Guyer & Goodwin
acrobats / "The Great Sketch Team" / 1880-1890's

- Buffalo (NY) Courier / June 5, 1892 (pg.8) -
Daily Star: Long Island City, N. Y;, Wednesday, April 24, 1889
"Tony Pastor is at Proctor's Brooklyn Theatre, Driggs and South Fourth Streets,
with an excellent company of variety artists. Applause greets each performer.
Charles Guyer, of Goodwin and a wonderful acrobat. Some of his feats
were marvelous, particularly the double twist somersault. All were accomplished
with a skill and grace rarely if ever equalled on the stage."
The Pittsburgh Press - Apr 20, 1890
- (Bijou listing)
The Police Gazette; April 26, 1890
Grand Opera House
"Guyer and Goodwin came in for much applause."
Yankee Clipper August 16, 1890
- (Miner's Bowery Theatre listing)
The Sunday Herald; August 24, 1890
National Theatre, New York:
"...Guyer and Goodwin, comic sketch artists."
Salt Lake Tribune; Wednesday, November 05, 1890
Salt Lake City Theatre (listing w/Hermann's troupe)
Los Angeles Herald: November 21, 1890 (pg.5)
Review of Professor Hermann's troupe at the Grand Opera House:
"The other pleasing features of the program were Guyer and Goodwin
in a comic sketch, 'Two Kids..."
Sacramento Sunday Union; November 30, 1890
Metropolitan Theatre:
"Professor Herrmann's "New transatlantiques"
"The attraction at the Metropolitan Theater next Friday and Saturday nights
promises to be one of great interest. The success achieved in this city last
season by the Trans-Atlantiques is a matter of theatrical history It was by
long odds the greatest aggregation of vaudeville artists ever gathered together.
This season Professor Herrmann has an an entirely new organization. Europe has
been scoured by his agents, and the result is said to be an entertainment of
great excellence. The people in the organization this season are...
...Guyer and Goodwin, illustrating their comic sketch, 'Two Kids"
Spokane Falls Daily Chronicle - Dec 20, 1890 ("Hermann's Transatlantiques")
"Professor Hermann has gotten together in his transatlantique company
extremely clever people, whose specialties are the best of that kind.
Those who saw the show in San Francisco and in the east say that it is
the best vaunderville company that has ever been organized.
...Guyer and Goodwin, illustrating their comic sketch, 'Two Kids.'
Charles Guyer, with Professor Hermann's Transatlantiques, is said to do
some novel and surprising things, one of which is the turning of a forward
somersault in the immediate rebound from a backward one."
Boston Daily Globe; Tuesday, April 05, 1892
- (Palace listing)
New York Times; December 4, 1894, "The Second Battery's Entertainment"
"The Second Battery, N.G., S.N.Y., Capt. David Wilson, will give an entertainment
next Friday evening at the armory, Thirty-third Street and Fourth Avenue, for the
purpose of replenishing the battery fund...
Among the performers who will appear in the variety program will be Guyer and Goodwin."
New York Times; June 18, 1895, "Two Shows At the Casino"
"...Guyer and Goodwin, mirth-provoking in a school-boy sketch"