Jim Hanks
actor-comedian / 1975-2000's

- Larry and Jim Hanks / August 1978 -                                       
- loading chairs with Rita & Merin McCabe / August 1978 -                                       
- PEOPLE Magazine / April 1989

- Los Angeles Times / November 21, 1995 -                                         
- USA Weekend / March 14, 2003 -
- PEOPLE Magazine / March 13, 1995 -
Side-Note: Jim was my drama student at Mercy High School in the late 1970's and also part of my Red Bluff Summer Theatre Co.
         He was our Charlie Chaplin, Lenny Bruce and Jerry Seinfield all rolled up in one, and I don't know
         what we would have done without his humor in the sweltering heat of the Red Bluff summers.