   - New York Times / September 17, 1898 (pg.6b) -                  - New York Sun / September 18, 1898 (pg.23) -

- New York Times / September 21, 1898 (pg.12) -                   - New York Times / September 22, 1898 (pg.6) -                   - New York Tribune / September 25, 1898 (pg.22) -

- New York Times / September 18, 1898 (pg.14) -                       - New York Sun / October 2, 1898 (pg.23) -                  - New York Times / October 9, 1898 (pg.14) -                  - New York Times / October 13, 1898 (pg.12) -

Kate Kip, Buyer / Bijou Theatre (October 1898)

- New York Sun / June 15, 1898 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / July 13, 1898 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times/ August 21, 1898 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / October 23, 1898 (pg.17) -                       - New York Journal-Advertiser / November 6, 1898 (Image28) -                       - New York Journal-Advertiser / November 6, 1898 (Image29) -

- New York Journal-Advertiser / November 6, 1898 (Image29) -                       - New York Times / November 13, 1898 (pg.17) -                       - New York Times / November 27, 1898 (pg.17) -

- New York Sun / December 11, 1898 (pg.23) -                       - New York Times / December 13, 1898 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / December 18, 1898 (pg.15) -

- New York Sun / January 1, 1899 (pg.15) -                       - New York Sun / January 22, 1899 (pg.21) -                       - New York Sun / January 22, 1899 (pg.21) -

- New York Times / January 22, 1899 (pg.17) -                       - New York Times / January 29, 1899 (pg.15) -                       - New York Tribune / January 29, 1899 (pg.14) -

- New York Sun / February 18, 1899 (pg.12) -


- New York World / January 9, 1898 (pg.3) -

Lease Controversy: - New York Times / April 17, 1898 (pg13) -

- New York Tribune / May 3, 1898 (pg.4) -           - New York Times / May 22, 1898 (pg.9) -          - Season Ends: May 22nd -       - New York Sun / May 22, 1898 (pg.15) -

- Benefit evening for theatre treasurers / May 29th 1898 -

Settlement with Henry B. Sire and May Irwin: - New York Times / October 28, 1898 (pg.7) -

Staff Change: - New York Times / November 6, 1898 (pg.4) -

Ticket Peddling: - New York Sun / November 21, 1889 (pg.5) -

Christmas Party - - December 26, 1898 / New York Sun (pg.4) -

Bijou Theatre (1899)

(Kate Kip continues to February 18, 1899)

Brown's in Town / Bijou Theatre (February 20th 1899)


- New York Times / February 19, 1899 (pg.15) -                       - New York Sun / February 21, 1899 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / February 21, 1899 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / February 22, 1899 (pg.14) -                       - New York Sun / February 26, 1899 (pg.17) -

- New York Tribune / March 5, 1899 (pg.41) -                       - New York Tribune / March 5, 1899 (pg.41) -                       - New York Times / March 17, 1899 (pg.6) -

That Man / Bijou Theatre (March 6 - 18, 1899)

- New York Times / March 3, 1899 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / March 5, 1899 (pg.15) -                       - New York Times / March 9, 1899 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / March 8, 1899 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / March 10, 1899 (pg.4) -                       - New York Times / March 12, 1899 (pg.17) -

- New York Times / March 17, 1899 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / March 18, 1899 (pg.14) -

Purple Lady / Bijou Theatre (April 3 - May 6, 1899)


- New York Times / March 12, 1899 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / April 4, 1899 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / April 4, 1899 (pg.7) -

- New York World / April 19, 1899 (pg.10) -                       - New York Sun / April 23, 1899 (pg.23) -                       - New York Sun / April 30, 1899 (pg.21) -

- New York Times / May 4, 1899 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / May 6, 1899 (pg.12) -

Adonis (revival) / Bijou Theatre (May 9 - 20th 1899)

- New York Tribune / May 7, 1899 (pg.44) -                       - New York Tribune / May 7, 1899 (pg.44) -                       - New York Times / May 8, 1899 (pg.12) -

- New York Times / May 10, 1899 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / May 14, 1899 (pg.17) -                - New York Sun / May 21, 1899 (pg.4) -                - New York Times / May 21, 1899 (pg.17) -

-----------------------------------------------MAY 21 - SEPTEMBER 3rd 1899: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER --------------------------------------------

In Paradise / Bijou Theatre (September 4 - October 21, 1899)

- New York Times / July 29, 1899 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / August 27, 1899 (pg.16) -                       - New York Times / September 3, 1899 (pg.15) -


- New York Sun / September 5, 1899 (pg.7) -


- New York Times / September 5, 1899 (pg.5) -


- New York Times / September 10, 1899 (pg.18) -

- New York Times / September 27, 1899 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / September 20, 1899 (pg.8) -                       - New York Sun / October 21, 1899 (pg.12) -

Sister Mary / Bijou Theatre (October 27, 1899 - February 17, 1900)

- New York Times / August 8, 1899 (pg.3) -                       - New York Tribune / December 3, 1899 (pg.20) -                       - New York World / December 15, 1899 (pg.19) -

- New York Times / December 10, 1899 (pg.18) -                       - New York Sun / December 11, 1899 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / December 31, 1899 (pg.16) -                       - New York Tribune / January 28, 1900 (pg.28) -

- Madelon Temple photo / New York Tribune / December 17, 1900 (pg.38) -

- New York Tribune (Last Sister Mary ad) / December 17, 1900 (pg.12) -


- New York Times / February 7, 1899 (pg.12) -                     - New York Times / February 16, 1899 (pg.6) -                     - New York Sun / February 19, 1899 (pg.4) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1900 -

Aunt Hannah / Bijou Theatre (February 22 - March 10, 1900)

- New York Evening World / February 21, 1900 (pg.5) -             - New York Times / February 21, 1900 (pg.7) -            - New York Times / February 25, 1900 (pg.16) -             - New York Tribune / February 25, 1900 (pg.28) -

- New York Times / March 4, 1900 (pg.16) -             - New York Times / March 8, 1900 (pg.7) -            - New York Times / March 9, 1900 (pg.7) -             - New York Tribune / March 10, 1900 (pg.12) -

- New York Times / November 23, 1900 (pg.7) -

Merchant of Venice, Shylock, Scarlet Snow (Japanese players) / Bijou Theatre (March 12 - April 7, 1900 / although they continued matinee performances)

- New York Times / March 12, 1900 (pg.12) -                       - New York Times / March 13, 1900 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / March 14, 1900 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / March 15, 1900 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / March 18, 1900 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / March 18, 1900 (pg.10) -

- New York Times / March 18, 1900 (pg.18) -

- New York Tribune / March 25, 1900 (pg.20) -                      - New York Tribune / March 25, 1900 (pg.16) -                      - New York Tribune / March 25, 1900 (pg.24) -

- New York Times / April 7, 1900 (pg.11) -                       - New York Sun / April 2, 1900 (pg.10) -                       - New York Times / April 8, 1900 (pg.18) -

The Carpetbagger / Bijou Theatre (April 9-28, 1900)

- New York Tribune / March 21, 1900 (pg.6) -                       - New York Sun / April 4, 1900 (pg.6) -                       - New York Sun / April 11, 1900 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / April 12, 1900 (pg.16) -                       - New York Tribune / April 15, 1900 (pg.30) -                       - New York Tribune / April 18, 1900 (pg.8) -

- New York Tribune / April 22, 1900 (pg.30) -                                   - New York Evening World / Times(pg.5) -

Sapho (Japanese players) / Bijou Theatre (April 16-27, 1900)

- New York Tribune / April 19, 1900 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / April 17, 1900 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / April 19, 1900 (pg.10) -

-----------------------------------------------------APRIL 28 - SEPTEMBER 29th 1900: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER------------------------------------------

Cupid Outwits Adam / Bijou Theatre (September 10-15, 1900)

- New York Tribune / September 11, 1900 (pg.8) -                       - New York Evening World / September 14, 1900 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / September 14, 1900 (pg.7) -

-----------------------------------------------------SEPTEMBER 16 - 8th 1900: HOUSE CLOSED -----------------------------------------------------

Mistress Nell / Bijou Theatre (October 9th 1900)

- New York Tribune / October 7, 1900 (pg.44) -                       - New York Times / October 8, 1900 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / October 9, 1900 (pg.6) -

- New York Times / October 10, 1900 (pg.6) -

- New York Tribune / October 10, 1900 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / October 13, 1900 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / October 27, 1900 (pg.12) -                       - New York Tribune / October 14, 1900 (pg.44) -

from the Museum of the City of New York: "Mistress Nell" theater still (1900).
Actor: Henrietta Crosman. Taken in Bijou Theatre (Broadway / New York, N.Y.)

