"The new Yvette Kiviat offering, with the " Vanity Fair" billing, headed by Bobby O'Neil, Alma Adair, Helen Higgins and Natalia Bates, was not only a " flash " in every sense of the word, but the dressing would put a fashion show to rout. The principals worked well, with dancing by O'Neil and the Misses Higgins and Bates and singing by Mitt Adair, that was enthusiastically applauded. O'Nejl also sang effectively and held up his work admirably.
New York NY Clipper
April 14, 1920
"Helen Higgins and Natalie Bates, beautifully attired in black jet and with
net stockings, were getting along finely with their dance until the audience
got a flash of a bandage well above the knee of one of the girls. This had a
tendency to detract from the number and the sooner it is removed, the better."
May 1, 1920 (New York Dramatic Mirror)
"...the Misses Higgins and Bates, who
were recently on view with the new
"Vanity Fair" act at the Palace."
New York NY Clipper
April 28, 1920
- from Harry Carrol A. Co.
Palace Theatre
Style—Musical revue
(Time--Thirty-seven minutes)
"The Misses Higgins and Bates, lately recruited from "Vanity Fair"
(a vaudeville act) disported themselves in dances that met with approval."
Variety 1920
Palace Theatre
"Higgins and Bates, a sister team, recently with 'Vanity Fair,'
have a short dancing specialty"
- (also from Variety 1920)
"Misses Higgins and Bates wore the same costumes for their jazz dance
as when in 'Vanity Fair' only those worn now are of midnight blue."
July 21, 1920 (The New York Clipper)
Palace Theatre
"Harry Miller, as usual. danced himself to an outburst of applause, as did
Higgins and Bates, the two girls who dance with him."
August 03, 1920 (New York Tribune)
from "Beauty and Music Feud Hold the Palace Stage:
Harry Caroll's Varieties of 1920 pitted against Pat Rooney's 'Rings of Smoke':
"Mr. Carroll sits at the piano throughout his Vanities of 1920 and guides the
young singers and dancers... Higgins and Bates and others."
December 7, 1920 (Chicago Daily Tribune, pg.19)
Marigold Gardens (at Broadway and Grace)
- (listing/on same bill with Sophie Tucker)
August 20, 1922 (New York Tribune)
"Vaudeville Palace ... Second half...Higgins and Bates..."
Bridgeport, CN - January 15, 1923 (Bridgeport Telegram, pg.24)
"vaudeville acts will be presented to Palace patrons ....
Seymour company players present... Higgins and Bates ..."
- last number on program, New York Palace Theatre; April 9, 1923 -