Fox Theatre
376 W. Court Street - San Bernardino, CA

The Fox San Bernardino Theatre was opened on September 20, 1929.
On September 20, 1929, the "Fox Theater" opened on the north side of Court Street, between 'D' Street and Arrowhead Avenue.
Opening night films were: "Big Time"--an all talking, singing, dancing comedy-drama, a new Laurel and Hardy offering called
"Men o' War", and the Walt Disney cartoon "Skeleton Dance," described as "a silly symphony in sound."
The San Bernardino County Sun newspaper gutted much of the theatre
for office space, but the new owners have started rebuilding. Luckily,
the stage and proscenium arch was left intact, as was the upper balcony
and projection booth (although with seats and equipment removed).
The original air-conditioning units, too large to remove from their alcoves
off the projection area, still stand like silent giant turbines --
remembering the days when this was the only place in a scorching desert
summer evening where you could go to get cooled off.