Quinn's Superba Theatre
518 S. Broadway / Los Angeles
(Quinn’s Superba Theatre was located on the site where the
Roxie Theatre is today on Broadway in downtown Los Angeles.)

The Superba was next to the Cameo and the Pantages Theatres. Opened by impresario John A. Quinn on July 30, 1914,
the L.A. Times reported that over $10,000 had been spent on construction although it seated only 700. With its opening this single block on Broadway had four major theatres: Quinn's Superba, Clune's, Pantages and Tally's New Broadway.

- street scenes, circa 1920;    during the day...     and at night -
Discussing the Superba, Moving Picture World for July 15, 1916 notes: "It is to the writer's opinion the most attractive houses on Broadway. The lobby is built entirely of onyx, with columns holding concealed lights. The lobby is most beautifully decorated and has program frames of hammered brass that alone cost over $600. A gorgeous electric sign, 75 by 35 feet, is built on top of the roof. The Superba has a ten piece orchestra..."
Quinn soon out to Broadway Amusement Co. and his name was dropped from the title, leaving only Superba on the giant sign above the building. In 1915 he bought it back again with a feature called The Blindness of Virtue.
In 1919 Universal acquired the lease, but the theatre closed in 1922 to be made into a cafe, which then closed in 1931.
The building was demolished in mid-1931 for construction of the Roxie Theatre -- the last theater built on Broadway.

- at night the magninficent sign above Quinn's Superba Theatre was illuminated by 6200 Edison Mazda sign lamps -