Howe & Doyle

"World's Greatest Dancers" / late 1800s

Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Evening Gazette / July 27, 1888 (pg2)

New York Clipper (pg405)
September 13, 1885
- from Flint, Michigan:

"The Boston Dime Museum Co., under the management of Pullman, Hamilton & Norman, arrived and hold forth four days.
Howe and Doyle, late stars with the defunct Pulsifer's Minstrels, are employed with this troupe."

Boston Daily Globe / Bijou Theatre / October 27, 1889 (pg11)

Boston Daily Globe (pg4)
Tuesday, October 29, 1889
Bijou Theatre

"interesting programme was... Howe and Doyle in song and dance..."

The New York Evening World; Extra 2 o'clock edition (pg2)
January 06, 1891
- (listing at Tony Pastor's)

Boston Sunday Globe / Bijou Theatre / April 19, 1891 (pg11)

(from American Vaudeville: Its Life and Times
by Douglas Gilbert (1940 - pg166-167, on the "refinement" of vaudeville in the late 1800s):

"The mechanical betterments fell like a benizon on sight gags and musical and spectacular numbers. Brazil and Alton, for example,
a smart, alert, aerial team... worked in a beautiful garden set with... two life-sized brozed figures... in front of them. When
(they) finished their act and made their exit, the orchestra played the 'Stephanie' gavotte and the bronze figures came to life,
walked downstage, and went into a marvelous double clog. Howe and Doyle were the statues and they were superb dancers.

The act was without dialogue. But how can you imagine a setting like this for the slap-happy comics? For the lads who smashed
hats, kicked each other in the belly and battled their way through twenty minutes of roughhouse, a kitchen interior or a street
in one was good enough -- much better than a palace arch and a water fountain and real goldfish. They knew it, too."


Tony Pastor's 14th Street Theatre / NYC / Vaudeville Program / November 18, 1889

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