Three Freehands

gymnasts / 1920s

Pepito Meets Joanne: Their Matchmaker Was Charlie Chaplin (1928)
Premiere of The Circus - Sunday, January 1, 1928

"The 1928 premiere of of Charlie Chaplin's movie The Circus at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
Hollywood included a live stage prologue (a stage show before the movie) called the Ballyhoo.
Chaplin wanted an actual three ring circus to precede the screening of the movie, to fit the theme
of his film, but by necessity it was squeezed down to a one ring circus on the Grauman’s stage.

Opening night, before the film's showing, featured the Overture A Trip to the Side Show
with Will Prior, Conductor, followed by Sid Grauman's Ballyhoo starring some of the
biggest acts in vaudeville: Samaroff and Sonia, Pepito the Clown, Ed and Jenny Rooney,
The Dancing Horse, Three Freehands, Slayman Ali Clowns, Pallenberg's Bears, and Poodles Hanneford."

The West Australian (Perth); Monday 29 July 1929 (pg2)

"Another amazing vaudeville importation (Imported Union Master Artists), their grace, strength and skill will amaze you as they perform apparently impossible tricks while balanced upon poles, the Three Freehands, appearing in Burt Howell's stage presentation, 'La Poupee Dansante."

Corona Daily Independent February 21, 1930 (pg2) Corona Theatre "Mr. Harper announces his vaudeville program as follows:
...closing with the "Three Freehands,'' sensational athletes."

Los Angeles Orpheum Theatre / Vaudeville Program / July 22, 1928

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