The Belle of Bridgeport / Bijou Theatre (October 29 - December 9, 1900)

- New York Evening World / October 27, 1900 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / October 28, 1900 (pg.22) -                       - New York Tribune / October 30, 1900 (pg.10) -

- New York Tribune / October 29, 1900 (pg.11) -                       - New York Evening World / October 29, 1900 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / November 11, 1900 (pg.18) -

- New York Evening World / November 14, 1900 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / November 18, 1900 (pg.30) -                       - New York Times / December 4, 1900 (pg.16) -

Madge Smith / Bijou Theatre (December 10, 1900 - January 13, 1901)

- New York Times / December 2, 1900 (pg.23) -                       - New York Tribune / December 2, 1900 (pg.19) -                       - New York Tribune / December 7, 1900 (pg.8) -

Madge-Smith_Eve-World_12-7-1900_pg9.jpg (CUT)

Madge-Smith_Review_Times_12-7-1900_pg5.jpg (CUT)

- New York Sun / December 9, 1900 (pg.8) -                       - New York Times / December 9, 1900 (pg.22) -                       - New York Tribune / December 10, 1900 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / December 11, 1900 (pg.3) -               - New York Times / December 21, 1900 (pg.16) -                          - New York Tribune / December 23, 1900 (pg.42) -

- New York Tribune / December 30, 1900 (pg.24) -           - New York Sun / December 30, 1900 (pg.10) -          - New York Times / January 44, 1901 (pg.14) -           - New York Tribune / January 6, 1901 (pg.14) -


- New York Tribune / March 24, 1900 (pg.1) -                 - New York Times / March 27, 1900 (pg.7) -                  - New York Times / September 12, 1900 (pg.8) -                  - New York Times / September 13, 1900 (pg.20) -

- New York Tribune / October 30, 1900 (pg.16) -                       - New York Times / October 30, 1900 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / November 3, 1900 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / November 15, 1900 (pg.2) -                       - New York Times / November 15, 1900 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / November 16, 1900 (pg.6) -

- New York Evening World / November 17, 1900 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / December 1, 1900 (pg.2) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1901 -

The Climbers / Bijou Theatre (January 15 - June 1, 1901)

- New York Tribune / December 9, 1900 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / December 27, 1900 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / January 16, 1901 (pg.11) -

- New York Tribune / January 13, 1901 (pg.46) -                              - New York Times / January 20, 1901 (pg.20) -

- New York Times / March 17, 1901 (pg.18) -                       - New York Tribune / May 5, 1901 (pg.24) -

- New York Tribune / May 26, 1901 (pg.24) -                       - New York Sun / May 31, 1901 (pg.12) -                       - New York Tribune / June 1, 1901 (pg.16) -

----------------------------------------------JUNE 2 - SEPTEMBER 22th 1901: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER--------------------------------------------

The Auctioneer / Bijou Theatre (September 23 - December 21, 1901)

- New York Times / September 15, 1901 (pg.15) -                       - New York Times / September 22, 1901 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / September 22, 1901 (pg.43) -

- New York Times / September 24, 1901 (pg.6) -

- New York Tribune / September 29, 1901 (pg.30) -                       - New York Tribune / October 27, 1902 (pg.28) -                       - New York Tribune / October 27, 1902 (pg.28) -

- New York Evening World / October 30, 1901 (pg.11) -                       - New York Tribune / November 10, 1901 (pg.26) -                       - New York Evening World / December 21, 1901 (pg.7) -

- Museum of the City of New York / "The Auctioneer" publicity photograph, by Sarony (1901)

National Portrait Gallery - Warfield and Bates in "The Auctioneer" - - STAGE FOLK / Artist: Alfred J. Frueh -

The Widow Jones (revival) / Bijou Theatre (December 23, 1901)

- New York Tribune / December 22, 1901 (pg.43) -                       - New York Times/ December 23, 1901 (pg.8) -                       - New York Times / December 24, 1901 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / December 28, 1901 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / December 29, 1901 (pg.23) -                       - New York Evening World / December 31, 1901 (pg.3) -

- New York Tribune / January 5, 1902 (pg.24) -                       - New York Times / January 12, 1902 (pg.14) -                       - New York Tribune / January 19, 1902 (pg.28) -

- New York Times / January 19, 1902 (pg.18) -                                   - New York Evening World / January 25, 1902 (pg.7) -


- New York Times / February 3, 1901 (pg.20) -                       - New York Tribune / May 16, 1901 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / June 2, 1901 (pg.7) -

Bijou Fire / December 11, 1901

- New York Times /December 11, 1901 (pg.1) -

- New York Sun /December 11, 1901 (pg.1) -

- New York Tribune / December 11, 1901 (pg.1) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1902 -

Lady Margaret / Bijou Theatre (January 27 - February 22, 1902)

- New York Times / January 8, 1902 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / January 22, 1902 (pg.6) -                       - New York Evening World / January 27, 1902 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / January 26, 1902 (pg.29) -                       - New York Times / January 26, 1902 (pg.11) -                       - New York Tribune / January 28, 1902 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / January 28, 1902 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / January 30, 1902 (pg.16) -                       - New York Tribune / February 2, 1902 (pg.32) -                       - New York Sun / February 2, 1902 (pg.1) -

- New York Times / February 7, 1902 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / February 9, 1902 (pg.11) -                       - New York Tribune / February 9, 1902 (pg.35) -

- New York Times / February 16, 1902 (pg.39) -                       - New York Tribune / February 20, 1902 (pg.14) -                       - New York SUN / February 23, 1902 (pg.22) -

The Climbers (revival) / Bijou Theatre (February 24 - March 27, 1902)

New York Times/ February 23, 1902 (pg.15) -                   - New York Times / February 23, 1902 (pg.15) -                   - New York Times / February 25, 1902 (pg.6) -

New York Times/ February 25, 1902 (pg.6) -                             - New York Times / February 25, 1902 (pg.4) -                   New York Tribune/ February 28, 1902 (pg.9)

- - New York Sun / March 2, 1902 (pg.20) -                   - New York Sun / March 8, 1902 (pg.2) -                   - New York Times/ March 9, 1902 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / March 16, 1902 (pg.15) -                          - New York Times / March 18, 1902 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / March 23, 1902 (pg.34) -                   - New York Times / March 25, 1902 (pg.9) -

A Modern Magdalene / Bijou Theatre (March 29 - May 31, 1902)

- New York Times / March 18, 1902 (pg.5) -                   - New York Tribune/ March 19, 1902 (pg.16) -                   - New York Evening World / March 22, 1902 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / March 23, 1902 (pg.15) -

- New York Evening World / March 29, 1902 (pg.6) -                   - New York Sun / March 29, 1902 (pg.7) -                   - New York Tribune/ March 30, 1902 (pg.16) -


- New York Sun / March 31, 1902 (pg.10) -

- New York Evening World / March 29, 1902 (pg.6) -                   - New York Sun / March 29, 1902 (pg.7) -                   - New York Tribune/ March 30, 1902 (pg.16) -

- New York Tribune / April 13, 1902 (pg.28) -                   - New York Times / April 27, 1902 (pg.9) -                   - New York Sun / May 31, 1902 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / June 1, 1902 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / April 27, 1902 (pg.9) -

----------------------------------------------------- June 1 - SEPTEMBER 7, 1902: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER --------------------------------------

Hearts Aflame / Bijou Theatre (September 8 - October 18, 1902)

- New York Times / July 27, 1902 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / August 2, 1902 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / August 3, 1902 (pg.19) -

- New York Times / August 19, 1902 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / August 31, 1902 (pg.32) -                       - New York Tribune / September 3, 1902 (pg.14) -

- New York Evening World / September 6, 1902 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / September 8, 1902 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / September 9, 1902 (pg.7) -


- New York Evening World / September 9, 1902 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / September 9, 1902 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / September 9, 1902 (pg.7) -


- New York Times / September 9, 1902 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / September 9, 1902 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / September 10, 1902 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / September 26, 1902 (pg.23) -                       - New York Tribune / October 11, 1902 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / October 15, 1902 (pg.14) -

- New York Evening World / September 27, 1902 (pg.8) -

An American Invasion / Bijou Theatre (October 20 - November 8, 1902)

- New York Tribune /September 14, 1902 (pg.9) -                - New York Sun / October 21, 1902 (pg.7) -                 - New York Times / October 26, 1902 (pg.34) -

- New York Times / October 21, 1902 (pg.9) -


- New York Sun / October 21, 1902 (pg.7) -


- New York Evening World / October 21, 1902 (pg.5) -

                                            - New York Times / October 26, 1902 (pg.34) -

- New York Tribune / November 1, 1902 (pg.4) -                       - New York Times / November 2, 1902 (pg.27) -                       - New York Sun / November 3, 1902 (pg.12) -

