Tommy Atkins Quadrille

dance company / 1890s

New York Clipper (pg310): July 20, 1895 / Keith's Union Square Theatre

"A new and particularly entertaining feature is the first appearance on the stage of the Tommy Atkins Quadrille, a specially engaging Louis Martinelli , Lola Bell and a ballet af acomplished dancers."

New York Dramatic Mirror (pg18): July 27, 1895 / "The Tommy Atkins Quadrille was well danced by Leola Belle, Louis Martineiti and the corps de ballet..."

- New York Sun / July 14, 1895 (pg.3) -                      - New York Times / July 14, 1895 (pg.11) -                      - New York Times / July 16, 1895 (pg.4) -


  • Keith's Union Square Theatre; New York City / 1895

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