Ward & Vokes
comedians / 1880s-1900s
New York Dramatic Mirror; May 27, 1899 (pg.22)
- Chicago, Ill.
     "Packed to the very doors is the state of affairs at the Great Northern,
and the new music bold idea at this is house promises to be a success far in advance of
the management's expectations.
Ward and Vokes head the excellent vaudeville travesty co. and it is needless to say that
they are exeeedingly funny in all they do. There seems to be no limits to 'Happy' Ward's
smart capers, and Harry Vokes never misses an opportunity to make 'em laugh.
With Lucy Daly, Margaret Daly-Vokes, Emily Ranpre, Eloise Mortimer, Will West, George Sidney,
Charles Pusey and many other brilliant entertainers nothing more could be wished for as far
as the cast is concerned."
New York Clipper; October 15, 1899 (pg.560)
(listing only; Alhambra - Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Poster for The Head Waiters / 1901
New York Times; January 30, 1900
- "Over at the Grand Opera House the only unfamiliar play in town, but The Floor Walkers,
in which those broad caracaturists, Messrs. Ward and Vokes, are the stars, can scarcely be
termed a "novelty." It is a knock-a-bout variety farce of the most ordinary pattern. Most
of its jokes have done service many years. Few of its songs are new. But it was received
with boisterous demonstrations of joy by an audience that packed the big theatre to overflowing."

New York Herald / April 1, 1910 (pg.7)
from American Vaudeville; Its Life and Times (pg.s 128 & 129), by Douglas Gilbert / Dover 1963
1929 Fugitives as "Scal" (the Rat)
1921 Ladies' Pets (short)
1921 Beat It (short)
1920 The One Best Pet (short)
1920 Nonsense (short)
1920 Her First Flame (short) Papa Wart (as Hap H. Ward)
1919 The Detectress (short) One Lung (as Hap. H. Ward)
1918 The Silent Mystery (as Hap H. Ward)
from IMDB:
Harry Vokes (1866-1925)
Appeared in vaudeville for 31 years with Hap Ward as "Ward & Vokes"
December 29, 1866, Illinois -
   June 17, 1925, Lynn, Massachusetts
Died of burns received from an explosion at the Beacon Oil Co.
   in Everett, Massachusetts; he was employed there as a pump tender.)
Buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, Everett, Massachusetts.
Margaret Daly (1893 - 1908) (her death)
Marie Francis (1914 - ?) two sons: Harry and Thomas
from Broadway World:
"Hap" Ward
(John Thomas O'Donnell)
circa 1868; Cameron, Pennsylvania -
   Jan 03, 1944; New York (age 75)

Vaudeville Program / Hathaways Theatre / 1906