- New York Evening World / November 21, 1902 (pg.5) -

The Mocking Bird / Bijou Theatre (November 10, 1902 - January 10, 1903)

- New York Sun / November 9, 1902 (pg.31) -                       - New York Times / November 9, 1902 (pg.11) -

- New York Evening World / November 10, 1902 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / December 7, 1902 (pg.42) -            - New York Sun / December 7, 1902 (pg.33) -            - New York Sun / December 21, 1902 (pg.31) -            - New York Tribune / December 28, 1902 (pg.15) -            - New York Sun / January 8, 1903 (pg.7) -


New York Times/ January 12, 1902 (pg.1) -                       - New York Tribune / January 27, 1902 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / March 30, 1902 (pg.5) -

New York Tribune/ April 7, 1902 (pg.4) -                       - New York Times / May 3, 1902 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / May 30, 1902 (pg.5) -

New York Tribune/ May 7, 1902 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / May 18, 1902 (pg.15) -                       - New York xx / xx, 1902 (pg.x) -

- New York Times / October 5, 1902 (pg.3) -

- New York Times / December 21, 1902 (pg.11) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1903 -

The Bird in the Cage / Bijou Theatre (January 12 - February 14, 1903)

- New York Evening World / January 10, 1903 (pg.9) -          - New York Sun / February 1, 1903 (pg.30) -           - New York Times / February 1, 1903 (pg.42) -           - New York Tribune / February 1, 1903 (pg.25) -

- New York Sun / February 8, 1903 (pg.28) -            - New York Times / February 8, 1903 (pg.26) -            - Buffalo Sunday Morning News / February 8, 1903 (pg.26) -          - New York Times / February 15, 1903 (pg.25) -

- New York Tribune / February 1, 1903 (pg.14) -

Nancy Brown / Bijou Theatre (February 16 - April 1903)

- New York Tribune / February 15, 1903 (pg.19) -                       - New York Tribune / February 15, 1903 (pg.19) -                       - New York Tribune / February 15, 1903 (pg.19) -

- New York Sun / February 16, 1903 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / February 17, 1903 (pg.9) -                       - New York Evening World / February 17, 1903 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / February 17, 1903 (pg.5) -        - New York Tribune / February 17, 1903 (pg.5) -        - New York Times / April 5, 1903 (pg.26) -          - New York Times / April 5, 1903 (pg.45) -

- New York Sun / April 5, 1903 (pg.28) -                       - New York Sun / April 11, 1903 (pg.3) -                       - New York Sun / April 12, 1903 (pg.30) -

- New York Times / May 2, 1903 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / May 3, 1903 (pg.13) -                       - New York Evening World / May 16, 1903 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / April 8, 1903 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / March 31, 1903 (pg.8) -

The Mocking Bird / Bijou Theatre (May 25-June 8, 1903)

- New York Times / January 4, 1903 (pg.12) -                       - New York Sun / January 4, 1903 (pg.26) -                       - New York Times / January 4, 1903 (pg.32) -

- New York Sun / May 17, 1903 (pg.4) -                       - New York Sun / May 24, 1903 (pg.29) -                       - New York Tribune / May 26, 1903 (pg.8) -

- New York Sun / June 7, 1903 (pg.28) -                       - New York Tribune / June 8, 1903 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / June 9, 1903 (pg.9) -

----------------------------------------------------- June 10 - SEPTEMBER 2, 1903: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER --------------------------------------

Personal / Bijou Theatre (September 3 - October 6, 1903)

- New York Times / August 16, 1903 (pg.21) -                       - New York Tribune / August 27, 1903 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / August 28, 1903 (pg.5) -

- New York Evening World / August 29, 1903 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / August 30, 1903 (pg.4) -                       - New York Sun / September 4, 1903 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / September 4, 1903 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / September 4, 1903 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / September 4, 1903 (pg.4) -

- New York Times / September 26, 1903 (pg.23) -                       - New York Times / September 13, 1903 (pg.22) -                       - New York Times / September 20, 1903 (pg.21) - - New York Evening World / September 23, 1903 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 24, 1903 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / September 27, 1903 (pg.30) -                       - New York Sun / October 6, 1903 (pg.7) - - New York Times / October 6, 1903 (pg.16) -

- Personal - - New York Evening World / September 4, 1903 (pg.4) -

Are You My Father / Bijou Theatre (October 8 - 13, 1903)

- New York Evening World / October 3, 1903 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / October 3, 1903 (pg.14) -                       - New York Tribune / October 8, 1903 (pg.16) -

- New York Sun / October 9, 1903 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / October 9, 1903 (pg.8) -

- New York Evening World / October 9, 1903 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / October 9, 1903 (pg.5) -

- New York Sun / October 13, 1903 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / October 13, 1903 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / October 14, 1903 (pg.7) -

-------------------------------------OCTOBER 14 - 21, 1903: HOUSE CLOSED FOR REHEARSALS-------------------------------------------------

A Fool and His Money / Bijou Theatre (October 22 - November 14, 1903)

- New York Times / October 15, 1903 (pg.16) -            - New York Evening World / October 17, 1903 (pg.4) -            - New York Sun / October 20, 1903 (pg.7) -             - New York Tribune / October 22, 1903 (pg.14) -

(CUT/2) (CUT/2)

- New York Sun / October 23, 1903 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / October 23, 1903 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / October 23, 1903 (pg.7) -


- New York Evening World / October 23, 1903 (pg.9) -                       - New York Evening World / October 23, 1903 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / November 1, 1903 (pg.28) -                       - New York Sun / November 1, 1903 (pg.29) -                       - New York Times / November 6, 1903 (pg.6) -

- New York Tribune / November 7, 1903 (pg.16) -                      - New York Evening World / November 14, 1903 (pg.14) -

Note: The last mention of A Fool and His Money is a November 14th listing in the Evening World.
Since there was no other mention of the show after that date (which fell on a Saturday) I'm using it as the closing date,
especially since ads for What's the Matter With Susan began appearing soon afterwards.

- - New York Evening World / November 28, 1903 (pg.9) -

What's the Matter with Susan? / Bijou Theatre (December 1 - 12, 1903)






Note: This ad from the December 12th edition of the Tribune (pg.16) was the last notice of this production.
As it falls on a Saturday, I'm using it as the closing date and assuming that the following notice from the December 19th
edition of the Evening World (pg.8) was simply a mistake. There was no other newpaper notice of the Bijou until the next
article appears in the February 12th, 1904 (pg.8) edition of the Tribune.


- New York Tribune / January 6, 1903 (pg.1) -             - New York Times / February 9, 1904 (pg.2) -              - New York Sun / April 21, 1904 (pg.9) -              - New York Sun / May 5, 1904 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / May 10, 1904 (pg.25) -                       - New York Evening World / May 15, 1904 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / June 16, 1903 (pg.7) -             - New York Times / September 16, 1903 (pg.9) -

(CUT/2) (CUT/2)

- New York Eve-World / September 15, 1903 (pg.3) -             - New York Sun / October 30, 1903 (pg.1) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1904 -

Much Ado About Nothing / Bijou Theatre (February 20 - , 1904)

- New York Times / February 12, 1904 (pg.14) -                       - New York Sun / February 12, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / February 13, 1904 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / February 18, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / February 14, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / February 14, 1904 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / February 19, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / February 19, 1904 (pg.9) -                       - New York Evening World / February 20, 1904 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / February 20, 1904 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / February 21, 1904 (pg.4) -                       - New York / February 22, 1904 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / February 23, 1904 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / February 23, 1904 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / February 27, 1904 (pg.5) -

- New York Times / February 28, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Wall St. Journal / March 4, 1904

- New York Times / March 11, 1904 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / March 13, 1904 (pg.35) -                       - New York / March 24, 1904 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / March 13, 1904 (pg.35) -

DARK HOUSE / Bijou Theatre (April - October, 1904)

For nearly six months - uch longer than a standard summer closing - there was no news on the Bijou Theatre,
outside of events that took place in the area of the building itself.
The following production was proposed once, but never mentioned in any of the newspapers again:

- New York Tribune / January 12, 1904 (pg.9) -

Mr. Wix of Wickham / Bijou Theatre (September 19 - October 29, 1904)

- New York Sun / August 19, 1904 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / August 28, 1904 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / September 1, 1904 (pg.7) -                      

- New York Sun / September 8, 1904 (pg.5) -                      - New York Sun / September 18, 1904 (pg.29) -                      - New York Tribune / September 22, 1904 (pg.14) -                     

- New York Times / September 20, 1904 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / September 20, 1904 (pg.9) -                      - New York Sun / September 20, 1904 (pg.9) -                      - New York Sun / September 28, 1904 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 30, 1904 (pg.9) -                      - New York Times / October 2, 1904 (pg.39) -                      - New York Times / October 9, 1904 (pg.31) -

