Watson, Hutchings & Edwards Co.
comedy sketch trio / late 1800s-early 1900s

from Ainslees magazine article, "The Wonder of Vaudeville" (1901)
New York Dramatic Mirror; Jan. 9, 1897 (pg18)
"Columbia Theatre: Girard's Inter-Ocean Vaudeville co., with Papinta and Ida Howell as extra features,
were billed to appear at this house 28 2. They did appear, but under slightly different conditions than
were originally intended. On Tuesday, Joseph Girard, proprietor of the Vaudevilles, was arrested of
failure to pay salaries to Weston and Deveaux, and Watson, Hutchmgs and Edwards. Manager Harrington,
of the Columbia, made special contracts with a member of the company, and the performances were given just
as though nothing had happened."
San Francisco Call; March 27, 1898
(Volume 83, Number 117)
Orpheum Theatre
"Watson, Hutchings & Edward head the list of funmakers. with a German sketch, entitled "The Dramatic Agent."
It is said that there are but few better German comedians than Harry Watson, and that Miss Hutchings is excellent
in songs, dances and soubrette worfe and Edwards good in tramp parts."
Billboard; May 1905
"SEND FOR MY FREE CATALOGUE OF County and State Fair Attractions
My catalogue is more suggestive of a high grade magazine than the usual book of out-door acts.
It isn’t built on exaggerated lines, and comprises half-tone reproductions of high-class attractions
just as they are, and not as the fancy of the artist imagines them. The paper and printing are the
best ever used in a theatrical catalogue. My traveling representative will meet your committee when
you desire, without expense to you. Notify me when you will hold your meeting, and the man will call.v
1402 Broadway, NEW YORK...
Watson, Hutchings & Edwards (C. O. H;): Chicago,
Billboard; September 1905
Volume 17, Page 57
"Watson, Hutchings & Edward (Proctor’s 58th St.): New York City"
Family Theatre / Lancaster, PA / Theatre / 1909