Proctor's Refined Vaudeville

- J.K. Emmett & Co. (Fritz in a Madhouse) - - John T. Thorne & Grace Carleton (The Intruder) -
- Kitty Mitchell -   
- the Flood Brothers -   
- Charles King -   
- McCale & Daniels -   
- Lynch & Jewell -
- Burton & Brookes -   
- Wahlberti & "Dahl" -   
- Lou Wells -   
- Satsuma -   
- Kalatechnoscope -
Coming Next Week:
- Fougere - - Newell & Shevette - - Jules Keller - - Sisson & Wallace - - Barrington & Martell - - Colville & McBride - - Reed's Bull Terriers - Garpard Brothers -
A teetotaler himself, Proctor began buying theatres in the late in 1800s
where he discontinued the practice of serving alcoholic drinks, offered only
"clean" acts and set out to appeal to a family-oriented audience.