Freemasons: Grand Lodge of the State of New York - 1890
"...the entertainment came to a compulsory close by the performance of a banjo
duet by Messrs. Edwin French, Sr. and Jr., which most satisfactorily accounts ..."
New York Times: The Theatrical Week February 1893
An entertainment will be given at the Standard Theatre tonight
for the benefit of Edwin French, the banjo player.
New York Dramatic Mirror: November 4, 1899
- listed at Tony Pastor's and 125th St. Theatre
Burnt Cork and Tambourines: A Source Book of Negro Ministrelsy By William L. Slout
"One of the greatest of players was George Powers of the firm of Johnson and Powers;
but E.M. Smith, in his time, was the greatest of them all. A close second was Edwin French."
from "British Banjo Makers (Weaver)":
"Weaver banjos were played by many distinguished people (notably King Edward VII)
and such leading professionals as James Bohee, Edwin French..."
Tony Pastor's 14th Street Theatre / NYC / Vaudeville Program / November 18, 1889