Brown & Nevarro
"character changes" / 1900s

- New York Times - May 10, 1904 (pg.5)

(L) "Siren Nevarro' and (R) 'Tom Brown' of "Brown & Nevarro'
(from "New York Age" - Thursday, January 14, 1909)
"It is not a difficult matter to determine why Brown and Nevarro year after year are booked solid from September to May and are known as a standard act in the United Booking Office
           when you see them, even at Hammerstein's, where but new colored performers are given good spots on the bill. This week the wellknown
           vaudeville team is playing at Hammerstein's. While they are not billed along with the vitagraph, they cannot brag about their spot on the
           program; but that is not their fault. Mike Simons, stage manager, attends to the placing of acts.
           All performers know what he does to the majority of colored acts—good, bad or indifferent.
It is said that once upon a time Tom Brown was given the "choice" position of opening the show, but instead of opening he closed — that is the Brown and Nevarro's engagement —
           and walked out. So now instead of appearing No. 1, the team is billed No. 2, a little better. Some day they will probably
           get a more deserving spot at Hammerstein's, as is the case elsewhere. The feature of Brown and Nevarro's act is the closing.
The weak number is the opening. Although very picturesque, Tom Brown and his dainty little partner should remember that the best judgment is not used when they open second on the bill
           with a rather tame number. Miss Nevarro would greatly strengthen the opening by appearing with Tom Brown in the Indian song.
           It is much easier to win an audience from the start than to compel it to capitulate in the end. But this is what Brown and Nevarro do.
The writer agrees with the New York Journal of recent date which said: "Brown and Nevarro's impersonation of the Chinese is more than wonderful." In fact, their Chinese impersonation
           is the hit of the act. Monday evening they took three curtain calls — which is going some for an act second on the bill.
           But they should change their opening."
- New York Times / December 13, 1903 (pg.14) -
Brown Herald (Providence, RI) - Saturday, October 17, 1903: Keith's This Week: Continuous from 1.30 to 10.30 -Brown & Nevarro
- New York Tribune / May 20, 1906 (pg.54) - re: Hammerstein's Roof Garden -
Billboard - Vol. 20 1908 (page 62); Brown & Nevarro: (Trent) Trenton, NJ - Nov. 30-Dec. 5
Variety 1908; Variety Artist’ Routes For Week March 2; Brown & Nevarro: 4 W. 1215, N. Y.
Los Angeles Herald: April 13, 1908 (page 2); Orpheum Theatre.."Commencing today's matinee...Brown & Nevarro"
Variety 1908; “ ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE” ACTS BEING ROUTED BY UNITED: A List of 169 K. & E. Acts Submitted:
           "Below are the first K. & E. (Klaw & Erlanger) acts to play the United time.
           They will be notified from the United Offices where to appear week November 25:..." (Brown & Nevarro were on the list)
- New York Age / January 14, 1909 (pg.6) -                     
- New York Age / January 15, 1909 (pg.6) -
- from the review of Mr. Lode of Coal starring Bert Williams, at the Garrick Theatre in St. Louis, MI. -
- New York Age / December 8, 1909 (pg.6) -                     
- New York Age / December 22, 1909 (pg.6) -
- Ogden (NE) Evening Standard / April 18, 1912 (pg.5) -           
- Lincoln (UT) Star / May 9, 1912 (pg.11) -           
- Empire (London) / October 9, 1912 (pg.9) -
(These are the last listings I could find for Brown & Nevarro.)
Programs: "Coming Next Week":
1909 Keith & Proctor's 5th Avenue Theatre Vaudeville-Kinetograph Flier