Ray Cox

"The College Girl" / 1900s


The New York Dramatic Mirror - March 7, 1908
Binghamton Armory (NY) - Ray Cox

The Wellesley News (Wellesley College) - December 2, 1908
ad for Keith's Vaudeville /"Week of December 7... Ray Cox, the Southern Girl, and others."

The New York Dramatic Mirror - September 4, 1909
Pittsburgh / The Grand / Ray Cox, monologist

New York Tribune - November 16, 1909 (page 7)
"Ray Cox, the Southern Girl, won hearty applause."

The New York Dramatic Mirror - April 24, 1909
Troy - Rand's Opera House - Ray Cox

The Atlanta Constitution - April 26, 1910 (page 11)
- Ray Cox, the southern girl

The Pittsburgh Press - May 7, 1910 (page 46)
The Grand: "Ray Cox, the Pretty Southern Girl, with new songs and stories..."

(Providence, RI) The Evening News - Jan 27, 1911 (page 20)
B.F. Keith's: "Ray Cox, the Southern Girl, with new and original characterizations..."



Miss Ray Cox - "The Baseball Girl" - Amberol cylinder 4M-196 (A- .10) - 1909


1909 B.F. Keith 5th Avenue Theatre Vaudeville-Kinetograph program

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