- New York Sun / October 11, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / October 16, 1904 (pg.32) -                      - New York Sun / October 21, 1904 (pg.5) -

Mrs. Black is Back / Bijou Theatre (November 7, 1904 - January 7, 1905)

- New York Tribune / October 27, 1904 (pg.14) -                       - New York Tribune / September 5, 1904 (pg.3) -                       - New York Eve-World / November 1, 1904 (pg.7) -                      

- New York Tribune / October 30, 1904 (pg.23) -                       - New York Eve-World / November 2, 1904 (pg.11) -                       - New York Eve-World / November 5, 1904 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / November 6, 1904 (pg.19) -

- New York Times / November 8, 1904 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / November 8, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / November 8, 1904 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / November 13, 1904 (pg.39) -                       - New York Sun / November 20, 1904 (pg.32) -                       - New York Times / November 27, 1904 (pg.39) -

- New York Times / November 27, 1904 (pg.39) -                       - New York Times / December 11, 1904 (pg.31) -                       - New York Tribune / December 13, 1904 (pg.39) -

- New York Tribune / December 18, 1904 (pg.58) -                       - New York Times / December 19, 1904 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / December 25, 1904 (pg.26) -                       - New York Sun / January 1, 1905 (pg.31) -


- New York Tribune /January 1, 1904 (pg.4) -                       - New York Tribune / January 3, 1904 (pg.2) -                       - New York Sun / January 10, 1904 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / April 26, 1904 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / April 24, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / August 26, 1904 (pg.10) -

- New York Sun / September 17, 1904 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / November 18, 1904 (pg.7) -                   

- New York Sun / November 18, 1904 (pg.7) -                       - Wall St. Journal / December 15, 1904 (pg.3) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1905 -

The Music Master / Bijou Theatre (January 9 - June 3, 1905)

- New York Tribune / January 7, 1905 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / January 8, 1905 (pg.55) -                       - New York Times / January 9, 1905 (pg.12) -

- New York Evening World / January 10, 1905 (pg.11) -                       - New York Tribune / January 14, 1905 (pg.8) -                       - New York Sun / January 15, 1905 (pg.32) -

- New York Sun / January 7, 1905 (pg.x) -                       - New York Sun / February 19, 1905 (pg.22) -                       - New York Times / February 29, 1905 (pg.5) -

- New York Tribune / March 14, 1905 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / March 19, 1905 (pg.45) -                       - New York Sun / March 21, 1905 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / April 2, 1905 (pg.41) -                       - New York Sun / April 9, 1905 (pg.446) -                       - New York Sun / April 16, 1905 (pg.24) -

- New York Tribune / April 23, 1905 (pg.16) -                       - New York Times / April 30, 1905 (pg.35) -                       - New York Times / May 14, 1905 (pg.44) -

- New York Sun / May 21, 1905 (pg.25) -                       - New York Tribune / May 28, 1905 (pg.48) -                       - New York Evening World / June 2, 1905 (pg.17) -

- New York Tribune / June 4, 1905 (pg.16) -

----------------------------------------------JUNE 2 - SEPTEMBER 1st 1905: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER--------------------------------------------

The Music Master (returns) / Bijou Theatre (September 2, 1905)

- New York Times / August 5, 1905 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / August 25, 1905 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / August 26, 1905 (pg.2) -

- New York Sun / August 27, 1905 (pg.27) -                       - New York Tribune / September 3, 1905 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / September 3, 1905 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 3, 1905 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / September 10, 1905 (pg.39) -                 - New York Sun / October 29, 1905 (pg.22) -                  - New York Times / December 1, 1905 (pg.9) -             - New York Sun / December 17, 1905 (pg.22) -

- New York Evening World / December 22, 1905 (pg.21) -                       - New York Evening World / December 22, 1905 (pg.21) -                       - New York Sun / December 31, 1905 (pg.22) -

- New York Evening World / December 2, 1905 (pg.7) -


- New York Tribune / January 1, 1905 (pg.49) -                       - New York Sun / January 2, 1905 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / January 8, 1905 (pg.55) -

- New York Times / January 1, 1905 (pg.30) -                       - New York Tribune / January 10, 1905 (pg.1) -                       - New York Sun / January 10, 1905 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / February 24, 1905 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / April 13, 1905 (pg.18) -                       - New York Times / May 31, 1905 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / June 4, 1905 (pg.5) -                                  - New York Sun / August 5, 1905 (pg.5) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1906 -

The Music Master (continues)

- New York Sun / January 7, 1906 (pg.22) -                       - New York Sun / January 21, 1906 (pg.24) -

- New York Times / February 25, 1906 (pg.33) -                       - New York Tribune / March 4, 1906 (pg.44) -                       - New York Sun / March 25, 1906 (pg.24) -


- New York Tribune / March 7, 1906 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / April 22, 1906 (pg.43) -                       - New York Sun / May 13, 1906 (pg.43) -                       - New York Sun / May 20, 1906 (pg.43) -

- New York Times / May 25, 1906 (pg.11) -                       - New York Sun / June 1, 1906 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / June 3, 1906 (pg.9) -

-----------------------------------------------------June 3 - August 31st 1906: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER------------------------------------------

The Music Master continues / September 1st:

- New York Sun / August 25, 1906 (pg.53) -                       - New York Tribune / August 27, 1906 (pg.10) -                       - New York xTribune / September 1, 1906 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 2, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / September 2, 1906 (pg.33) -                       - New York Sun / September 16, 1906 (pg.36) -

- New York Sun / September 23, 1906 (pg.38) -                       - New York Tribune / September 29, 1906 (pg.16) -                       - New York Times / September 30, 1906 (pg.9) -

Genius / Bijou Theatre (October 1 - November 3, 1906)

- New York Tribune / September 17, 1906 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / October 1, 1906 (pg.12) -                       - New York Times / October 3, 1906 (pg.7) -


- New York Sun / October 2, 1906 (pg.7) -


- New York Tribune / October 2, 1906 (pg.7) -


- New York Times / October 2, 1906 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / October 7, 1906 (pg.40) -                       - New York Times / October 8, 1906 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / October 10, 1906 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / October 18, 1906 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / October 23, 1906 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / October 30, 1906 (pg.16) -

Genius-21_Review_Times_10-26-1906_pg9.jpg (CUT/2)

- New York Times / October 26, 1906 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / October 7, 1906 (pg.52) -

French Company (performing Sundays only) / Bijou Theatre (October 1906)

- New York Times / October 15, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / October 21, 1906 (pg.41) -                       - New York Times / October 22, 1906 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / October 28, 1906 (pg.47) -                       - New York Times / November 5, 1906 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / November 5, 1906 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / November 11, 1906 (pg.31) -


- New York Tribune / November 12, 1906 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / November 12, 1906 (pg.3) -


- New York Times / November 13, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / November 18, 1906 (pg.51) -                       - New York Times / November 19, 1906 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / November 25, 1906 (pg.32) -                       - New York Times / November 26, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / November 27, 1906 (pg.10) -

- New York Tribune / December 3, 1902 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / December 6, 1902 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / December 23, 1902 (pg.46) -


- New York Sun / December 30, 1902 (pg.32) -                       - New York Times / December 31, 1902 (pg.3) -

Mrs. Wilson, That's All / Bijou Theatre (November 5 - December 22, 1906)

- New York Tribune / November 4, 1906 (pg.50) -                       - New York Sun / November 4, 1906 (pg.40) -                       - New York Times / November 6, 1906 (pg.9) -

(CUT) - New York Times / November 6, 1906 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / November 6, 1906 (pg.16) -                       - New York Sun / November 8, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / November 10, 1906 (pg.16) -

- New York Times / November 10, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / November 11, 1906 (pg.40) -                       - New York Sun / November 13, 1906 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / November 14, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / November 18, 1906 (pg.40) -                       - New York Tribune / December 3, 1906 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / December 5, 1906 (pg.6) -                       - New York Tribune / December 9, 1906 (pg.50) -                       - New York Tribune / December 16, 1906 (pg.50) -

- New York Tribune / December 18, 1906 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / December 19, 1906 (pg.8) -

The Double Life / Bijou Theatre (December 24 - January 2, 1906)

- New York Tribune / October 31, 1906 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / December 23, 2906 (pg.19) -


- New York Sun / December 26, 1906 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / December 28, 1906 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / December 29, 1906 (pg.6) -


- New York Times / December 28, 1906 (pg.9) -

- New York Evening World / December 31, 1906 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / January 4, 1907 (pg.9) -


- New York Tribune / March 14, 1906 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / April 20, 1906 (pg.6) --

- New York Tribune / April 29, 1906 (pg.52) -                       - New York Tribune / June 25, 1906 (pg.3) -                      - New York Tribune / December 31, 1906 (pg.7) -


- New York Tribune / December 31, 1906 (pg.7 & 8) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1907 -

The Mimic and the Maid / Bijou Theatre (January 11-13, 1907)

- New York Tribune / January 5, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / January 6, 1907 (pg.34) -                       - New York Tribune / January 6, 1907 (pg.49) -

- New York Sun / January 7, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / January 10, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / January 12, 1907 (pg.4) -

- New York Tribune / January 12, 1907 (pg.5) -               - New York Sun / January 12, 1907 (pg.5) -               - New York Sun / January 12, 1907 (pg.45) -               - New York Times / January 13, 1907 (pg.9) -

(The composer of this piece, Alfred Baldwin Sloane, wrote Tin Pan Alley tunes for over 30 years - including the score for Peggy-Ann,
which ran for 333 performances (December 27, 1926 – October 29, 1927) at Broadway's Vanderbilt Theatre.

