Davenport Brothers
comic boxers / 1900's

- Chicago Tribune / July 24, 1880 (pg.6) -
New York Clipper, May 24, 1873, p. 63: "The Great Eastern Circus, Museum and Menagerie performed at Fort Wayne, Ind., May 10, and thence through Michigan
     into Canada. The following additions have recently been made to the company: the Davenport Brothers and Charles Spencer,
     gymnasts; Sam McFlynn, clown; and J. C. Long, the "American Hercules."
(from circushistory.org) Circus Openings / April 1884
     Barnum's Greatest Show, in New York City; April 7, two weeks -
     "The Davenport Brothers, three rounds of boxing, and a brother act."
New York Dramatic Mirror; October 20, 1900: Keith's Union Square:
     "The Davenport Brothers did an amusing boxing act and threw In a few funny falls for good measure."
Vaudeville Program / New York / Brighton Beach Music Hall / August 29, 1901