Drill of White Hussars

military act / 1900s

New York Dramatic Mirror; September 28, 1901 (pg.22)
"BOSTON, MASS.—Keith's has another big spectacular production even more elaborate than that
which ran so long last season, and which was splendidly received by an Invitation audience
at a dress rehearsal. The preparations have been made by Captain C. W. Eddy, and forty girls
—not ordinary chorus girls, but society maidens from Boston and suburbs— take part. There is
a parade of nations, a Venetian flower dance, and a drill of white hussars, and the
originality and spontaneity of the production were much praised."

Boston Post; September 29, 1901 (pg.15&16)

Boston Post; October 14, 1901 (pg.5)

  • Vaudeville / Keiths; Boston (1901)

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