The Doll's House / Bijou Theatre (January 18 - February 8, 1907)

- New York Sun / January 15, 1907 (pg.x) -                       - New York Tribune / January 16, 1907 (pg.x) -                       - New York Tribune / January 17, 1907 (pg.x) -

- New York Times / January 20, 1907 (pg.22) -                       - New York Sun / January 27, 1907 (pg.34) -

- New York Times / January 26, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / January 31, 1907 (pg.x) -                       - New York Times / January 31, 1907 (pg.18) -                       - New York Sun / February 8, 1907 (pg.8) -

All Of A Sudden Peggy / Bijou Theatre (February 11 - March 9, 1907)

- New York Sun / January 20, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / February 10, 1907 (pg.34) -                       - New York Times / February 10, 1907 (pg.34) -


- New York Sun / February 17, 1907 (pg.40) -                       - New York Times / February 22, 1907 (pg.18) -                       - New York Tribune / February 26, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / March 3, 1909 (pg.40) -                       - New York Tribune / March 9, 1909 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / March 9, 1909 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / March 10, 1907 (pg.34) -                       - New York Times / March 3, 1907 (pg.47) -

Hedda Gabler / Bijou Theatre (March 11 - April 6, 1907)

- New York Sun / March 10. 1907 (pg.42) -                               - New York Sun / March 11. 1907 (pg.12) -                               - New York Times / March 12. 1907 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / March 12. 1907 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / March 17, 1907 (pg.40) -

- New York Sun / March 24, 1907 (pg.42) -                   - New York Sun / March 31, 1907 (pg.44) -                   - New York Tribune / April 2, 1907 (pg.7) -                   - New York Tribune / April 4, 1907 (pg.7) -

Comtesse-Coquette / Bijou Theatre (April 12 - June 15, 1907)

- New York Tribune / April 7, 1907 (pg.48) -                                  - New York Times / April 7, 1907 (pg.38) -

- New York Tribune / April 9, 1907 (pg.8) -                       - New York Sun / April 9, 1907 (pg.9) -                       - New York Times / April 9, 1907 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / April 10, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / April 13, 1907 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / April 14, 1907 (pg.42) -


- New York Tribune / April 13, 1907 (pg.11) -


- New York Times / April 13, 1907 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / April 20, 1907 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / April 21, 1907 (pg.40) -                       - New York Times / April 23, 1907 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / May 12, 1907 (pg.41) -

- New York Tribune / May 15, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / May 21, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / June 2, 1907 (pg.50) -

- New York Times / June 16, 1907 (pg.53) -

- New York Evening World / April 20, 1907 (pg.9) -

----------------------------------------------JUNE 16 - August 5, 1907: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER-------------------------------------------------

Shoo-Fly Regiment / Bijou Theatre (August 6-17, 1907)

- New York Age / August 1, 1907 (pg.3) -

- New York Sun / August 1, 1907 (pg.10) -                       - New York Times / August 4, 1907 (pg.49) -                       - New York Tribune / August 4, 1907 (pg.44) -

- New York Times / August 7, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / August 7, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / August 9, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / August 18, 1907 (pg.42) -                       - New York Tribune / August 18, 1907 (pg.42) -                       - New York Times / August 18, 1907 (pg.7) -

Afro-American-Plays_Age_8-22-1907_pg5.jpg (CUT)

Comtesse Coquette [revival] / Bijou Theatre (September 2 - 21, 1907)

- New York Tribune / August 21, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / August 25, 1907 (pg.42) -                       - New York Tribune / September 3, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / September 15, 1907 (pg.31) -                               - New York Tribune / September 20, 1907 (pg.7) -

Master Builder / Bijou Theatre (September 23 - November 16, 1907)

- New York Tribune / September 23, 1907 (pg.12) -                  - New York Evening World / August 21, 1907 (pg.6) -                  - New York Tribune / August 22, 1907 (pg.50) -

- New York Tribune / September 29, 1907 (pg.50) -                       - New York Tribune / September 29, 1907 (pg.51) -                       - New York Tribune / October 6, 1907 (pg.50) -

- New York Tribune / September 24, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / September 24, 1907 (pg.11) -

- New York Evening World / September 24, 1907 (pg.13) -

- New York Tribune / October 20, 1907 (pg.46) -                       - New York Sun / October 27, 1907 (pg.34) -                       - New York Times / November 2, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / October 6, 1907 (pg.50) -

- New York Sun / November 10, 1907 (pg.32) -                       - New York Tribune / November 10, 1907 (pg.46) -                       - New York Evening World / November 13, 1907 (pg.12) -

A Doll's House (return) / Bijou Theatre (November 19 - December 28, 1907)

- New York Tribune / March 22, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / November 17, 1907 (pg.46) -                       - New York Tribune / November 19, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / November 22, 1907 (pg.16) -                       - New York Times / December 8, 1907 (pg.44) -                       - New York Tribune / December 29, 1907 (pg.42) -

A French Season / Bijou Theatre (November 1907)

- New York Sun / November 17, 1907 (pg.32) -                       - New York Tribune / November 18, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Times / November 18, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / November 25, 1907 (pg.9) -             - New York Times / December 1, 1907 (pg.49) -              - New York Times / December 2, 1907 (pg.9) -              - New York Tribune / December 22, 1907 (pg.49) -


- New York Times / January 25, 1907 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / February 13, 1907 (pg.1) -                       - New York Tribune / March 17, 1907 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / March 19, 1907 (pg.5) -                       - New York Times / April 18, 1907 (pg.11) -                       - New York Sun / May 22, 1907 (pg.1) -

- New York Times / July 20, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / September 26, 1907 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / November 23, 1907 (pg.7) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1908 -

The Comet / Bijou Theatre (December 30, 1907 - February 15, 1908)

- New York Sun / December 30, 1907 (pg.12) -                  - New York Tribune / December 31, 1907 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / January 3, 1908 (pg.16) -

- New York Evening World / January 2, 1908 (pg.27) -

- New York Tribune / January 5, 1908 (pg.44) -                       - New York Times / January 3, 1908 (pg.16) -                       - New York Evening World / January 9, 1908 (pg.12) -

- New York Sun / January 12, 1908 (pg.19) -                       - New York Sun / January 19, 1908 (pg.32) -                       - New York Tribune / January 26, 1908 (pg.44) -

- New York Tribune / January 30, 1908 (pg.12) -                       - New York Times / February 2, 1908 (pg.45) -

Merchant of Venice and Richard III / Bijou Theatre (February 17 - 29, 1908)

- The Merchant of Venice -

- Brooklyn Times-Union / February 15, 1908 (pg.10) -       - New York Tribune / February 16, 1908 (pg.44) -            - New York Tribune / February 16, 1908 (pg.44) -       - Brooklyn Daily Eagle / February 16, 1908 (pg.29) -

- New York Sun / February 16, 1908 (pg.36) -             - New York Tribune / February 18, 1908 (pg.7) -            - New York Tribune / February 18, 1908 (pg.7) -            - Brooklyn Times-Union / February 18, 1908 (pg.3) -

- Richard III -

- New York Times / February 2, 1908 (pg.9) -          - Brooklyn Times-Union / February 3, 1908 (pg.8) -          - New York Tribune / February 22, 1908 (pg.46) -          - New York Sun / February 23, 1908 (pg.30) -

- Brooklyn Daily Eagle / February 25, 1908 (pg.26) -          - Brooklyn Citizen / February 25, 1908 (pg.5) -       - Brooklyn Citizen / February 25, 1908 (pg.5) -       - New York Sun / February 27, 1908 (pg.12) -

The Rector's Garden / Bijou Theatre (March 2 - 7, 1908)


