"Coming aattraction:... the Four Rosaires in acrobatic feats..."
The Poultry Monthly, Volume 16 (pg262)
Ferris Publishing Company, 1894
"The special attractions for the fair have been secured and the usual contracts signed.
The list is a dandy from start to finish and some of the people are worth the price of
admission alone. The list includes... the Four Rosaires, the evening dress acrobats;..."
Hull Daily Mail
East Riding of Yorkshire, England
July 25, 1899
Acrobats and Patriotism at the Empire:
"...the most expert troupe of acrobats of the many troupes now going the rounds of the country are to be seen this week —
the Four Rosaires. They climb and collapse with the greatest agility, and elevate tumbling and somersaults to something
of a fine art.
Gloucestershire Chronicle
Gloucestershire, England
April 28, 1900
"The Four Rosaires, who are described America's leading acrobats, give unique performances, thrilling interest."
Coventry Herald
West Midlands, England
September 28, 1900
"A merry staff of comical and up-to-date clowns... The Original Four Rosaires (four men) Gentlemen Acrobats..."
Burnley Express
Lancashire, England
December 5, 1900
"A really very clever acrobatic performance is given by Four Rosaires, their shoulder to shoulder
somersaults, etc., being a noteworthy feature of their excellent turn.
Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette
Tyne and Wear, England
December 15, 1903
"The whole show is judiciously interspersed with interesting performances by talented artists,
amongst whom are the Four Rosaires, whose acrobatic feats astonished all beholders."