Ziegfeld Follies
from WorldCat:
National Theatre, direction, Rapley Theatre Company, Edmund Plohn, manager, Billie Burke Ziegfeld presents the new "Ziegfeld Follies," of 1937, a national institution,
glorifying the American girl, with Fannie Brice, Bobby Clark, Leota Lane, Marcella Swanson, Cass Daley, Hugh Cameron, Marvin Lawler, James Farrell, Ben Yost's Varsity Eight,
Marian Martin, Cherry & June Preisser, Harrison & Fisher, Stan Kavanagh, entire production staged by John Murray Anderson, lyrics by Ira Gershwin, music by Vernon Duke,
sketches by David Freedman, scenery and costumes designed by Vincente Minnelli, dances by Robert Alton, orchestra directed by Charles Drury,
sketches directed by Edward Clarke Lilley and Edward D. Dowling.
Note: "The Great" Ziegfeld had died in 1932, which was why why his wife, the former Billie Burke, had taken over the Follies.
(Actual program measures 6 x 9")