- New York Tribune / February 5, 1908 (pg.7) -           - New York Sun / March 1, 1908 (pg.34) -          - New York Tribune / March 3, 1908 (pg.7) -           - New York Tribune / March 6, 1908 (pg.7)

- New York Sun / March 4, 1908 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / March 4, 1908 (pg.16) -

-----------------------------------------------------MARCH 8 - 18th 1908: HOUSE CLOSED -----------------------------------------------------

Bluffs / Bijou Theatre (March 19 - 31, 1908)

- New York Sun / March 16, 1908 (pg.10) -           - New York Sun / March 13, 1908 (pg.7) -            - New York Sun / March 22, 1908 (pg.35) -           - New York Tribune / March 29, 1908 (pg.7)

Bluffs_Review_Tribune_3-20-1908_pg7.jpg (CUT/2)

Bluffs_Review_Brooklyn-Citizen_3-20-1908_pg5.jpg (CUT/2)

Bluffs_Review_Times_3-20-1908_pg7.jpg (CUT)

Bluffs_Glen-Falls_Post-Star_3-30-1908_pg6.jpg (CUT)

Note: I can find no notice of this production closing. The last clipping on it (March 30th, Glen Falls Post-Star)
made it sound as if the show was a success, but the next (April 5th, Tribune) mentioned that the Bijou had been
"closed since... 'Bluffs' was withdrawn." I have to make an educated guess, therefore, that Bluffs closed March 31, 1908.

-----------------------------------------------------April 1 - 17th 1908: HOUSE CLOSED -----------------------------------------------------

The Wolf / Bijou Theatre (April 18 - 25, 1908)

- New York Tribune / April 12, 1908 (pg.46) -                       - New York Sun/ April 12, 1908 (pg.36) -                       - New York Sun/ April 12, 1908 (pg.36) -

- New York Times / April 12, 1908 April (pg.49) -                       - New York Times / April 12, 1908 (pg.14) -                       - New York Times / April 19, 1908 (pg.46) -

- New York Times / April 23, 1908 April (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / April 22, 1908 (pg.12) -                       - New York Tribune / April 25, 1908 (pg.14) -

Papa Lebonnard / Bijou Theatre / April 28 - May 23, 1908)

- New York Times / April 1, 1908 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / April 5, 1908 (pg.34) -                       - New York Tribune / April 5, 1908 (pg.58) -

- New York Tribune / April 26, 1908 (pg.46) -                       - New York Times / April 26, 1908 (pg.54) -                       - New York Times / May 1, 1908 (pg.16) -

- New York Tribune / May 10, 1908 (pg.46) -                       - New York Sun / May 10, 1908 (pg.36) -                       - New York Sun / May 17, 1908 (pg.37) -

- New York Sun / May 23, 1908 (pg.4) -                       - New York Times / May 23, 1908 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / May 23, 1908 (pg.10) -

"Moving Pictures" & Vaudeville - Bijou Theatre (Summer 1908) - - New York Times / May 23, 1908 (pg.9) -

All For A Girl / Bijou Theatre (August 22nd - September 12, 1908)

- New York Sun / August 16, 1908 (pg.30) -                       - New York Times / August 30, 1908 (pg.50) -                       - New York Sun / August 23, 1908 (pg.30) -

- Brooklyn Daily Eagle / August 16, 1908 (pg13) -                - Brooklyn Citizen - / August 23, 1908 (pg.12) -                - New York Tribune / August 30, 1908 (pg.46) -

- New York Sun / September 6, 1908 (pg.30) -                       - New York Times / September 10, 1908 (pg.16) -                       - New York Tribune / September 13, 1908 (pg.7) -

A Gentleman from Mississippi / Bijou Theatre (September 29, 1908 - September 18, 1909)

- New York Tribune / September 27, 1908 (pg.46) -           - New York Tribune / September 30, 1908 (pg.7) -            - New York Tribune / September 30, 1908 (pg.7) -             - New York Tribune / September 29, 1908 (pg.12) -

- New York World / September 30, 1908 (pg.15) -                       - New York World / September 30, 1908 (pg.15) -                      

- New York Evening World / October 3, 1908 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / October 4, 1908 (pg.46) -              - New York Tribune / October 11, 1908 (pg.46) -              - New York Tribune / October 3, 1908 (pg.47) - - New York Sun / October 18, 1908 (pg.34) -

- New York Tribune / October 25, 1908 (pg.46) -             - New York Tribune / November 1, 1908 (pg.44) -               - New York Tribune / November 8, 1908 (pg.44) -              - New York Tribune / November 14, 1908 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / November 19, 1908 (pg.7) -                - New York Tribune / November 22, 1908 (pg.44) -                - New York Tribune / November 29, 1908 (pg.44) -

- New York Sun / November 29, 1908 (pg.36) -            - New York Sun / December 20, 1908 (pg.14) -             - New York Tribune / December 24, 1908 (pg.44) -           

- New York Sun / December 27, 1908 (pg.28) -                - New York Tribune / December 27, 1908 (pg.42) -


- New York Sun / June 30, 1908 (pg.7) -          - New York Times / July 30, 1908 (pg.3) -           - New York Times / November 12, 1908 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / December 27, 1908 (pg.42) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1909 -

- A Gentleman from Mississippi continues -

- New York Sun / January 3, 1909 (pg.32) -                 - New York Tribune / January 3, 1909 (pg.46) -

- New York Tribune / January 17, 1909 (pg.42) -                 - New York Tribune / January 31, 1909 (pg.46) -               - New York Tribune / February 14, 1909 (pg.46) -

- New York Tribune / February 25, 1909 (pg.1) -          - New York Sun / February 28, 1909 (pg.35) -           - New York Times / March 6, 1909 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / March 14, 1909 (pg.47) -            - New York Times / May 9, 1909 (pg.61) -               - New York Tribune / May 23, 1909 (pg.x) -          - New York Times / June 25, 1909 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / June 30, 1909 (pg.7) -          - New York Tribune / June 28, 1909 (pg.12) -           - Brooklyn Citizen / June 30, 1909 (pg.12) -

----------JUNE 30 - AUGUST 7th 1909: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER (show moves to New Amsterdam Aerial Gardens) ---------

- New York Times / August 5, 1909 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / August 6, 1909 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / August 8, 1909 (pg.11) -

- New York Sun / August 10, 1909 (pg.5) -                       - New York Sun / August 25, 1909 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / September 12, 1909 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / September 12, 1909 (pg.34) -                       - New York Tribune / September 12, 1909 (pg.60) -

- New York Tribune / January 31, 1909 (pg.46) -                       - New York Tribune / June 20, 1908 (pg.68) -

The Intruder / Bijou Theatre (September 22 - October 2, 1909)

- New York Sun / September 22, 1909 (pg.9) -                       - New York Tribune / September 23, 1909 (pg.7) -                       - New York Sun / September 26, 1909 (pg.37) -


- New York Sun / September 26, 1909 (pg.9)

- (CUT)

- New York Sun / September 26, 1909 (pg.9) -             - New York Tribune / September 30, 1909 (pg.7) -            - New York Tribune / October 2, 1909 (pg.14) -

- New York Tribune / September 26, 1909 (pg.55) -

The Master Key / Bijou Theatre (October 4 - 9, 1909)


- New York Tribune / October 3, 1909 (pg.47) -                       - New York Sun / October 3, 1909 (pg.34) -                       - New York Sun / October 3, 1909 (pg.35) -


- New York Tribune / October 5, 1909 (pg.7) -                - New York Sun / October 5, 1909 (pg.9) -                - Brooklyn Standard Union / October 5, 1909 (pg.2) -

- Buffalo Times / October 24, 1909 (pg.36) -

Note: Once again, a production seems to just "fade away, even after fairly good reviews.
I can find no closing notice, and the only reference to it past October 5th is from
the Buffalo Times (from their "New York Dramatic Correspondent") which announces it
is presently playing at the Bijou, but the article must have been held up in printing
because at that time The Debtors was playing. My guess is the closing date was October 9th.
(The 12th having fallen on a Tuesday.)

The Debtors / Bijou Theatre (October 12 - 30, 1909)

- New York Sun / October 9, 1909 (pg.5) -           - New York Sun / October 9, 1909 (pg.14) -           - Brooklyn Life / October 16, 1909 (pg.10) -            - Buffalo-Sunday Morning News / October 24, 1909 (pg.9)

- Buffalo Citizen / October 13, 1909 (pg.6) -                       - New York Tribune / October 13, 1909 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / October 13, 1909 (pg.11) -

- New York Sun / October 14, 1909 (pg.5) -

- Brooklyn Times / October 13, 1909 (pg.2) -

Note: Another case of "Now you see it, now you don't."
The last notice taken of The Debtors was in
the Buffalo Sunday Morning News, saying the show was
still playing at the Bijou, then nothing until the
Sun review of November 23rd that said, "Plays have
been coming and going there (the Bijou) for some time -
The Intruders, The Debtors and others."

