The Brothers Damm

acrobats / 1900s

- San Francisco Chronicle / February 1, 1898 (pg.7) -        - San Francisco Call / February 1, 1898 (pg.8) -        - Los Angeles Evening Express / February 22, 1898 (pg.4) -       

New York Dramatic Mirror; October 20, 1900 / Keith's Union Square:
  "The Brothers Damm did their wellknown acrobatic specialty to the accompaniment of almost continuous applause."

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle; October 17, 1905 / Keeney's Theatre
  "...the Brothers Damm in some acrobatic feats quite up to the times."

San Francisco Call; Orpheum Theatre / February 6, 1898
  "The Damm Brothers are acrobats out of the ordinary."

The San Francisco Call; December 12, 1909 / National Theatre
  "...the Brothers Damm, who were a feature at the New York Hippodrome earlier in the season, will offer acrobatic feats of strength."


- Proctor's 5th Ave. Theatre / New York City -

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