Kramer and Boyle

comedy / 1920s


THE NEW YORK CLIPPER; August 11, 1920

"Kramer and Boyle, vaudevillians, have been added to the cast of "The Magic Melody."

Variety; May 1921


Kramer and Boyle have settled their differences and will not separate as vaudeville partners,
as agreed by them last week. They resume May 9, at Proctor's, Newark. The decision of Kramer
and Boyle to stick together automatically calls off the teaming up of Kramer and Mayo,
(Allman and Mayo), which was to have followed the dissolution.

Vaudeville News; June 2, 1922


When You Take an Interest In and Help the N.V.A.
You Are Benefitting Someone Less Fortunate April 27 , 1922 .

Mr . E . F . Albee , New York , N . Y . Dear Sir :
Enclosed find check for $ 25 .00 which I received from Miss Dorothy Jardon for ad in Benefit program.
Hoping everything is a big success, I am, Yours truly , DAVE KRAMER , ( Kramer & Boyle . ) April 29, 1922.

My dear Kramer and Boyle:
Yours with enclosed check from Miss Jardon for $ 25.00 received. I have turned same over to the N.V.A.
It is mighty good to know that the artists are working for this cause. Gradually they are commencing
to realize that the N.V.A. is their organization and that when they do such things as you have done,
they are helping one of their own. Who that one will be, we do not know, but the N.V.A.'s pocketbook
is open to all who are afflicted and who are in need of its help, and no one can tell what day they
may want that same help themselves. No one is immune in this great world from conditions of adversity.
No matter how high they may be, at one time or another, conditions break, ill health occurs. We are sure
of nothing but death, so why not lay up a little treasure for ourselves and make that treasure the N.V.A.,
in order that it it may carry out the work which it has started?

The managers cannot do it all, but their hearts are in the right place. The time may come when they will
say Why don t the artists join in? The majority of them are prosperous. Why don't they give for the aid
of the unfortunate and the building up of the institution which will hot only safeguard their business,
but give them a haven when they are in distress? Your letter and check has brought forth thoughts and I
am putting them on paper and am going to have it published in THE VAUDEVILLE NEWS that others
may know what is being done, and with the hope that they will do likewise.
Thanks for your letter and check.
With all good wishes. Cordially yours, E. F. ALBEE .

Weekly Review of the Arts; Sunday, July 23. 1922

At the Palace
"Blended into the bill are the standard acts of... Kramer and Boyle..."

New York Clipper; February 7, 1923

"...Kramer and Boyle... appeared in the concert bill at the Winter Garden last Sunday evening."

The Reading Eagle; December 8, 1924

Keith Vaudeville at Rajah
"Kramer and Boyle, a Happy-Go-Lucky Pair as comedians..."

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle; March 7, 1926

"This feature and tho photoplay are in addition to the regular vaudeville
... As a special attraction Kramer and Boyle will put on a comedy afterpiece."

The Montreal Gazette; November 29, 1927

Comedy is Keynote
Lowe's Vaudeville Bill Attains High Standards

The vaudeville compensates for the file, especially the last two acts on the program. Kramer and Boyle
are the Harvard Collegians. Kramer is very much in evidence throughou both these acts. In his own he
and Boyle offers some really good comedy dialogue, using the recent Dempsey-Tunney fight as a theme.
A black-face comedian, Kramer has a smooth delivery and a good appreciation of comedy values. Boyle
makes an excellent tail for him, and incidently, sings two songs in a pleasing voice. Both participate
actively in the next act with the Collegians, a group of twelve musicians. Here Kramer draws some of
his best laughs when he conducts the band and later plays traps with them. The band is a capable one
but the assistance of Boyle and Kramer greatly enhance its merits."

Bothell Sentinel (Washington); June 21, 1930

Dave Kramer and Jack Boyle offer offer a new routine of Kramer and Boyle finessing. These tuneful and
gabby comics offer a new routine of up-to-the-minute humor. This time they have fairly outdone themselves.
The Happy-Go-Lucky Pair, they call themselves, and nothing could be more appropriate. Their's is a high
bid for laughs.

B.F. Keith's Theatre / Washington, DC / Vaudeville Program / March 15, 1920

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