Again, I have to estimate The Debtors closed on Saturday, October 30th.

Idols / Bijou Theatre (November 1 - 13th, 1909)

- New York Tribune / October 31, 1909 (pg.58) -           - New York Sun / October 31, 1909 (pg.39) -           - New York Times / November 2, 1909 (pg.9) -           - New York Tribune / November 13, 1909 (pg.14) -

Note: The review promised by the Times in the November 2nd notice was never printed.

-----------------------------------------------------November 14 - 21st 1909: HOUSE CLOSED -------------------------------------------

His Name On the Door / Bijou Theatre (November 22 - December 4, 1909)

- New York Sun / November 17, 1909 (pg.14) -          - New York Tribune / November 28, 1909 (pg.58) -          - New York Tribune / December 1, 1909 (pg.7) -          - New York Tribune / December 4, 1909 (pg.14) -

- New York Sun / November 23, 1909 (pg.7) -

The Lottery Man / Bijou Theatre (December 6, 1909 - May 28, 1910)

- New York Sun / December 5, 1909 (pg.39) -            - New York Sun / December 5, 1909 (pg.38) -            - New York Sun / December 5, 1909 (pg.38) -             - New York Sun / December 12, 1909 (pg.40) -

- New York Sun / December 7, 1909 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / December 7, 1909 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / December 7, 1909 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / December 19, 1909 (pg.58) -           - New York Sun / December 19, 1909 (pg.38) -           - New York Sun / December 21, 1909 (pg.5) -           - New York Sun / December 21, 1909 (pg.5) -


- New York Times / January 7, 1909 (pg.9) -           - New York Tribune / November 11, 1909 (pg.7) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1910 -

- Lottery Man continues -

- New York Sun / January 2, 1910 (pg.40) -           - New York Sun / January 9, 1910 (pg.40) -           - New York Sun / January 16, 1910 (pg.38) -           - New York Tribune / January 20, 1910 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / January 30, 1910 (pg.x) -           - New York Sun / February 6, 1910 (pg.x) -           - New York Sun / February 13, 1910 (pg.x) -           - New York Tribune / April 6, 1910 (pg.x) -

- New York Sun / April 24, 1910 (pg.42) -           - New York Tribune / April 27, 1910 (pg.7) -           - New York Tribune / May 22, 1910 (pg.36) -           - New York Sun / May 28, 1910 (pg.14) -

-----------------------------------------------------May 29 - September 11th 1910: HOUSE CLOSED FOR SUMMER -------------------------------------------

Welcome to Our City / Bijou Theatre (September 12 - 24, 1910)

- New York Times / August 11, 1910 (pg.7) -          - New York Times / September 4, 1910 (pg.59) -          - New York Times / September 13, 1910 (pg.9) -          - New York Times / September 13, 1910 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / September 13, 1910 (pg.7) -         - New York Tribune / September 13, 1910 (pg.7) -         - New York Tribune / September 18, 1910 (pg.7) -        

- New York Tribune / September 20, 1910 (pg.7) -                       - New York Tribune / September 23, 1910 (pg.22) -

My Man / Bijou Theatre (September 27 - October 8, 1910)

- New York Tribune / September 25, 1910 (pg.53) -                       - New York Sun / September 25, 1910 (pg.35) -                       - New York Tribune / September 27, 1910 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / September 29, 1910 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / September 30, 1910 (pg.14) -          - New York Tribune / October 2, 1910 (pg.58) -          - New York Tribune / October 8, 1910 (pg.14) -          - New York Times / October 10, 1910 (pg.9) -

- New York Times / October 9, 1910 (pg.22) -

New York / Bijou Theatre (October 17 - October 28, 1910)

- New York Tribune / October 16, 1910 (pg.58) -          - New York Tribune / October 18, 1910 (pg.7) -                          - New York Times / October 30, 1910 (pg.53) -

The Other Fellow / Bijou Theatre (October 31 - November 21, 1910)

- New York Times / November 1, 1910 (pg.9) -        - New York Tribune / November 5, 1910 (pg.7) -         - New York Tribune / November 6, 1910 (pg.59) -         

The Nest Egg / Bijou Theatre ( November 22, 1910 - January 7,1911)

- Brooklyn Times Union / November 19, 1910 (pg.8) -        - Buffalo Evening News / November 19, 1910 (pg.6) -         - New York Times / November 20, 1910 (pg.49) -          - Brooklyn Times Union / November 22, 1910 (pg.20) -

- Brooklyn Times Union / November 23, 1910 (pg.10) -                       - New York Tribune / November 27, 1910 (pg.56) -                       - New York Times / November 28, 1910 (pg.18) -

- New York Times / November 23, 1910 (pg.9) -

- Brooklyn Daily Eagle / November 28, 1910 (pg.19) -

- Brooklyn Citizen / November 23, 1910 (pg.2) -                                            - New York Brooklyn Life / December 3, 1910 (pg.22) -

- New York Tribune / December 25, 1910 (pg.x) -                       - New York Tribune / January 1, 1911 (pg.59) -                       - New York Times / January 1, 1911 (pg.57) -

- Brooklyn Times Union / November 20, 1910 (pg.20) -                       - Brooklyn Daily Eagle / November 25, 1910 (pg.20) -                       - New York Tribune / November 20, 1910 (pg.58) -



- New York Times / April 21, 1910 (pg.11) -                       - New York Times / July 22, 1910 (pg.7) -

- Bijou Theatre / 1911 -

The Right Princess / Bijou Theatre (presented as a benefit matinee performance on January 6, 1911)

- New York Tribune / December 21, 1910 (pg.7) -    - New York Times / January 1, 1911 (pg.58) - this notice a Friday Announcement) -    - New York Times / January 7, 1911 (pg.6) -

- New York Tribune / January 1, 1911 (pg.7) -                      

Havoc / Bijou Theatre (January 9 - March 11, 1911)

- New York Sun / January 9, 1911 (pg.58) -                       - New York Times / January 10, 1911 (pg.4) -                       - New York Times / January 10, 1911 (pg.4) -

- New York Evening World / January 10, 1911 (pg.17) -

- New York Times / January 10, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / January 15, 1911 (pg.32) -

- New York Times / January 29, 1911 (pg.69) -             - New York Sun / February 5, 1911 (pg.34) -              - New York Times / March 2, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / March 3, 1911 (pg.9) -

- New York Sun / March 5, 1911 (pg.26) -                       - New York Times / March 11, 1911 (pg.22) -

The Confession / Bijou Theatre (March 13 - April 29, 1911)

- New York Evening World / March 11, 1911 (pg.4) -                       - New York Tribune / March 12, 1911 (pg.59) -                       - New York Sun / March 19, 1911 (pg.36) -

- New York Sun / March 14, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Tribune / March 14, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Times / March 14, 1911 (pg.11) -

- New York Evening World / March 22, 1911 (pg.19) -                       - New York Sun / March 25, 1911 (pg.25) -                       - New York Times / March 31, 1911 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / April 29, 1911 (pg.13) -                       - New York Evening World / April 29, 1911 (pg.9) -

- New York Tribune / March 19, 1911 (pg.58) -

The Clouds / Bijou Theatre (May 15 - 20th, 1911)

- New York Times / May 6, 1911 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / May 11, 1911 (pg.11) -                       - New York Times / May 11, 1911 (pg.11) -

- New York Times / May 13, 1911 (pg.22) -                       - New York Evening World / May 13, 1911 (pg.5) -                       - New York Tribune / May 14, 1911 (pg.58) -

- New York Evening World / May 13, 1911 (pg.5) -

Youth / Bijou Theatre (June 8 - 17th, 1911)

- New York Times / May 27, 1911 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / May 30, 1911 (pg.11) -                       - New York Sun / June 2, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / June 9, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Brooklyn Citizen / June 9, 1911 (pg.2) -                       - New York Brooklyn Citizen / June 9, 1911 (pg.2) -                       - New York Evening World / June 13, 1911 (pg.12) -

(NOTE: The last newspaper reference I was able to find on Youth was the June 13th ad in the Evening World
which was on a Tuesday, leading me to believe that the show probably closed that Saturday (the 17th).

The next Bijou clipping states that the upcoming production of Baxter's Partners
will "reopen" the theater, which must mean the house was dark the week of June 17 - 25th,
but then after a dismal showing for Baxter's Partners, Youth mysteriously resurfaced on June 8th.

