Duffin-Redcay Troupe
acrobats / 1900's

- Variety: 1911 -
The Sunday Morning Star - December 17, 1905 (page 1) - "The Duffin Redcay Troupe"
      "The Greatest Casting Act In The World.
      The only man who has yet accomplished the feat of throwing a triple somersault.
      Every athelete should see this great act".
Variety - February 15, 1906 (page 17) - (name only)
New York Times - September 18, 1906 Frank Reid Circus (name only)
Billboard - November 23, 1907 (page 34) Boston/Tremont Theatre (name only)
The Summary, Volume 36 - February 14, 1908 (page 8) Keith & Proctor's Union Square Theatre, NY (name only)
Variety - November 4, 1908 (page 40) - Philadelphia/Forrest Theatre (name only)
San Francisco Call - December 4, 1910 (page 2)
      The Duffin Redcay Troupe
      Introducing a Complete Triple Somersault.
      Double half and Full Twisting Somersaults and "Looping the Loop."
California Outlook; Volume 10 #2 - January 7, 1911 (page 11)
      Los Angeles Orpheum"...held over from last week... Duffin Redcay Troupe..."
Ohio Architect, Engineer & Builder - Vol. 30 #15 - October 9, 1917 (page 9) - Cleveland Hippodrome (name only)
1909 B.F. Keith 5th Avenue Theatre Vaudeville-Kinetograph program
B.F. Keith's Theatre News - April 26, 1909