Baxter's Partner / Bijou Theatre (June 27 - July 8th, 1911)

- New York Sun / June 20, 1911 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / June 24, 1911 (pg.6) -                       - New York Sun / June 25, 1911 (pg.33) -

- New York Times / June 28, 1911 (pg.11) -                       - New York Evening World / June 28, 1911 (pg.15) -                       - New York Evening World / June 28, 1911 (pg.15) -

- New York Tribune / June 28, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Sun / July 2, 1911 (pg.29) -              - New York Brooklyn Life / July 8, 1911 (pg.18) -           - New York Brooklyn Life / July 8, 1911 (pg.18) -

NOTE: After these disasterous reviews there was very little mention of Baxter's Partners..
The Brooklyn Life article shows it was played on July 8th, but that must have
been it's closing as the rivival of Youth began the next night.

Youth / Bijou Theatre (June 8 - 17th, 1911)

- New York Times / July 8, 1911 (pg.20) -                       - New York Times / July 9, 1911 (pg.13) -                       - New York Times / July 9, 1911 (pg.13) -

NOTE: There was no more mention of Youth.
The last ad was on July 13, 1911.

A Modern Marriage / Bijou Theatre (September 16 - 30, 1911)

- New York Tribune / September 10, 1911 (pg.52) -     - New York Tribune / September 10, 1911 (pg.52) -          - New York Times / September 16, 1911 (pg.57) -         - New York Times / September 17, 1911 (pg.52) -

- New York Sun / September 24, 1911 (pg.34) -                       - New York Times / October 17, 1911 (pg.21) -                       - New York Evening World / September 30, 1911 (pg.14) -

----------------------------------------------------------OCTOBER 1 - 30th 1911: HOUSE CLOSED ------------------------------------------------

Three Lights / Bijou Theatre (October 31 - November 4, 1911)

- New York Times / October 21, 1911 (pg.13) -                       - New York Sun / October 29, 1911 (pg.32) -                       - New York Tribune / October 29, 1911 (pg.57) -

- New York Times / October 29, 1911 (pg.91) -                       - New York Tribune / November 1, 1911 (pg.7) -

- New York Evening World / November 1, 1911 (pg.19) -

- New York Sun / November 1, 1911 (pg.7) -                       - New York Evening World / November 4, 1911 (pg.9) -

The Strugglers / Bijou Theatre (November 6, 1911)

- New York Times / November 5, 1911 (pg.39) -                       - New York Sun / November 5, 1911 (pg.33) -                       - New York Sun / November 6, 1911 (pg.7) -

Vaudeville / Bijou Theatre (November 21, 1911 - ?)

Note: It's unclear how long vaudeville played at the Bijou during this time - I could find no other referances
until the next notice for The Stranger, which actually didn't play until January.

-----------------------------------------------------NOVEMBER 1911 - JANUARY 1912: HOUSE CLOSED -------------------------------------------


- New York Times / January 22, 1911 (pg.66) -                       - New York Tribune / June 14, 1911 (pg.10)

- Bijou Theatre / 1912 -

The Right to Happiness / Bijou Theatre (January 11 - 13, 1912)

- New York Times / January 4, 1912 (pg.14) -                       - New York Evening World / January 6, 1912 (pg.6) -                       - New York Times / January 7, 1912 (pg.16) -

- New York Sun / January 12, 1912 (pg.9) -                              - New York Sun / January 13, 1912 (pg.20) -

The Stranger / Bijou Theatre (January 15 - 20, 1912)

- New York Times / January 16, 1912 (pg.24) -                       - New York Tribune / January 18, 1912 (pg.16) -                       - New York Tribune / January 23, 1912 (pg.7) -

The Truth Wagon / Bijou Theatre (March 11 - 23, 1912)

- New York Tribune / March 3, 1912 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / March 10, 1912 (pg.24) -                       - New York Sun / March 17, 1912 (pg.22) -

- New York Tribune /March 17, 1912 (pg.57) -                       - New York Sun / March 20, 1912 (pg.9) -                       - New York Sun / March 22, 1912 (pg.14) -

-----------------------------------------------------MARCH 24 - SEPTEMBER 21, 1912: HOUSE CLOSED -------------------------------------------

- New York Tribune / May 2, 1912 (pg.6) -

African Safari (film) / Bijou Theatre (September 22 - March 1913)

- New York Times / September 22, 1912 (pg.106) -              - New York Sun / September 27, 1912 (pg.18) -               - New York _Tribune / October 27, 1912 (pg.54) -

- New York Sun / October 31, 1912 (pg.16) -                  - New York Sun / December 15, 1912 (pg.68) -                  - New York _Sun / December 15, 1912 (pg.65) -

- New York Times / February 12, 1913 (pg.24) -                 - New York Evening World / February 15, 1913 (pg.6) -            - New York Evening World / February 17, 1912 (pg.10) -

- New York Sun / March 1, 1913 (pg.18) -               - New York Times / March 7, 1913 (pg.11) -                     - New York Tribune / March 7, 1913 (pg.9) - -


- New York Evening World / March 28, 1912 (pg.20) -                    - New York Times / April 27, 1913 (pg.60) -

A Week End / Bijou Theatre (to have been presented in December 1912)

(obviously never performed)

Bijou Theatre/ 1913

The Last Days of Pompeii (photo-drama) / Bijou Theatre (November 9, 1913 - December)

- New York Times / November 9, 1913 (pg.79) -                     - New York Tribune / November 16, 1913 (pg.28) -                     - New York Times / December 10, 1913 (pg.22) -

White Slave Traffic, etc. / Bijou Theatre (December 1913 - January 1914)

- New York Evening World / December 26, 1913 (pg.1) -                     - New York X / December 30, 1913 (pg.14) -                     - New York X / December 30, 1913 (pg.14) -

- New York Times / January 7, 1914 (pg.20) -                     - New York Sun / January 15, 1914 (pg.8) -

- New York Times / January 17, 1914 (pg.2) -                     - New York Evening World / January 17, 1914 (pg.7) -


- New York Times / January 25, 1913 (pg.15) -                     - New York Evening World / January 25, 1913 (pg.4) -                     - New York Times / January 26, 1913 (pg.34) (pg.10) -

- New York Times / January 26, 1913 (pg.35) -                     - New York Sun / January 26, 1913 (pg.10) -                - New York Times / February 2, 1913 (pg.85) -

- New York Times / February 9, 1913 (pg.106) -                 - New York Times / February 12, 1913 (pg.20) -                 - New York Times / May 25, 1913 (pg.70) -

Bijou Theatre / 1914

...And now it's officially......a motion-picture house. - New York Times / January 21, 1914 (pg.16) -

Port of Missing Men, etc. / Bijou Theatre (May 3-7, 1914)

- New York Tribune / May 3, 1914 (pg.29) -                     - New York Times / May 3, 1914 (pg.71) -                     - New York Times / May 3, 1914 (pg.71) -

Darktown Follies / Bijou Theatre (June 15 - 27, 1914)

- New York Times/ June 8, 1914 (pg.7) -                     - New York Sun / June 14, 1914 (pg.69) -                     - New York Tribune / June 16, 1914 (pg.10) -


- New York Times / June 23, 1914 (pg.20) -                     - New York Age / June 25, 1914 (pg.6) -

Bijou Theatre / 1915

Doomed by realty deals... / Bijou Theatre (1914-15)

- New York Tribune / 1-8-1915 (pg.9) -                     - New York Sun / 1-30-1915 (pg.11) -                     - New York Sun / 6-6-1915 (pg.26) -

- New York Times / May 19, 1914 (pg.20) -                     - New York Times / May 19, 1914 (pg.20) -

- New York Times / June 13, 1915 (pg.94) -                     - New York Times / June 13, 1915 (pg.94) -                     - New York Times / October 15, 1914-A_pg16 (pg.97) -

- New York Tribune / January 5, 1914 (pg.10) -                     - New York Times / January 9, 1914 (pg.18) -                     - New York Tribune / April 15, 1914 (pg.16) -                    - New York Tribune / April 15, 1914 (pg.16) -


New York Times / January 24, 1915 (pg.68) -                                       - New York Times / March 7, 1915 (pg.87) -

Bijou Theatre / 209 W. 45th St.

The second Bijou Theatre was built by the Shubert family in 1917 at 209 W. 45th Street in New York City.
It was one of three theaters that hosted the premiere season of the musical Fancy Free—but primarily it presented plays by many writers,
including Sacha Guitry, John Galsworthy, A. A. Milne, James M. Barrie, Herman J. Mankiewicz,
Leslie Howard, Anton Chekhov, Henrik Ibsen, Luigi Pirandello, Graham Greene, Eugene O'Neill, William Saroyan, and Seán O'Casey.

In 1950, as the Bijou, it hosted one film, Cyrano de Bergerac, starring José Ferrer.
In 1951, it became a CBS radio studio, then — as the D. W. Griffith Theatre — it presented art films.
It was reinstated as the Bijou Theatre in 1965, but was demolished in 1982 to make room for the Marriott Marquis Hotel.

To all lovers of theater..... (Fort Wayne Daily Gazette / March 1, 1881 (pg.4)

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